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Big Virge Nov 2019
Take Your Time Man USE Your Mind ...    
Before You Try To Ride With CRIME ... !!!
Take Your Time When You Design ...  
Your Prose To Flow Poems In Rhyme ...  
Take Your Time When You See STOP Signs ...    
But Decide To Cross ... "Restricted Lines" ... !!!  
Guys ... Take Your Time With Girls You Find ...  
Who Act As Though Their Hole's A SHRINE ... !!!    
Girls ... Take Your Time With Guys You Find ...  
Who Like To Use DUD Chat Up Lines ... !!!  
You'll Probably Find They Take Coc' Lines ... !!!  
And May Just Lead A Life of CRIME ... !!!  
That's A Verse Worth A REWIND ... !!!  
Just For Girls Who Are Inclined ...  
To Jump In Bed With ... " ******* Guys " ... !!!  
Girls ... Take Your Time ...  
And Read These Lines ...  
Men Like These ...  
May Move With ... " Ki's " ... !!!  
And May Leave YOU Facing Police ... !!!!!  
That's NOT NICE Trust Me ... BELIEVE ... !!!!  
You May Face Jail And Get NO BAIL ... !!  
All Because of ... ******* Trails ... !!!!!  
Check Scarface Out You'll Have NO DOUBT ...  
That ******* Man ... DON'T Mess About ... !!!!!!  
And May Just Punch You In Your Mouth ... !!!!!    
That's NO WAY For Love To Sail ... !?!  
And Will Direct You OFF The Rails ... !!!    
And Then Of Course You Get DERAILED ... !!!  
And As I've Said May End Up ... JAILED ... !!!!!  
So Take Your Time When Spreading Thighs ...  
This May Bring Lows As Well As HIGHS ...  
But DON'T Be Shy To Share Your Mind ...  
BE OPEN Trust ... And Yes Discuss ...  
Things You Like And Things You Want ...  
From The Guy Who You Decide Will Share Your Life ...  
That's The Way To YES Save Time ... !!!  
And NOT Walk Into Marriage Strife ...  
And Arguments Through Days and Nights ... !!!  
Trust Me Girls That WON'T Be Nice ... !!!  
Fellas ... Right Now This Part's For YOU ... !!!  
Take Your Time And YES ... Stay Cool ...  
DON'T Rush A Girl In ... " High - Heeled Boots " ... !!!  
She's Looking For ... ATTENTION FOOL ... !!!!  
NOT JUST From You ... !!!  
You Know ... " The Coup " ...    
They're The Ones Who Like To ... " USE " ...  
Because They Want To ... " Turn The Screws " ... !!!  
They've Trusted Dudes Who Gave ABUSE ... !!!    
And Treated Them ... Like Dustman's Shoes ... !!!!!  
And Now Are Lost And YES .... " Confused " .... ??!??    
Mess With THEM ...    
They'll Give You PROOF ... !!!  
And Then You'll KNOW ...  
I'm Speaking TRUTH ... !!!!!!!  
It's Easy Guys ...  
TAKE TIME ... Be WISE ... !!!  
ANALYSE ... Those **** Thighs ...  
And Look DEEPLY ... Into Her Eyes ...    
Watch Them Close ...    
And YES Take Notes ...    
of How Many Times ...    
They ... " Powder Their Nose " ... !!!!!
They're Even Worse Than ******* Blokes ... !!!!!!  
They'll Make You CURSE ... !!!  
And Make You Think ...  
of Things MUCH WORSE ... !!!  
TRUST Me Chaps ...  
Cos' That's A ... " CERT' " ... !!!  
They DON'T Remember Their Own Words ... ?!!!?    
And Do Things That Are ... MOST Absurd ...  ?!?  
These Are SIGNS of ... Coc'd Up Girls ...  
GREAT In Bed ... DON'T Get Me Wrong ...  
And Usually YES Look GOOD In Thongs ... !!!!  
But RARELY ...  
Stick Around For Long ... !!!  
Now If They Do ...  
You'll End Up ... BLUE ... !!!  
And Will End Up ...  
Singing ... " SAD Songs " ... !!!  
So ... Take Your Time With Relationships ...    
ESPECIALLY ... When You Want Kids ... !!!!!  
DON'T Make Them SUFFER ... !!!  
Please RESIST ... The Parting of Her **** Lips ... !!!    
DON'T Be ... " SELFISH  " ... !!!  
MAKE SURE You Give  ...    
Your Child A Chance ...    
To ... SMILE and Dance ... !!!    
And Give Them YES ...  
A Chance To LIVE ...    
So ... Take Your Time ...  
With Stuff Like THIS ... !!!  
As I Do ....  
These Written Scripts ... !!!  
Pick Up PENS And OPEN Fists ... !!!  
Instead of Wars TAKE TIME Enlist ...  
The Gift of LOVE I Do INSIST .... !!!  
And Help Us All To .... " Co-Exist " ... !!!  
I Think That's It For This Design ...    
of Prose That's Built To FEED Young Minds ... !!!  
My Use of RHYME Is WELL REFINED ... !!!    
And Is A Gift I'm Pleased To Share ...  
And Hope ... " UPLIFTS " ... !!!    
Sometimes It HURTS ...    
But That's The ... " TRICK " ... !!!    
Scripts I FLIP ...  
Are Not Done QUICK ... !!!  
Trust In This And Trust In Words I Now Transcribe ...    
Fools RUSH IN ... So Don't Contrive To Be Like Them ...  
Just ..............................  
.......... " Take Your Time " ..........
It's a wise thing to do, most of the time............
Emily Nov 2019
I want to wait for you
But I’m afraid you’ll never come
Eloisa Nov 2019
Seasons do not compete with one another;
neither does the night’s magical brilliance of the moon rival with the gorgeous majestic sunrise.
The persistent, melodious rains do not clash with the rainbow’s splendor.
Nor the dreamy perfumed clouds race with the joyful, pleasant winds.
Beautiful things happen in the right perfect time.
-Revisiting Desiderata

