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Zero Nine Apr 2017
My lover ***** the blood of a rose
The thorns push in her, stab
Break off leave open
marks at the stem
Her back makes a decent ashtray
For tapping blunts and butts
My lover bites the throat of a world
Wrapped up in patchouli sheets
Made of daily applied fine mist
In a bottle or jar, still curiosity we
Still haven't seen her home but she's
Seen violent light spearing the thick
Smoke through and then the dreams
That pour out into our living room
Reflected from my lenses from the
Floor face down *** up
averyn Mar 2017
how do we erase the pain when in all we do, it is all that we gain?
the people that we love, they don’t love us.
the people that we trust, they don’t trust us.
the things that we keep, it keep on breaking.
the things that we hold, it keep on slipping.
what do we gain after all of these pain?
why do we keep on living in a world that hates us?
why are we prolonging something that is bound to end?
why are we here?
how do we erase everything that is kept inside my head?
why do it keep on ringing?
why do it want us dead?
averyn Feb 2017
every passing day, a person mumbles wishes on a dandelion,
breathing away the small petals of what was the dandelion is made of.
they would say their deepest and darkest desires,
and even the lightest and loveliest of them all.
they would secure it tight on their lips,
begging the flower not to tell a soul,
and yet selfishly, demand for it to grant it all.
they didn't even wonder about the poor dandelion,
that has been hearing their wishes
with no one to hear hers in return.
the lone dandelion just keeps on flying with the wind,
wishing that someday, someone would try to hear,
those wishes that she kept within.
Solaces Dec 2016
When I awoke I was sailing among the stars..
No water below no gravity at all..
The ship was made of wood and her sails made of strange golden light..
For the moment I forgot about the Earth..
For the moment I forgot about home..
I was all alone on this ship sailing toward the center of our galaxy..
There was a guitar inside the captains champers..
I took it outside and played to all the passing stars..
I played and I played for light years that seem like seconds..
The stars shined brighter and brighter the longer I played.
That is until reached the center of the galaxy..
It was there I met with all the other ships.
All sailing from home..
To come home..
There were 3 of them..
Each one of them had a different instrument..
We stood there at the center of the galaxy and begin to play for eternity.
We spun the star circle..
Spin the star circle
David P Carroll Nov 2016
She is truly perfect she is truly from above I truly would always call you a little perfect blonde princess no other princess like you shines as bright in life your truly a special looking young woman who's beauty would truly melt into any man's heart your from above and truly I feel in love your warm gentle touch would truly brighten any man's saddened heart o your truly from above.
David P Carroll
Truly From Above
Nishat Firoj Dec 2015
i have taken the idea of you
and i have crumpled it up again,
threw it into the trash can

i have pulled you back out
and i have smoothed you out again,
hung it over the mantel piece
#r #p #d
May countless lights
Show delightful sights:
May there be no threats
Of ****** fights,
No clouds of smoke,  
No smell of sulphur,
No noise of gunfire,
No scenes of ruined homes
And orphans' cries
And parents' heart-rending wails,
No sorrow that dims the light
In anyone's eyes.
May the light of knowledge and wisdom
Illumine the path to happiness:
May the light of joy and love
Sparkle in everyone's eyes
In every humble home.
May our fervent prayer -
Lead mankind from darkness to Light'
"Tamasoma Jyothirgamaya."
May all nations together strive
To pave the way to harmony and peace.
Hyderabad, India
FE,STIVAL OF LIGHTS (Deepaavali) is celebrated all over India on 30 October 2016.  
*A line from the ancient Vedic prayer.(Sanskrit)..."Lead us from darkness to Light".
David P Carroll Sep 2016
Our Hearts Together
My love for you is so utter true love
From deep inside my sorrow heart I could never explain why I truly love you and how truly deep the love inside me is your one of a kind in life I cannot stop thinking about your warm honest heart I think about you and it makes my heart smile I'm truly grateful to have a wonderful women as bright beautiful like you in my life when I sad and lonely feeling down
I stop and think about you my heart smiles and beats of true love and utter happiness so glad
When I think about you my true love our hearts where ment together mine beats love yours beats happiness together forever in each other's hearts and we shall never be torn apart my true love.
David P Carroll
True love
Alice Jul 2016
I picked the *** to
Pour the plenty pineapples
Gave by Pea Porter

In the memorable words of Ben Jonson,
Shakespeare, the great Bard of Avon,
"Is not of an age,
But for all time."
Endowed with a brilliant mind,
Worldwide knowledge and intuition,
He comprehends the changing trends
And creates enthralling situations.
With his amazing knowledge of man's nature,
Creates admirable, everlasting characters
Like Hamlet, Macbeth, Caesar and King Lear,
Rosalind, Miranda, Shylock and Portia.
Skilful blend of wit, irony and humour,
Youthful merriment, song and dance
As well as poignant scenes of sorrow and remorse.
Dialogues lively, powerful and spontaneous
Enrich all his comic and tragic scenes.
In his inimitable way, he describes -
How "..the poet's eye in a fine frenzy rolling
Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven
And as imagination bodiesforth
The forms of things unknown,
The poet's pen turns to shape
And gives to airy nothing,
A local habitation and a name."
The world cherishes his poems and plays -
A perennial source of delight and solace.
*   M. G.Narasimha Murthy
Hyderabad, India.
(Copyright: MGN)
Shakespeare passed away on 23 April 1616. This year marks the
400th anniversary of his death. This is a small tribute to the world's
greatest literary genius. M.G.N.Murthy
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