Before she ditched me,
She said it,
"Go to her whom you lost your 'V' to."
Not at all meaning 'V for Vendetta',
She indirectly meant,
'P for purity'.
And I really don't know,
As I've lost it,
I mean that I lost 'M for memory'.
So that only makes me wonder,
If I lost it,
Then too I was reborn.
But my love mattered not,
It didn't to her,
I was just an experimental game.
Love was weak 'coz true it was not,
Again I failed,
Now I'm tired of it.
I'll rather live alone,
Scared of love,
Scared of it I'm to the deepest pit.
I'll let her go now.
My HP Poem #1030
©Atul Kaushal