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silvervi 16h
In my heart
It's deserving
To be heard.
Body's whispers
Become screams.
Thought streams,
Where are their hot springs?
Body-mind connection
Currently a hurtful interaction,
Heaviness inside.
Whether the mind's full or empty-
Hard to tell,
The spiral repeats,
Energy depletes,

As if under a
Leaving the body
A heavy but empty,
A burning but cold,
A lifeless but longing
A hard but soft
Grateful that poetry is always there. A home of it's own kind. Without judgement it receives and listens.❤️

Check in with reality. Ask for feedback. Check if what you're assuming is actually true.

This will help you reduce projection and also gain a more accurate picture of how true is what you think and believe.

It may put your insecurities at display and make you more vulnerable but that is nothing to fear.
Notes to myself after realizing the benefit of saying what I truly think and asking questions. This is how we evolve. Addressing the uncomfortable.
silvervi Mar 2
Don't really know what I'm feeling
I'm probably feeling too much
Don't know why I feel so lonely
When every day I get your touch
Don't know why I feel numb
Numbing is a strategy
Thoughts these day get so tough
Having a heavy melody

Destiny of our souls?
Where is it written, show me,
My mind is desperate to know,
Where all this is gonna lead me
I am not ready yet
To give up on every dream
I know I keep steady
In times like these
I'm moving slowly

But with connected hearts
Art is not a real choice
It's a remedy
The only place that restores
My inner voice and my integrity

Does that mean I lack authenticity?
Maybe, out of necessity?
Maybe it's my conditioned brain,
Always wired to simply be afraid.
I've let confusion lead the way
In many of my decisions,
I've let anxiety lead me astray,
Make me lose goals and precision.

Now I am here and typing
Words in my phone from
The heart.
And I rejuvenate my core,
Feeling it's warmth,
Health being restored,
Every tiny step counts...

There's no way this depression
Will feed itself off of me.
silvervi Mar 2
The path is within.
No need to change everything around us or chase anything. Look inside yourself first.
silvervi Feb 9
I stand by what I say. I am building my way.
We need our own support and trust. Tiny steps.
silvervi Jan 4
Don't give those thoughts any attention
But if I won't, they will turn into action!
I am done, my patterns drain me out.
I will let everything happen just the way it does.
Just the way it wants, it needs,
It's happening. Here, now.

Turning on and off myself
Losing hope, gaining hope,
Dreams illusions
On repeat.
Self-blame and shame.
And pain.

I am here now,
How dare I not be grateful for everything I have?
I go too fast, my body says.
I am alone.
But I am truly grateful to my bone.
I am forever free.
Indeed I always have been.

This connection is everything
I ever wanted.
My relaxation
Because of the beginning cold,
And the connection with my body
That it brought ❤️
My dancing is the same as healing.
I am grateful for persevering.
Talking to myself, looking for solutions, keeping positive mindset, building awareness.
silvervi Dec 2024
Once anxiety hits in
It spreads around like lava
Projecting negativity
And causing so much drama

So I increase awareness
To end this pattern's madness
Restoring back my mindset
Slowing down, gentle reset

Breathing consciously
I remind myself
I am the one responsible
For my mental health

Comparison arises
It causes an earthquake
This is the perfect timing
To become awake.
Noticing this - is enough. The mind remembers the neural paths of awareness and each time it will get easier.
silvervi Dec 2024
I keep doing my thing
And my next tiny step,

I keep doing my thing
And my next tiny step,

I keep doing my thing
And my next tiny step...
Self-guidance. A spontaneous song I sang when making breakfast. This is a great affirmative song for centering when we find our minds getting lost. Or at least for me it was. It reminded me to focus on the present and stay humble. Trust the process, trust your path.
It could also be helpful for when we compare ourselves to others to center and choose to focus on our own next tiny step. 🙏✨
silvervi Dec 2024
I am projecting
My self-rejecting
Onto other people

This harmless action
Destroys connection
All in my brain
A habit contained

Now realizing
Awareness sings
Let's liberate
Don't be afraid

Fears are surreal
Anxiety's real
People are mirrors
Of how I think and feel
On the train. Realizing this - there is nothing to be afraid of. I don't know what others think of me. And why should they think the worst imaginable thing at all? Just because my inner critic is so harsh and doing its job so well: criticizing. 😉 Whenever we recognize our inner critic we should be grateful and happy. 🙏✨🎄 Merry Christmas
fish-sama Dec 2024
Every surfer must fall everyday before they can tame the waves.
you're in the process right now! You got this!
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