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I keep giving away pieces of me
In hearts filled with someone else
As if giving away puzzle pieces
To puzzles already built
Jillian Jesser Oct 2018
It's hard to meet new people
they're so foreign
they do things like wear hats
and play baseball
they listen to bad music
they like crossword puzzles
I don't like to hear them talk
      at night
when I get very cold
and sometimes it hurts to breathe
I'd like one of them next to me
or I'd like to hear them talk
anything to make me warm again
I can't have it all
but sometimes
I want it.
verse Apr 2018
The body is a series of puzzles put together to make one big puzzle.
The mind.
The body.
The ***** systems.
The tissues.
The cells.

Puzzles within puzzles.

Mental health takes those puzzles
Lays them upon a flat surface
And swings its hammer in a wide arc
To Shatter those puzzles,
Break up the tiny, interlocked pieces,
And scatter them across the plane of your soul.
Mary-Eliz Mar 2018
moonshine, puzzles, kryptonite
they will surely take me down
they'll push me left, they'll push me right
shoving me round and round

they'll fill my head like a willing cup
confusing me till I don't know
which end is down, which end is up
as I'm stumbling to and fro

can you blame me for being cautious
can you see it's not just a dream
they'll cause me to be very nauseous
polluting my very bloodstream
since two out of three are rarely found
the other you need not be around
I guess you're safe for now
but to keep you from having a cow
I'll help keep a watch for them, anyhow
So what's with the * * for italics? Anybody figured it out?
Kaitlyn Feb 2018
as a child I played with puzzles
I loved their pictures,
             their logic,
             their challenge,
but I could never tell
when I was applying
too much pressure on a piece,
or if it was a perfect fit
my mother would scold me
for continuing to force a piece
to fit, when it did not
and I never imagined
that would resemble
how I play with people
             but it is
I apologize if I've ever
bent your edges unnecessarily
or made you feel like
you didn't belong
Ray Shek Feb 2018
It is said, “We humans are
        puzzle pieces meant to become one.”
But in truth we are damaged,
        shattered edges, disparate shards.
I will break my heart to fit yours,
        if you shape yours to meld with mine.
trinity Jan 2018
we are not meant to be whole
we are not meant to have the same pieces
we are not meant to be puzzles
we are meant to be people
I will ask you a question

“Do you remember the child you once were?

Who colored the crayons beyond the lines, shaping everything in that child’s imagination.

That painted the rivers green and the trees blue, full of wonder, putting nothing in order.

Now, I ask you this… What happened to that child?”

Why is that child now organizing the shapes, his head now a machine on rotate

He solves the puzzles but not his dreams
He gives the leaves a touch green, and rivers with blue...

What happened to the child who once ruled the world?

Now the World ruled the child."
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