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Misstic Mar 13
I wrote about
Not following your
Past mistakes,

But, what about
The girls or boys
Getting *****,

Losing innocence
As such young age,
Not even
What they lost?

Gained horrors
For a life range
As toys for
A meaningless

Monster intoxicated
With lust
Roaming these streets,
That’s the real issue
No my clothes
You pin,

What a bad joke
Life is?
Instead being
We being stripped
From our
Nigdaw Dec 2024
tumble drier
washing machine
louella Jan 2023
you scream like a cooped up witch
saturn’s screeches soft and scary.
in your manic delirium
in the riptide rushing
the silence is painful
and painless
and fierce.
mercurial girl
who washes her hands
in the sand
moves with the moon.
you stray from the constellations
and get devoured by black holes.
fickle flight.
you dive in the atmosphere
bound in the sky.
the planets isolated
abandoned and forsaken.
translating the sounds cascading
from my mouth.
the stars are so plain
and staple and monotonous
they look like your mistakes
that never give accountability.
you suffer in sound.
you shrink into dust.
without your meaning
carved inside history books.
in your total incoherence
in the motionless galaxy
the dawn has no meaning
like the cells
that make up your existence.
like saturn you scream
a moribund planet
waiting to be rescued
by the fragments
that make you a wasted
futile shell of inconsequentiality.
like saturn you shriek
like a banshee.
you’re dying.
heard saturn’s sounds. it was scary. the poem is about social media and how people don’t have much purpose anymore. idk.

Alicia Sep 2021
if night had a sound it would be a low chatter
the hum of electric cold air
that quietly blows
crisp linen sheets
that speak in the dark
freshly painted walls
that scream in white
television screens
that murmur stories
flickering light posts
that buzz in the night
iridescent cicadas
that hum in the trees
incandescent lovers
that talk in secret
fingers pecking keys
that drum out words
if night had a sound it would be a low chatter
Evenoer Jun 2021
Generating noises and worries
In a moment of recess while restless

There, heaves in sight of a wish
to have some sort of magic
spells to make your pain and sufferings vanish
Hammad Mar 2021
The noises
don't let me sleep
at the day
And The Silence
Keeps me awake
At Night
dailythoughts Oct 2020
make noises in your head so you can’t hear your heart
Still Crazy Jul 2020
them creaky noises:

years ago wrote of meandering this old house,
in the creaky hours of-should-be-sleeping,
listening to the varietals of noises old houses speaking,
how the floorboards talk among themselves when
no human about to trod them, to elicit their groaning,
solicit their tales of who, when and memorizing the ending,

I wander same as before, same house, same wee hours,
no direction home, as I am technically “at home,” but still
directionless, still crazy after all these years, but that’s not
the only still, still left unheard, now new creaks demand a

the house
still talks to me in its language peculiar, but now,
my body, of its own free will, in its poetry of groans in bones,
creaking, two dialects of getting old, always being cold,
sleeping with your socks on, your twisty back named Jack,
who hijacked your invincible good health and getting up is a
hysterical funny musical of snap, crackle and pop, coming from
places inside your body, that supposedly don’t posses the skill of

kept awake by a united nations assembly of them creaky noises,
whirring motors turning me and things on and off all night, what
a racket, only early dawn calls them to order, to quiet down please,
everybody shush, the old house and it’s content, an old poet, needing
some winks cause soon enough the sun and the fog will arrive to
commandeer his overnight recollections, write them up, & write them
down, still crazy

like the one about them creaky-sounds, coming-from god-knows
CJ Feb 2020
I will not lie
Every year on this very day
the more I want to die
but is the voices that keep me alive

On this day
I'm expected to be happy
as everybody wishes me
But I've always felt empty

Nothing has changed
Every year is the same
From the silence in my room
to the noises in my brain

My wish for every year
will never be different
whether or not I could be happier
Then the previous birthday
Will I ever be happier on my birthday?
Am I selfish to just wish to be happy?
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