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Lyss May 2020
At times I feel like there really is nothing. What is the point of me ? What’s my purpose ? What am I supposed to do in this world that holds any type of value and meaning ? What is my direction ?
I don’t know any of it...
Oli Taylor May 2020
Beneath the surface,
Russell had always felt worthless.
When finally he gave up
his search for purpose,
he bought, lit, and chucked
himself in a furnace.
Steve Page May 2020
In the Spring, when kings go off to war,
when last year's battles are rejoined
and daughters lose their fathers to the egos of man

In the Spring, when dormant vegetation raises its head,
when bulbs reveal the colour within
and pollination can work its propagating wonders

In the Spring when frost gives way to dew
and the air warms in the sun,

- it is in the Spring that I renew my allegiance to my creator God
and look to him, and to his Son, for my path.
I know it's a little late, but its heart felt.
Maja May 2020
What is our purpose?
That doesn’t matter.
we are humans,
and there is no answer.
What is the meaning of life?
I don't know.
You decide.
doesn’t matter

it’s the fact that
every last one of


thinks we shouldn’t
and that’s where
you’re wrong

give us an alternative
that will raise the bar
that high
that fast
from that little

you can’t

i don't blame you for not trying
the work continues, for peace in solidarity.
Billie Marie May 2020
words fail so much of the time
i think, why speak?
when you can be
think i can leave a mark upon the world
what is the name of the one
who painted the hieroglyphs onto the pyramids?
who was his mother?
i walked a thousand and one miles
through swamp, valley and fields of gold
i crawled over mountains
to find a thing i somehow always knew i was
there is something real to this life
Cosby never knew until it was too late
his children learned it better
just be human with me
drop all the clever, snarky wit
leave off overcoats of pretense and PR masks
it’s so last century to think you’re living
when you’re really only hurtling towards death
in the drag of a composite
persona programma
freedom is just through the other side of that false wall
fear not!
you go not alone
we’re all here with you
Thomas W Case May 2020
I slept beneath
a mad hatter moon and
dreamed of a big blue
tarantula swimming in
a yellow moss
covered pond. A rat
terrier passed me a note:
Mercy and love
fleeting, they fade away
like the
tangerine sun; they
are lies like
the dead bulls under
a ****** red
Spanish sky.
I asked his name,
"Mendacity" he said,
then turned into a
pack of
cigarettes, no matches,
no lighter…

I drank from the
pond and became a
Vincent shot
me with his
lonely cornfield gun.
He sat down and smoked
his pipe, as crows
He said with sad, iris eyes,
"It's impossible to ****
a mermaid, or eat
a starry night."
It's the impossibility
of a thing that
drives one
like a mustang
caught for the
circus, but always
dreaming of escape to
the thundering
fields of its youth.
I saw toothless
orphans throw rooks at
his soul, as those beautiful
eyes saw way too much…
I want to
it in,
drive it dripping
home through the
of a rose, to the
of the tulip. I'll
get drunk on
nectar of the god's, then
reject immortality. (Who wants to live forever?)

There has been a drastic
I see it at the
zoo in the
monkeys caged,
glazed eyes.
No wonder they
throw ****
at people.
"Such lies, " he said.
"The artichoke, avocado, and
algebra; the small of
a woman's back and
the emerald head of
the hummingbird."
"If the artichoke and
avocado are lies" I said,
"then truth is the
tight, tasty, creamy
green line that
refuses to settle or waiver;
delirious, delicious."

"No" he said, as
his hands stroked
that lice ridden
crimson beard.
"It's conception and
growth, then cast
****** and naked
cut from the
and a lifetime spent
trying to return
to the womb, **** first,
but only spilling and
spreading the
nightmare of being,
the fever of living, to
sorry soul that didn't
ask for it.
I woke up,
drained the elixir,
and starred at
Vinnie's self portrait,
the one with
bandaged ear, and
God is into practical jokes.
Pizacas23 May 2020
It is not about me
It is not about us
It is about living for God.
James May 2020
A life of serpentine-driven fate,
a flow of undulating winds,
is a life left in desuetude
ululating for a course more driven.
What is season without cause?
And what  then is life without love?
To say seasons come and go,
would it mean love comes and go?
I am at a crossroad,
my love hangs in the balance,
my life in question.
Why am I who I am?
Am I a seasonal blast,
that comes and goes?
To say the least, what purpose do I serve?
I am burning, inside and out,
longing for immortality.
My bones are souless,
cringing for rest,
my soul weightless
with pounds of over-shaped flesh
I longed for slumber,
beautiful and dreamless
Life is a painful dream,
love a ceaseless nightmare.
The cycle of life makes
love an endless season,
it seems the purpose of life
has endless reasons.
Painful nightmares and ceaseless dreams,
it comes and goes as it pleases,
Leaving in its wake, a tide of emotions.
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