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Rex Verum Regem Sep 2018
Is not everyday we say we want to live forever expecting things to stay constant in the moment of bliss that made you want to be immortal.

living forever; never dying or decaying.
an immortal being, especially a god of ancient Greece or Rome.

So which is it, do you wish to be ever constant and involved in all history, future and beyond
Do you see yourself as above the mortal realm does the complexity of the multiverse bore you, are you already proclaimed above all others.
Are you he who shall not be named
Are you mother to the earth
Are you GOD!!!!
for off so then everyday is everyday for one who knows all days,

Rex Verum Regem
Andrew Rueter Jan 2018
When I think of death I get scared
About how I'm not prepared
Because no one will be there
When I think of death I get lonely
And begin to act fairly phony
To get someone to hold me
When I think of death I get crazy
My frantic thinking becomes hazy
As I wonder what will finally slay me
There's a thousand ways to skin a cat
But zero ways to bring it back
There's a thousand ways to hear it scream
But zero ways to hear it dream

Death is so cunning
I hear death drumming
In the distance
Despite resistance
I can't dispute
It's absolute
I hear a death rattle
Like an overdose
That's oh so close
There's no way to battle

A lonely coyote contracts rabies
As a scared mother drowns her babies
Submerging them in death
Cleansing them of life
Until there's nothing left
She turns off the lights
She has taken what she was giving
She has taken from the living

I see death in my dreams
While I constantly flee
These nightmares
Don't fight fair
They use a brutal truth
Of undeniable proof
That this time I must spend
Will come to an end
And there will be time I waste
Despite my haste
So I seek out purpose and glory
Before loved ones must mourn me

Death flows
With time's infusion
Time shows
Death's illusion
That we'll be able to take anything with us
Or that anyone will miss us

I watch time sink down the drain
Until nothing remains
Time batters
Until I'm flatter
And only death stands tall
Behind my mortal wall
Brandon Conway Aug 2018
Dreaming while dying
Is the only way to catch
Inspired by The Long Dream by Junji Ito.
Wilder Aug 2018
Give me a choice
One immunity
It will not be

I still need
Something to remind me
I'm still just a mortal
Need saving

I gave you
The choice
To live or
You would choose live
But I would choose die

Cause I don't know
What's going on
But I want to know
I'm not immune
To reality

Throw me away
I'll bounce right back
This home I've made
I know won't last

I just
Don't want
To be
Once, one of my friends convinced a little kid I was a superhero. I hated it. Cause, I'm not actually one! If I was, I could've done something, I could've saved people. People that are now DEAD!
So yeah. I would love being a hero, but they aren't real. So I just keep moving on.
Isaac Aug 2018
Life is hard
Killer hard
So hard it can **** you
In fact, it will
But that's what makes
It so sweet
Knowing that we
Are all going to die
We have to
Written 11 August 2018
PoserPersona Jul 2018
As a mortal you will die;
  in exchange, a chance at life.
Though it is not guaranteed,
  moments, are odds to be seized.
Lyn-Purcell Jun 2018
no saint                                                      
never­ was                                                    
never will be                                                      
so      ­                                              

will make                      
your mind see                      
a scarred mortal                      

fell for
a     baleful
halo disguised

                                         of       it      my
                                          heart has paid the

trust to be
paid with several

  are dealt                                              
unlike hands                                              
and to play life's                                              
game        ­                                        

Why                    ­                                                                 ­       
should I                                                                                         
b­e judged for                                                              ­                          
every fault and                                                              ­                          

make me                  
I'm human like                

                     have worsen
                   making  hating

                      ­                                              Time
              ­                                                       from my
                                                                        childhood was
                                                             ­         stolen    from   my
                                                              ­          life

want to find
my own way in

hate you                                                     
perfection                                   ­                  
It's used way too                                                  

from everyone                                                                                           

My      ­    
love for          
words and myth          
burns bright in my        

                              have lied
                              I have judged
                               I  make  mistakes

                                                             ­                    Why
                                                           ­                      condemn
                                                         ­                       me  because
                              ­                                                  I   am   honest
                                                         ­                          look

         got my
              share of chips
             and cracks on my

make me                              
some target                              
on      media's                            

I'm                                                            ­                  
alive                                                           ­                   
Living art                                                              ­            
now broken and                                                              ­          
scared                                                          ­                

God sees    
and for all    
I have done    

                                deal with
                                me in time
                                  The way He sees

my lanterns              
will adorn the              

my truth                                                        
I am fraught                                                         
with flaws and I'm                                                          

   ­       Now            
take a piece
of my heart and

                                            to the
                                             endless sky
                                               and take my soul
These Lanterns poem are really close to home...
Consider them like a continuation of my poem 'Naturally'.
I can't act like I'm perfect all the time. Needless to say that society's obsession with perfection has worsened. It feels like an image one will forever to forced to strive for but never reach. To be honest, being perfect all the time only makes people more excited for your fall from grace.
What I mean by people 'making hating cool' is that people enjoy jumping on the hate bandwagon when someone (e.g. a celebrity) does something they don't like, says something they don't like, or makes a mistake. In most cases, it's unnecessary. It's sad it happens...

The divine light that these lanterns have comes from a really emotional and insecure place in my heart. A treasure that I want you to see. I'm young, I've made my share of mistakes. Who hasn't? I've got a past. But I shouldnt be pressure to feel guilt for ******* up in life sometimes.
These words are from a 22 (23 tomorrow) year old who even though she acts like shes got it all covered, she's terrified of life as a whole. Fraught with her own personal issues and demons. But I'm still here for a reason.
There have been days where I wanted to end it all but I didn't.
Because deep down, I know. I couldn't deny myself a chance in life.
A chance to finally have some stability and to be happy. A chance to truly find myself and embrace who I am.
Something that I'm honestly still learning to do.
I hope people here who are going through this understand where I'm coming from.

I'm me, Lyn Purcell and there's nowhere and nothing I'd rather be.
Thanks so much for 88 followers. For me it's insane!
No words can express how I feel but you have my gratitude!

More Lanterns are coming as well as Sijos.
So, have a lovely day/night and be back soon!
Lyn ***
Colm May 2018
Stomach full of stream and sand, sometimes I sift gold.
Passing through to understand,
that fingers never hold.
Nothing that is ever said by man, will last beyond as far as memory can carry.
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