"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven." - Ecclesiastes 3:1
Tess M Nov 2019
all in one
how can this
Salmabanu Hatim Nov 2019
I can't remember,
I can't understand,
I don't have concept of things,
My mind is leaking.
Don't leave me,please,
Give me a kiss on the cheek,
Hold my hand.
I am sick, sad and tired,
Be patient with me,
Don't think I am giving you a hard time,
I am having a hard time.
Keep me away from crowds and noises,
I hate them.
I may not answer,
I may be abrupt,
Don't take it to heart,
Still talk to me.
Don't lecture or argue,
My mind hurts,
Instead agree.
I am a lonely soul,
Give me a hint of kindness.
Help your dear ones suffering  from dementia or Alzheimer. They need you and your kindness all the way
Robert D Nov 2019
Lines and lines of people
All in a hurry to wait
Once you get pass security
There's another line at the gate

Why is everyone standing?
They didn't call your row!
Take a glance at your ticket
Theres info there you should know

Finally got to my seat
Sitting next to a mom and her kid
He looks sick please don't throw up
****! Too late! I think he already did!!

Only five more hours
Before we reach our destination
Just think in a few days
I get to do this all over again!
Robby Nov 2019
Be patient with me
I’m still a work in progress

Somedays I seem put together
But that paint’s not dry just yet

One day I’ll get this right
I’m sorry
Alex Salazar Nov 2019
This feeling,
Is a whisper crawling out me.
An echo made by a stranger underneath my skin.
A tiny yearning that bubbles up,
as  a set of continuous chortles.
My heart beats,
and I give into phantasm.

The Crimson sun that never sets,
The moon that bathes and overthrows us with all of its beauty.
The ocean breeze and it's cool attempt,
The delicate,
goddess silhouette.
KR Nov 2019
Luz es mi vida
Mi amor
The stars weep in comparison to your soul
Every memory is a bible and your mind the dictionary by which they are written
Patience is the virtue of your love
Unwavering courage in the sunflower bloom
Para Siempre
For AM
Mark Toney Nov 2019
Patience is my super power
On full display every hour
If someone mad gets in my face
My patience helps me maintain grace

When railroad crossings block the road
I simply enter patient mode
If caught up in a traffic jam
My calmness filmed by traffic cam

Long checkout lines leave some irate
Patience helps me endure the wait
Restaurant wait times are the worst
Composure wards off loud outbursts

Patience is my super power
Keeps my life from going sour
One exception my Kryptonite
Sibling face-offs leave me uptight!
11/5/2019 - Poetry form: Kyrielle - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2019
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