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Francie Lynch Jan 2016
Each year we lose
One heart beat;
That's less blood
To our heads and feet.
This means my breath
Is fading too;
But I'll keep beating,
And I'll keep breathing,
Yes, I'll keep living
Just to bury you.
Nasty little piece.
George Krokos Jan 2016
It is so much less demanding to destroy than to create or build
and the fruit of our labour doesn't appear to be as hard to yield.
If anyone then is bent on revenge and goes about it in a rage
they will probably have their victims, in the end, to assuage.
From "The Quatrains" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
Stephen Shaw Jan 2016
Crow was watching  ......
......with his toothless grin .

Biding his time ......

...... he then stoops in .

He knows more than you may think ,

it all reeks of a ghastly stink .

No matter ! With your false truths ,

your lies betray you , So Uncouth !

So now ... When you are alone ,

be safe and wise ! Know the Unknown .

For crow is silent and cares not ,

Has his revenge already been Begot ?

Victims ! Aren't we all ?

Those Who rise sublimely ,

Only to find their fall .........
I was angry with my friend,
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe;
I told it not, my wrath did grow.
And I watered it with fears,
Night and morning with my tears;
And I sunned it with smiles,
And with soft deceitful wiles.
And it grew both day and night,
Till it bore an apple bright
And my foe beheld its shine
And he knew it was mine.
And into my garden he stole
When the night had veiled the pole,
In the morning glad I see
My foe outstretched beneath the tree.

መርዛማው ዛፍ

በጓደኛዬ ተናድጄ ነበር
ምሬቴን እንደተነፈስኩ፣
ከብስጭት ተገላገልኩ!
በባላንጣዬ ተናድጄ ነበር
ምሬቴን ስለአፈንኩት አፀደቅኩት፣
የፍርሐትን እንባ ያለፋታ
አጠጣሁት ቀንና ማታ
ፍሬ አፈራ ማራኪ ለእይታ!
ጠላቴ የኔ መሖንዋን እያወቀ
በፍሬዋ ተሰረቀ፣
እናም ጨለማን ተገን አርጎ
ገባ ከአትክልት ቦታዬ ሰርጎ፡፡
ጠዋት ተመለከትኩ
በደስታ በአንክሮ፣
ጠላቴ ዛፏ ስር ተዘርሮ!
We must not have an axe to grind we have to bury the hatchet
Penthesilea Jan 2016
And I see you,
the boy that I once set free, and now, a man that cage me.
What goes around comes around. I once made him cry, and now, his back to do the same damage I did.
That ethnic group,
A tyrant,
Was not a democrat!

On our right
For long it had
Indifferently squat,
Our throat, mercilessly it
Was about to cut.

Now scenario's reversed
The rein of power
We have gripped,
Democracy we
Have introduced!

To the follies
It made in its heyday
It has to pay!
Come on, on it
Swing a stone
The dark days
Have gone!
A change of leaders but not the system
KarmaPolice Jan 2016
Sitting in his chair,
Laughing at your pain,
Abuse driven glory,
His only aim,
Withdrawn from society,
Curtains drawn close,
Prozac painkillers,
Attention less ghost,
Viral anger,
Lack of remorse,
Deflecting the pain,
Of his parent's divorce,
A knock at his door,
The troll opens it wide,
A recognised face,
Looks him straight in the eyes,
Fear grips his body,
As she pins him to the floor,
Their screams turned to silence,
A troll he was no more....
The urban legend,
Of the internet troll.
Punished by the evil...
That devoured his soul.
cyanide skies Dec 2015
"life isn't all sunshine and cuddles,"
he said as he pressed the burning cigarette to
the small of her back.
"you have to learn your lesson"
the milky white of
her imperfect skin
marred by the ugly black
of all of his sins.
"life is about *** and revenge,"
he said as he took everything she had.

things could be different though
and soon they were
there was a new man now
he brought her flowers
and caressed the scarred small of her back
he kissed her body and left the choices up to her
she loved him dearly but told him
with soft, harsh lips:
"you have to learn your lesson,"
and her sins became his.
Sadolecent Dec 2015
Cheaters never win,
winners never cheat.
I gave you my heart for your hands to keep.
you broke my trust
or was it lust?
I know you love me
but revenge plays out, you'll see
Stupidly, I will stay
let the game play
but youre the sin
I will win
cause winners never cheat
hey guys I am back !!! merry christmas my stones  <3
Poetic T Dec 2015
Katie spoke,

"Hi sorry about that"

Don't worry you were only dead for  
Wait for it,"3 minutes 15 seconds,
Well it was good to see this worked,
She smiled and walked off,
But then paused.

"Did you see anything while there??

"I saw only memories of my past,

Kate spoke with tone,

"Do you believe in second chances"

Tears cradling on the cold metal below
As she sliced silently upon his throat
I know one will have what I need,
Answers to my question?
I will show those that pass and come back.
I have the power of
Is that which I yearn to know, what happened,
What I saw when I let everything  go.
But they took me, now I live again.
I must find the truth,
They will speak the authenticity I seek.

Days past as screaming echoes cling to  the halls
Of this place. Only the wind can carry these
Echoes never heard, just a reproduction
That has fallen silent so many times.

Moments past, looking as the prior acts are replayed in
The temptation that this time will bear fruit
Even though poisoned. A sliver of hollow
life is ****** upon a breast of silent stillness.

"Come on,
"Why cant  they not grasp the importance,

Breath came back to the empty shell, life ebbed
Slowly back as if fearful of what awaited its rebirth.
Looking on with impatience,
The walls were uninviting for first sight as life
Awoke and eyes focused on her.

"Hi I'm Katie,

She smiled as if nothing wrong had been done,
As if a first meet and greet, a tear fell silent.

