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Anya Sep 2018
She says that people don’t listen to her
I hold back my retort that
“She doesn’t listen to others”

She mentions how everyone keeps leaving her
I hold back my retort that
“Maybe if you were more aware of others it’d be easier to stay with you”

It’s more complex than that

To an extent,
I admire
Her ignorance of her surroundings
Those around her

I’m hyper aware
Too self conscious
Too worried about how others think of me

She’s the opposite
So wrapped up in a cacoon
Of her own problems
She doesn’t notice those around her

But this can also pose problems
Of problems
We were best friends in eighth grade
But we grew
And I couldn’t handle
Such a close relationship
With her

I tried to expressly wait for her
Remember her birdthday
She didn’t notice
Or even if she did,
It was never reciprocated

I was talking
She’d respond
Immediately switching
The conversation
To herself

It’s not maliciousness
It’s just plain ignorance

But what can I do?
I’m still friends with her
She’s just not-nowhere near
The top of my list

I can’t go up to her
And tell her this
She’d take it the wrong way

But even then,
Who am I to tell her how to live her life?
I have enough social issues of my own
And she’s fine just the way it is

It’s extremely frustrating
Seeing a problem
But being unable
To do anything
About it

She wants more friends
She has to put in that effort
And I can’t
To advise her how
Ace Sep 2018
He is a writer
who wrote a number of letters
that formed a continuous crater
in the heart of his seekers.

Yet do you know how he's feeling?
Under the pressure you keep giving,
his poetry does not stop striving
because he loves what he is doing.

But on a piece of paper, sadness could be written
Anxiety could be spoken
Loneliness could be hidden
And depression—there's no end.

What has he come out of it?
If in the end, only his readers will benefit?
Is it really worth it?
Dying alone in this perpetual pit?
so basically asking the normal problems of modern poets
Arcassin B Sep 2018
By Arcassin Burnham

this is so lovely and this is so weird with Nature's intention for humans
to fear,
I never had problems with anyone here,
They came up so ignorant , but will cry
the people are sluggish and drowning in sorrows,
there are no handouts ,from me you can't borrow,
you speak ill of my name then I won't hesitate
to let these motor hands go, leave you
slump though.
If I didn't know better , I would say these
are the worse days.
Did enough harm and now to me you can
not phase.
Tired of not using my brain to get out of this life.
I'm pretty chill today got nothing to do on the side.
David Abraham Sep 2018
I'm digging my words up out of the books,
flinging them over my shoulders like dirt
as they lift from the page and flit in and out of my eyes,
barely keeping me concious.

I try to fill up my gut
with the gritty syllables that I can't actually hear,
flung up from the holes in words,
between pages,
between worlds.

I press my fingerprints into the fine, aging paper,
knowing it will help me later
to cover up the void I'm filling with words.

Maybe if I can force my eyes to stop staring at sideways spines
and straightup people looking just fine,
I can make myself focus in the scent of the decay wafting up from between the words,
or I can make myself read between the lines,
instead of struggling to read the blurry spines
that I can't help but watch.
I can't pay attention to anything, but I am spending every lunch and every study hall in the library now.

09/17/2018 2233
so many

i think that
i might be the
Nikita Aug 2018
g l a d l y

from a label
at the top of my forehead?

s o r r y

Is my throat a magnet to emotion

anxiety isn't my problem
c r u e l t y
ElEschew Jul 2018
I know I'm difficult
So it's all okay
Every invisible second
Every pain washed away
I didn't tell you how mean they were
When you punished me
And never them
I would be grim
When I would get pushed
On the sharply laid rocks
lie and say I did it
to me
That seemed a more likely possibility
Any crime committed
Every atrocity found
I was surely to blaim
I never complained or wondered why
Maybe that's why I believed
It's always me.
It's okay
You didn't know
I turned into a chameleon
You couldn't see
What I did to them
They'd done to me
To you I will ALWAYS
The problemed child
Alot of kids gets swept under the carpet by teachers
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