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sanctuary Apr 2016
I wanted to see your eyes,
the eyes that once shone like diamonds in the sun at the sight of me.
The ones I looked at and saw something more,
something beyond.

When I did,
In your eyes,
I found the answer as to why.

It broke a part of me,
Silently but oh so terribly

my hope,
my love,
my stars and moon

I could never finish my thoughts
But for you I would

I loved you with all
my heart,
my might,
my strength.

With body and soul,
with great modesty and devotion.

In a moment my heart broke to more fractions than it already is,
I lost you
Yet I still wonder if I really did have you to begin with

You have that part of me
I'm not sure I could get back

I'm drowning
And you're no longer there to anchor me to safety
Dreamer Apr 2016
When all is said and done
And the moment of truth arrives
The frustration starts to kick in
Every single vein in your body starts to twitch
Brain shouting in desperation
Heart doesnt want to believe the situation you are in
The jargon of truth
Draggin me down
Every thing radicalized
This is a conspiracy shouts my mind
But all in vain
The words I write wet and wrinkled
The thoughts I think
Blank and dank
I try to think
To get out of this hell of a mess
But then the brain shouts
Just **** IT
And its all over..
aniket nikhade Apr 2016
Present in the present is the presence of the present, which makes the present moment in time very much conspicuous by it’s presence.

Define what you want,
get into the insight of the things that need to be done,
thereafter start with the process of getting things done one by one.

Present in the present is the presence of the present, which makes the present moment in time very much conspicuous by it’s presence.

Make use of your presence of mind so as to reap the maximum benefit from the present moment in time with regards to everything that exists in the present.

Every opportunity brings along with it an element of risk,
identify, recognize and accept an opportunity as an opportunity and not another way of doing things.
Once an opportunity is accepted, then the responsibility of dealing with risk comes along with it.
Make sure you know everything, each and everything and all when it comes to the process of dealing with an opportunity.
Also make sure you know the importance related to an opportunity, since as and when it is striked upon, it will enhance the scope of future.
Every opportunity brings along with it an element of risk, deal with the risk involved in it so as to make sure you know what exactly lies in that opportunity.

Present in the present is the presence of the present, which makes the present moment in time very much conspicuous by it’s presence.

Everything that belongs to you is what makes you who you are.
Think of what is there for you in the outside world and gradually the scope with regards to the present and future will become narrow.

There are two ways to it, either you know the thing or you learn the thing,
but even in doing so time is a major factor that will bother you.
So better be what you are, understand the same and in the process you will learn that presence of mind in the present will bring the much needed change with regards to present and also in future.

Everything with regards to the outside world will change only when the approach and attitude changes and this will happen only when the importance and value of time is agreed upon and accepted.
So understand the importance of present in your life,
the importance of it’s presence and more so the importance of the present moment in time.

Present in the present is the presence of the present, which makes the present moment in time very much conspicuous by it’s presence.

Definitely life continues to move ahead along with the present moment in time,
searching for viable options,
confirming at the same point in time if there is an opportunity,
if anything amongst all seems to be there,
not only the present moment in time will get defined,
but also it will pave a definite way to deal with an uncertain future.
Vamika Sinha Apr 2016
the tenderest thing. the tenderest thing.
is stumbling
in the hollow between
life's collarbones. it feels just like

innocent. a moment.
crushed-soft, caught you unaware.
as vulnerable as hot
alighting on your neck. his
fingers lacing round your ribs.
a moment.

placing lunch plates in the sink
getting washed by sunlight instead.
a glow on metal
so bright, so clean
you think of a baby's skin.
like love.
like love exists
in everything.

the tenderest thing. the tenderest thing.
LexiSully Apr 2016
Sleepily and lazily, he makes his way out of the hole that has sheltered him from the cold

As he looks both left and right, does he long to see his shadow, which will send him away into slumber for a little while longer, or does he prefer to lounge in the shade of the day?

To him, the decision will take only but a moment

To reporters, onlookers, and bystanders, only the moment can tell.
aniket nikhade Apr 2016
Something going on in the mind for quite sometime is something that the mind knows,
however, at the present moment in time the thought process going on in the mind wants to ignore that same something going on in the mind for quite sometime, for reasons unknown.
Restlessness and anxiety get an opportunity to seek into the mind.

Is that something going on in the mind related to the mistakes that were made?
If yes, then what were the mistakes that were made.
If no, then what is that something going on in the mind for quite sometime.

Priorities are time bound and also demanding,
priorities can set everything right,
if the priorities are met on the scheduled date and time.

Everything going on in the mind for quite sometime is related to priorities that need to be tackled and sorted out along with time.
What if priorities are not met?
What is the next best option available then?
Think, decide and tell is what each and every passing moment tells.

It's always better to do something that you know,
but decide first what you want to do and then proceed towards doing the same.
Set your priorities first and then decide your line of action to get everything done.
Definitely priorities come first, no two ways about it.
Cheyenne Apr 2016
I didn't give up!
I just didn't adjust
To the stakes getting higher;
Fuel thrown on the fire.
Now I burn away,
But am I to blame?
I'm not the one fanning the flames.
But I'm just standing, unmoving,
Not shouting or screaming.
Perhaps I'm compliant.
Perhaps I'm just dreaming.

And perhaps it is better:
Reduced into embers,
Crushed into ashes,
Scattered on the wind.
Not giving up, but
Perhaps giving in?
Say what you may:
Weak, brave.
I'm in no position
To reject your opinion,
But, if you're asking me,
I wouldn't mind being lost to the breeze.
aniket nikhade Apr 2016
Lost is the present moment in time
Lost in thoughts of my own.

Absorbed is the mind
Absorbed in thoughts of my own.

Engaged is the mind
Engaged in thoughts of my own.

Involved is the mind
Involved in designing, discussing and deciding about an uncertain future.
Involved in thoughts of my own.

Very soon it will be realized that all the efforts which have been made up until now,
all of them were made,
sepcifically to reach a point of conclusion,
so as to make a definite decision.

Interesting are the ways of life,
interesting seems life,
but still,
even then,
even as of now,
it's life and life continues along with the passing moment in time.
When thought of something at the present moment in time.
Jeni Apr 2016
Sunlight streams through trees
Kissing the soft chocolate ringlets strewn across
his cheeks
They lay together,
a blanket beneath them
and the bluest sky, beautiful overhead.

Her breath steals
a question
from his eyes;
warm, green pools of heaven.
And he leans upward to capture
her answer
with his softly loving lips.

And there they remain;
lost yet found
swimming in each other's souls
till the sunlight fades
and their love is written by constellations.
Simon Obirek Apr 2016
Hanging in space,
suspended in nothingness,
tiny little cubes
with rounded edges
glistening brightly
like bulbs;
they're moments.

Some moments are nice
and some worth writing about.
The best moments **** time;
Earth spins slowly,
your bones tilt
your guts twist
and then it's over
like blown-out candles
just like that.

The tiny little cubes are snapshots,
they capture the moments
and they won't shake them after they come out.
The cubes are collages
of your entire life
of the feelings you've felt
the experiences you've had
and your love wrote a cute note at the bottom of the picture.

The tiny little cubes go unnoticed
by most people
but you.
the moments still exist
as long as there are someone
to remember them.
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