"Well I thought for a moment you weren't bothered,
"You know about living,
"What was it you....

"Why did you do that,

"Do what,

"You killed me,
"Why bother bringing me back,

No one had spoken to her in that tone before?

"Fine then you ungrateful........,

And the heart defibrillator to the left of her,
She ****** it on her chest


Katie waited a few minutes, then decided
To once again stab her again,
Moments past, coughing, choking on
Restored life. Convulsing then silence

"For gods sakes, I am losing my patience with you,

As she felt her throat, thumb and finger pressing down,
She could feel a pulse, this was a first to have killed one.
To have brought them back not once but twice.
She thought carefully and decided to let her rest.

"Rise and shine darling,
"Now we have shown who is in control,

Don't worry you were only dead for  
Wait for it,"2 minutes 32 seconds,
Well it was good to see this worked,
She had never brought some one back twice.

"I have a question,

"My chest hurts,
"What did you do,

" I stabbed you twice, don't look so shocked,
"It brought you back didn't I,

Silence was caught unaware as neither did
Speak, just uncomfortable  looks.
She tried to get up,
But both her arms and legs both shackled.
Katie regained her composure.

"Did you see anything?

"What kind of question is that,
"I saw many things,

"Tell me I need to know,

As puzzled looks on the woman as to what she
Meant, but ideas where swirling inside.

"What's what I saw worth,

"You don't even know what I want,
"Well if you **** me again you'll never no,

Frustration gathered its pace on Katie's face.
She slammed the door and another creaked
As if old and rarely opened. All that was heard
Was a shallow thudding, followed by screams
Of dismay then a final thud and silence once
Again spoke in the room.

"Look what you made me do,
"That poor man,

Her face awash with tears of blood dripping
On her now polluted garments. She wiped one
Cascading stream and showed it on her finger.

"Do you know what this is, life,
"Now it is but an echo a shade of death,

She stared in disbelief at her words had hastened
The demise of another life. Her head shaking unable
To conceive the mentality behind such an act.
Realizing her time was of fewer moments than
She had thought, she spoke with less bite.

"You want to know what is beyond the veil,

Katie was silent I told one before you then she
Silent, and she will evermore be.
I was taken from that place, I died but
Was brought back. They took me away,
Now it has burnt away a picture
Of ash unseen but I know its still there.

"I'm sorry you were at peace,

"This is now my hell,

Talking was not on Katie's mind,
Either they saw what was etched in ash
Or they would sing the song of death.
Silence was her gift to them to envision
What she had seen in the moments between
The light and darkness, life and death.

"You wish to know what I saw,
"Only in experiencing deaths moment....,

"You want me to die,
"Is this a joke of a desperate soul,

Sweat beaded on her brow, no you wish to
Know what I saw mere words are
Like stars in the heavens many but so distant apart.

"I will be next to you,
No ******* shall you feel,

Katie looked with distrust in her eye.
Could she trust this person that
She had killed not once but twice?

"Any deception and I will end you,
Third time isn't the luck one this time,

She looked at Katie with thought.
Katie was in random mode, eyes
Where neither here or there. She walked out
The room and she waited was she moments
From her death, panic ensued till.......

"Ok lets do this, I need to know,

Katie unhooked her *******,

"I'll know if anything is wrong,

"If what you wish to see is granted am I free?

She thinks, restraints are now loosened,
As she stands only one is locked under key.

"Why this?
"You think I trust someone I killed more than once?

Louise under trembling fingers injected slowly.
Katie's pulse flat lined,
She counted in her head, three minutes past,
And with hesitant fingers she stabbed Katie in the chest.

No pulse? No key? she started CPR
She wasn't moving she repeated
Then breath gasped at life, Katie?

"What did you do to me,

Hours passed she knelt on the floor
Wondering if this was her fate to be joined
With the one that murdered her twice,
But brought her back in a twisted thank you.

"Wake the hell up,

"No reason to shout you moody vegetable,

"Did you see what was needed,

"Yes and more,
"Three minutes you were dead,

Katie passed the key, I'll never forget what
You did for me. As Louise undid her handcuffs,
Katie smiled as if she knew what was next.

"How many times have you died Katie?

"Including this time it'll be a third tim....

The sharp corner of the cuffs lacerated on
Katie's neck as blood ejected onto her
She calmly walked away and sighed.

"I hope your in hell,
"No light for you for what you were about to do,
"For what you did to me,

She opened the door limping on weakened muscles.
Freedom she thought as she opened it. A long
Corridor opened dimly lit she shuffled onwards.
What seemed like ages a door greeted her.

"If your reading this I am dead,
"I only wanted what was taken from me,
"Each of you were their saving a life,
"Each of you paid the price,
"You gave me a second breath,
"I didn't ask you took my peace from me,
"Love eternally Katie x x x x

Louise shuddered, what waited on the other side.
She opened it slowly,
Then tears ran down her dusty features.

"You took me from heaven,
"Welcome to hell,

Louise stared laughing then screaming
Her nails scrapping against brick.
Bleeding she ran down the
Now failing lights dimmer than before.
Opening doors bodies in decomposed manners,
How long had it been?
She opened the cell next to hers,

"O my god, O my god,

Toby lay their silent his features caved in.
Each door opened a fellow college, a fellow ER
Employee now silent. Thinking back over the years
Faces recognized no longer at the hospital.
Moved on, quit all were here?
The lights flickered them enveloped in nothing
As eyes now blind to everything.

"Katie I hate you,

She remembered her now, a suicide with a

Do not resuscitate notice.

But we were doctors, nurses it was our job
To save every life that we can.

Louise screamed as she crawled on the floor,
Hell isn't bright its eternal darkness.
And she was in it till her last breath now.
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