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Seán Mac Falls Oct 2015
Autumn leaves falling
Trees burn stories of the sun
Pages from heaven
Seán Mac Falls Sep 2015
Upstart crows landing
Always go for highest branch
Till eagles arrive
Seán Mac Falls Sep 2015
Scurrilous birds fly by,
To nest in the little painted
Houses left clear for them,
In awkward circles they romp
Their peculiar dramas
With ****** wings.

Do they even witness
The skies revolving canvas,
New masterpieces each day,
How the light shimmers
In the sparkle rays of sun,
How the golden fields,
Of vales in sighted sweep
And dance, airy etudes,
By the windfall gusts
So suddenly arising?

These visions are marks
For but few, who hear time
As it plays in stepped quartets
Of the spiraling seasons song,
For the lone mercies, gifts,
To ones most gentle, merest,
Spirited eyes who gaze deftly,
Deep in sacred days,
From a window.
Ignatius Hosiana Aug 2015
I used to wake up with the roosters
I used to hold my rakes and hoes
They were my morale boosters
But now who knows

I used to till my shamba beautifully neat
To **** every **** peeping above the soil
There wasn't a garden need I wouldn't meet
For even the hardest I would toil

I used to be the farmer everyone admired
Because I was a tireless strong warden
And I didn't mind being mired
By you my gorgeous little garden

I grew green pastures for my cattle
And the vegetables on which I fed
Not until that fateful battle
That changed the quiet life I led

They took you neat and left you wild
Now you lie untamed like the beasts of the savanna
Weeping like a lonely abandoned child
In the throes of battle and parents gonner

You used to be a paradise on Earth
With heavenly innocence and pure
But you no longer command trust from us
For facing you is facing manure
Seán Mac Falls Aug 2015
( five new haiku )


Rain painting the streets
Colours lost on lonesome roads
Reflects only grey

Dry Season

Question sails in air
Above late summer flowers
Lone white butterfly

Things Mounting

Before hurricanes
Wind stirs about treeless plains
Little things matter

Salt beds

Great oceans moulting
Lost weight of life giving grace
Scales of dead fishes


Little angels come
Alł throughout winter they sing
In tree without leaves
Seán Mac Falls Aug 2015
Great oceans moulting
Lost weight of life giving grace
Scales of dead fishes
Seán Mac Falls Aug 2015
( song )*

Every culture of the world, they speak of,
Tell the tale of a great flood,
I feel the weather is changing, pouring hot
And getting ready to spill.
    I don't know what it was like before,
    'think now is like before the flood.

And so I welcome the rain from the sky,
It is only the tears of the earth,
As a young woman who cries,
Showing beauty along with the hurt,
In future days woes of our lives,
Will be cleansed by the tears of the earth.

I read the story of Noah and his ark,
'say that he was a righteous man,
I look for truth but I can't see clear it's dark,
And all the animals are scarce.
    I feel the end of an age is come,
    Inequity is the day, O Lord!

And so I welcome the rain from the sky,
It is only the tears of the earth,
As a young woman who cries,
Showing beauty along with the hurt,
In future days woes of our lives,
Will be cleansed by the tears of the earth.
Seán Mac Falls Aug 2015
Exposed kneeling roots
Graceful boughs of ancient tree
Buddha in the sun
Seán Mac Falls Jul 2015
( Sonnet )*

Good deer are gracing the trees,
Take communion in handed leaf,
Touch the soils with loving hoof,
In the tabernacles of the wood.

The owl cries for all souls eternal,
Deep in the shrouds of the vernal
That drape the newly born dying,
Beneath the solemn owls' crying.

And songbird has a psalm unread,
A parable in the twining branches,
Gifts of song foist lanyards of crop
Dear in old forest, this offered sup.

As blood seeping deep in the wood,
Sky washes away those who stood.
Seán Mac Falls Jul 2015
Something beyond,
To climb into cloud,
Into the snows of purity,
To touch the rise of sun,
Golden as it bathes us,
To realize all is small
Underneath, and all
Is washed by streams
Of blood from the skies,
To reach the highlands,
Plateaus in the heavens,
This is the only poem,
A great blue mountain,
Something beyond,
For us to climb.
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