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evangeline Feb 8
the cyan air is kind again
our tongues much softer now
there is no wicked prophecy
left here to disavow

in this cruel place we knelt and wept
as autumn bore her teeth
but still it’s here where love has slept  
that roots have birthed beneath

she knew not the seeds that she had sewn
would stretch to taste the light
and in that wretched grime had grown
a fruit so pure and bright

and oh, how kind the stars have been
for here and now we stand
with all the saplings and the sins
together, hand in hand

what’s blossomed here is ours to tend,
a harvest all our own
this, i know, is the sweetest end
that i have have ever known
evangeline Feb 8
And at the end of the night
when all the creaks in the floorboard are tired
of creaking
and the sky looks like oil slick on asphalt,
all fuzzy black and still;
while midnight creeps in
through gaps in laughter
and yawns wide enough to swallow me whole;
after the lull of full bellies
and soft yellow good-nights fade into the blissful quiet,

I still close my eyes
and I think of you.
lovers’ anthem
cleo Jan 15
i held the world in my hands
but i had to let her down gently
RE: natalie
cleo Jan 13
i look for you in the faces on the street
i ache for you in the songs that i sing

an out i didn't take
the memories unmade
a life we didn't live

he hurt me
but i hurt you
that's just the way it is
David Lukáš Dec 2024
It was cold. The cigarette fog was drowning me
I was down the whiskey glass
The world turned yellow because of that gold liquid
I was laying at the bottom, drunk, and I felt so stupid

Out of my unconsciousness I saw him approach me
The Olympic God was so close I could feel his touch
I needed more whiskey and free space on the couch
My heart starts to play faster tones
Come on, sit by me, great Apollon

The cold was gone and the Sun started to calm me
Oh, but it's not the Sun, it is whiskey that warms me more
In my heart sounds the thousands Amors choir
It sung about the beauty of his soul and fresh young spirit
And his smile and the deepest gaze, deeper than my glass with the whiskey in it

And the next glass will make even more pleasure to me
Just as ancient gods body I’ve never before seen
Both make grey life more colourful, more yellow, more green
Don’t leave, I’ll take you to my throne
Stay with me, you’re mine, Apollon.
My next poem what I wrote as a lyrics for my song cycle "Queer songs"
Bonnabelle Reed Dec 2024
our love
is like no other
fly, my butterfly
kafka can't see
who we're meant to be
an extraordinary beauty
fails to be seen
when the mirror's fogged
by government ids
your name is sublime
not the noise they shout
for it is simply air
and rings false every time
your silhouette and your voice
have never been a conscious choice
but to ever deter
the watercolor within
is to shake a can
that never opens
so go, dance in the rain
rewrite history's pain
you are my pride and joy
melting different metals
creates a wonderful alloy.
a love poem to my partner, and to all trans and queer people <3
for context, étaín is a shape shifting goddess in irish mythology, and is often a symbol of rebirth, love, and butterflies!
Aleeche Dec 2024
Some days i still love this girl,
I cant stop that ******* whirl;

I have ignored, rebuttled, analysed and rejected,
Any such thought that expelled love suspected,

I have slept, avoided, attacked and awoken,
Yet nothing can succeed in making that entity broken.

It’s not that i love her, in the same way that i did,
but the memory created wont keep on its lid,

and now unequivocally, we are never going to happen,
so i rationalise repeatedly, but the feeling doesn’t lessen.

It changes and it molds;
Reaping the left-behind-cold,
Knowing existing is incorrect,
Knowing it will never actually connect.

Then other days, i dont feel this insurrection.
I cant imagine her even existing in that section.

Yes she is still complicated, wild and free
And in my brain i know we’ll never be,
But it doesn’t disastrously disarm me
Or actually even silence the way i see

Not any more, not so dramatically.

It becomes like a memory,
The happy, the hurt, her heart,

It becomes like a memory,
All that uncertainty at the start

It becomes like a memory,
My refusal to explore the friendship sacrifition

It becomes like a memory,
When I thought I would ever opt into admission

My poetry will keep being written,
The idea came originally from her
And that is something I will take with me,
That’s one thing I know for sure.

I will love her forever,
Not in the same strong way,
but she was my first true love
She’ll be that til the end of my days
my first poem on here :) i tend to use a lot of neologisms and spelling + punctuation are out the window.  Hope someone can relate anyways, enjoy <3

I wrote this a few months ago and much has changed since but we are still not together and that truly “doesn’t disastrously disarm me” anymore, weirdly enough. Time is healing, but i also had the chance to be in her situation, also eye-opening.
parker Nov 2024
Press my ear to your chest,
listen to my favorite song.

In this space we can be,
While knowing this tender act is unholy.

I'll kneel at the altar tomorrow.
Scrub the remnant of your touch from my skin once I leave.

You're a blight on my soul that I can't purge.


My God.
Why hath you forsaken me?
Frank Cavalo Nov 2024
An arrangement set
A red pin, dropped
A kettle simmering
A tea, half-drunk
An afternoon
A transient fleeting
An exchange of breath
A running stream
A tremolo, twinkling
A couple of twinks
An amalgam of flesh
A bundle of kindling
An exhalation
A series of gasps
A needle on a string
A basting stitch
An idle thumbtack
A log for one to cling
An obligation
A set of things
A need for one to bring
A resemblance alike
An Angel in heat
A modern-day Nephilim.
Jamie Henderson Nov 2024
A single message flourished away,
a smooth brush across cold paned screen,
for, there we met on the sixth of May.

So many things are ephemeral;
dark chocolate beneath the sun, bubbling into sugary pools;.
Grainy white cubes, dissolving into porcelain cup.
Descending petals from bearded, autumn branch.
Paper in a book, lines on a page;
a melodious song, or grand theatric play.
But this was to last forever
for, there we met on the sixth of May.

Surrounded by domains of mellow duvets,
he’s a crepuscular ray through sombre clouds, and rainbow rains.
Love beats steady, slow and safe;
warming heart and thumping vein.
Benevolent burning, a fervent haze;
pawing at molten hills of silky skin.
Creamy haired head moulds into
grooved shoulder and beating chest;
made whole, a set pair.

Timeless, a tender dimension;
a rose bubble, a hallowed, undying day,
for, there we met on the sixth of May.

Soulmates x.
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