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Kuzhur Wilson Apr 2016
Danced yesterday
After a long time

From the toes
Of an Adiyathi  
All of a sudden
Your toes
In front of me

Your toes
That I wet
My saliva

My mind dances
Hands and legs
Join eventually

By and by

Goes berserk  
With fits of frenzy

Are driven to dance
On the floor

On a leg
On a toe
That utmost moment
Thought about you
That toe
Your toe
Appeared before me

That I danced
On your toes yesterday

Today my body aches

I want to feed on your toes
And fall asleep

Translation  : Shyma P
Kuzhur Wilson Apr 2016
Was driving
To shivaraathri manappuram [1]
With idichakkas [2]
To meet you
One day.

To a vow made one life
The two chakka dumpkins
Their smug demeanor
Drove me to chuckles.
Like guys  
On a global tour  
Waved buddies bubye
Babbled on
To the jackfruit trees
On the boulevard
Singing “salaama salaama…”
The jackfruit rap
I was beside myself
With laughter.
The exertion
Exhausted my cheeks
I stopped near a shop
For a cigarette
Saw there,
Two packets
Of fried chakka chips
Among other snacks.
My chakka dumpkins
For you
Overwhelmed them
They broke into tears
They recalled
Their haughty ride
In a car once
Singing salama
A festering past
That throbbed with
The agony  
Of getting torn to shreds
Of getting fried crisp
In boiling oil.
The chakka dumpkins
Were dumbstruck
They stopped singing
And began to cry
Looking upon their sisters
Sister, you have forgotten me!
An utterance from Khasak
Muffled the scene.
Sad at their plight
I held them close
My chakka dumpkins
For you
Forget it honey
Forget it dear
I patted them
Trying to stop their tears.
The chakka fries
And my darlings
Continued weeping
And wailing.
I smoked a cigarette
Went to them
And whispered in their ears
That I am consigning them
To you.
They laughed innocently
Showing their gums
They bid adieu to
The sisters
They would meet next life
I felt like
And crying.
And crying
I sang

Salama, salama

Translation  : Shyma P
[1] The sandy landscape in Aluva, whre Sivarathri is popularly celebrated at the Siva temple on the banks of Periyar River and this place is called the Aluva Manal Puram (land with sand)

[2] Unripe jackfruit used to make Kerala cuisines.

Every one wishes for a happy new year,
Not without a feeling of lurking fear:
The reason is simple and clear:
The voice of reason very few hear
In the prevailing intolerant atmosphere -
Selfishness, greed, misery,starvation
And heinous crimes in the name of religion!
May the new year end this monstrous trend
And herald a new era of love and compassion
Through the right kind of liberal education.
                           M.G.Narasimha Murthy,
Hyderabad, India.
* April 8, 2016 (Ugaadi) and April 15,2016 (1st Baisakh, in
Bengal) mark the beginning of a new year according to the Hindu calendar.
Àŧùl Feb 2016
Before she ditched me,
She said it,
"Go to her whom you lost your 'V' to."

Not at all meaning 'V for Vendetta',
She indirectly meant,
'P for purity'.

And I really don't know,
As I've lost it,
I mean that I lost 'M for memory'.

So that only makes me wonder,
If I lost it,
Then too I was reborn.

But my love mattered not,
It didn't to her,
I was just an experimental game.

Love was weak 'coz true it was not,
Again I failed,
Now I'm tired of it.

I'll rather live alone,
Scared of love,
Scared of it I'm to the deepest pit.
I'll let her go now.

My HP Poem #1030
©Atul Kaushal
I can even
how tenderly I look at you

I can only imagine
what it must look like
to everyone else
chris Feb 2016
somewhere, somehow, someway
maybe that will be the day
you look me in the face
whisper those 3 words
to have me stay
'i love you'
lovers, we are young and
our hearts and our heads can take us
halfway 'round the world
but we can make a wanderlust home
in the space between our heartbeats
when we're curled around each other
the bed too small for all the love we have
knocking at our door is as simple
as carding your fingers through another's hair
we know you're never more beautiful than
with sleep and sunlight in your eyes
and lopsided curls falling at your cheekbones

and on the days that caffeine replaces blood in your veins
and tiredness pulls at your eyelids and your head
dragging them down, love, we'll tuck you in and
keep the coffee coming

and winter sunlight may be watery but it's
never brighter than squinting against the snow
and finding that your smile
is still the most blinding thing we see

and spring will return us to our roots
reaching against the tide of the world
to keep our love alive

oh loves, I'll love you even more
every turn around the sun we make
every spin that sets the sun to rising
always falling through the endless space
and still I know the most important


is the space where your breath
mixes with mine
the spaces between your teeth, the
spaces we made for us, the
spaces we'd die to keep

the space we made in a blanket fort
before anything else
wishful thinking
I love the phrase
my love
and although I love
more than one person
my love
is only ever you

not because I think you are mine
in any way
but because
it feels
like all of the love I have in me to give
is yours

and all the love I have in me to give
is due to you
it is you

you are my love
my love is you
my love is yours
and I feel every wave of your soul
against every particle of mine
if souls exist
if the universe was anything other than perfectly chaotic
I'd say we were meant to meet
but happenstance is just entropy at work
and I can't say I'm lucky because I don't believe in luck
and there's no god to be grateful to

but I am
that I met you
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