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Samantha Dietz Dec 2020
I'm a popular monster
I make you feel insane
Take all these dark thoughts
and place them in your brain
Play them on repeat
until fully ingrained
Already a part of you
Soon you will have no say
Try not to hurt anyone
so you push them away
Cry about it later
call and beg them all to stay
Never leave your house
then go online and complain
Toxic validation
from those who only know your name
You're a popular monster
They all think you're insane
They laugh at all your updates
They think it's all a game
Projecting sense of humor
when you're really filled with rage
Numb yourself by scrolling
you just want to feel okay
Say something real, they ignore it
your honesty goes to waste
So you return to performing
This platform is your stage
I'm a popular monster
I'll keep posting from your grave
Chelsea Dec 2020
Wake up, wake up
The Whole World Is Watching
And your skin is crawling
I wonder why it's
Bubbling, boiling
Is it alive or am I?
Lifting the digital lid to let them in
Feeds that feed my insatiable hunger
For what my ex is doing now
Soon becomes irrelevant
When people are dying

Who will lose their life
In front of the next camera?
Why does it take so much
Just to open our eyes ?
Just to listen, just
Sit down
Get off him, please


I don’t want to hear another mother
Crying for her son
Another wife sister brother
I don’t want to watch their children
Learn why their daddy died
I don’t want to be this detached
From loss of life because I’ve lost my life
I don’t want to hear from a clown
Or discuss his position, even his mind
I refuse him my energy
I know big and he is the smallest
What is a President
Sorry, who?
What government
The one that destroys us?
Puts everyone in in cages, our strongest men, our brightest children
Makes us watch
From our couches
From our desks
Because we are that good at multitasking
Pillaging, ******, recognizing
Shrugging and closing the door
The powerful people killing real people of power
Of using color to teach color and power flowing
To keep it going
What does it mean
To put a human beneath you
We were not made for this
But we built it anyway
Was I made for this?
I don’t want to be here
God, I am lucky to be here
I am here

And it doesn’t take long
Not to be
Kei Darling Dec 2020
She makes me feel alive
I can imagine the way she smiles from her words
I want to see it myself
yes this is *pointed* lol.
Kei Darling Nov 2020
There’s nothing more beautiful than that little notification bubble
Because it means someone saw you
Aarxn Nov 2020
Nicotine and amphetamine cure my loneliness and longing for attention,
hours spent scrolling through fake news and useless ploys for attention,
maybe they're just like me
I think as I watch their exasperated cry for help.  
All they want is some attention or someone to give it to them,
But they can’t have it
It’s not that simple
I whisper, as I scroll through what's been recently posted.
Everyones either sad or single,
And I fit both categories.
So why is everyone always coming for each other?
You see no matter how much we ask,
No matter how many times we ask the world for help,
They wont answer our cries
Because we’re pathetic?
See the human mind likes to judge everything,
Whether it be ourselves or others,
We are constantly judging.
Whether it's not done right or done too well,
The world has a problem with it.
They call this Twitter
Mona Nov 2020
my dear friend
i miss you

like a crack addict misses crack
i am in AA
on the emergency table i lay, frail

i feel my internal workings coming undone
i am locked out of the fun
i am tempted by my insatiable lust to run

run and run from myself
perceptions of moi
that i have conjured and cooked

laced extras with the crack, microwave
the crack, a transplant for my identity
expand myself for the many
so i could sell more
more of me in exchange
for love, the eternal currency
the currency i seek

on some level the extras i laundered
became me
identification with the mask
i have trapped myself between the future
and the past.
how long can this last?
Nica Monet Oct 2020
what you see is not always what you get,
like a tiger scared by a house cat.
we sometimes forget
that appearances can be deceiving
just like we’re trained to master the act of concealing
the emotions that don’t serve our audience
in a zoo they all want
to see a tiger at its finest performance
no one knows the struggles of the tiger
since no eye sees behind the curtain where life seems to be a little harsher.
social media is not the real life.
Jenie Oct 2020
- Say!
Insecurities rising,
jealousy over what we are not
and sometimes wish we could be;
Does it make us bad people
or just ordinary?
When we could harm
with easy pettiness, belittle or shut down
the glorious mountain-top creature
in an attempt to feel better,
for a short while,
but worse
how can we process,
how can we let it go through us
without a word spoken,
when odds are,
and with luck maybe,
we will never be anything other?

- Write!
Shannon Oct 2020
The ice I wear is silence.
As for diamonds, I don't own them.
I save ruby for my lips.
I save swagger for my hips.
I save crystal for my gin.
And the only thing I age is grace.
As for me I grow divinity-
The sin in me,
is confidently rising as I walk into the room.
If I make you feel I'm naked
when your burden down with fur-
"What does he see in her?"
If I make you feel uneasy,
and hold him just so tighter
because my steps are lighter
although my thighs are trunks
like mighty oaks they hold me high
so I can match Tiffany eyes
to the Tiffany colored skies.
Wear your silver, wear your gold.
And I'll wear nothing loud and bold.
How dare I not adorn.
Not care about your scorn?
I am the bracelet that wraps the wrist,
I am the earrings lazy laying.
Designers drape me in goddess garb
while your childish glitter is fraying.
I wear years like men wear watches-
Proud and vainly count the notches.
Watch me slither, watch me wander.
Helpless but to become fonder.
This is a statement about aging and social media and the eternal dialogue of women and value.
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