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Chris Slade Jun 2020
Sent some flowers the other day
to a friend who’d lost life’s loves,
kith and kin, too often
over the years.
Loves & Lives Lost,
too many fears realised…

Birthdates after death,
death-dates after life
they concertina together
to cause concerning days, weeks,
months. And, commiserations come in
in a flurry sometimes and amplify the hurt.

As time rolls on it's strange
how anniversaries come in bunches!
Just for the moment it seems that all
the good things are in the past…

But let’s look forward to warmth,
comfort and re-assurance from
memories of friends, family,
partners and loved ones - at last.
Dante Rocío Jun 2020
Every little moment,
or location
is a completely different presence
and stance of you,
no matter how similar it seems to any other,
for, like in alchemy,
existential fluids of Bowel Heart are endless,
new in every millisecond,
and make varieties of you.
There is never nothing going on.
We're every time a different flickering
Dante Rocío Jun 2020
We are thoughts.
Somehow subjectivities.
Fleeting, yet,
once dissolved,
never tarred by the oblivion
as we stay till forever in the air
as intimacies,
and those gut knittances
got by the living
when they sense
and as much suddenly
can’t explain.
While walking Toruń’ streets and wrestling with the heat and perceiving justly each persona
Pman Jun 2020
Today my heart grew heavy
By the pieces of a broken promise

Today my chest swelled with regret
At the revelation of your mortality

And so today, I swear an oath
That I will do right by you

I will fill your soul with pride
And make a father’s name eternal
Kairosclere May 2020
Clocks ticking
Slowly move away
No longer in sync

/written a world apart/
This form of writing is called an elfchen.

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Dez May 2020
I’m sorry I didn’t last
But let this remind you
Life passes fast
You’re just brand new
This is how God had it cast
I’m sorry my days are so few

I’ll never know your sweet smile
I wish I could stay to see you grow
But to stay a little while
I wrote this so you would know
That the thought of you makes me smile
Sorry I have to go
A note from parents or grandparents that never saw their children.
Major Rity May 2020
The distant glow of the city
Looks so pretty tonight
As I relax by the sea
and eventually
swim through an ocean
of memories
reminisce about our lives
as college students
Struggling to find sense and belonging
in this world
Searching for new words
writing diaries and poems to express
feelings and fears
desires and dreams
and the experience of life itself as we
explore our own minds
Passing the tests of time
Juhlhaus Apr 2020
As stately as a Redwood and as strong
as the gray cliffs of the Sierras,
as warm as the sun on the kelp-strewn sand.
I remember her musical voice and I hear
the murmur of the waves
and the whisper of the wind
in the Eucalyptus trees.
I see the limitless ocean and sky,
remembering her beautiful blue-green eyes.
I will love you always, Grandma.
Poetic T Apr 2020
If my bygone
            echo was life

I would have already been rescinded .

But back by popular demand,

I never got past yesterday.

If your account of this is passing pages
  then I'm an obituary that people skim past,

death on paper is still

             a cemetery of yesterdays that people never visit.
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