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Ignatius Hosiana Feb 2017
I would **** for you
even if it meant killing me
I'd burn in flames if
you promised to treasure my ashes
I'd walk into a coffin if
it meant you'd kiss my grave
I would return to the soils
to be part of the ground on which
your tender feet gracefully glide
I'd take bullet for you
if you promised to always
keep me alive on your mind
*Because I am as good as dead without you.
PaperclipPoems Feb 2017
She is the crisp air that fills my lungs
The damp salty wind in my beach hair
The cold wet sand between my toes
My young blood on these city streets
From the snowflakes on my tongue
To the redwoods that surround me,
Her independence and diversity
Are my sweetest comfort.
As I drive south with her at my back
It is a sad and painful goodbye.
Ignatius Hosiana Feb 2017
Let them forget the little I did
but always remind them that it was my dream
to change the world, and I started with me
for there wasn't a fulcrum long enough
and a point on which to stand on whilst I
move the world...
Let them forget who I was but the one thing
you should never let them forget are the words I wrote
for it was only such moments when ink bled on paper and
my fingers hurt typing on a keyboard that I was truly alive
Otherwise I was just a lost Gypsy wandering through
a wrong generation...
Ignatius Hosiana Feb 2017
We met we smiled, we fell don't know if you remember... I remember the clouds were at war with the sun trying to stop him from burning like hell as you understand the scotch in December, but it wasn't that haze that made my heart burn for as soon as the ice in my soul was melted and the river of my passion started running again, I knew you were the bulb to be set at the front of my train and the warm orb with the Vitamin D for my sceptic wounds to turn into scar since my nomadic childhood had bruised me hard and torn me off the mass of attachment into a frigid island of desolation... As soon as I saw your teary eye twinkle like a star in the sky I knew I was on the right avenue even if I knew not my destination. In fact, I didn't need to know because you were someone I'd walk with as long as I lived and never want to rest. A wave that I'd surf to the dangerous crest even if I was a hydrophobic...a wave that swept me off my feet and totally changed my heartbeat...You found me confused and taught me which thread of emotion meant what. You found me too young and naive and taught me every little thing I know... Don't know if you remember but I remember the day we first hugged and you trembled in my arms, the peck in your neck... the evening walks to the golf course and our first kiss, it wasn't your first, but it was mine and it felt like your first or at least that's what you kept saying in two years. Those were the happiest and shortest years of my life for it was like I had everything I ever wanted... we always kept our promises, when I said I would call, I would… Gosh! It was great being yours and I'd do whatever to rewind even when I already know the ugly ending to the beautiful story...You taught me so much, right from who I didn't know I was to what I didn't know I needed, like novels and literature and you to understanding what it took to be a man... There was only one thing you didn't teach me, moving on once it was over... But am getting there, I know I keep saying that and you're tired of hearing it, I just hope someday I can look back and smile like you do otherwise I shall never forget those beautiful moments for as long as I shall live, so many unforgettable things you taught me, even the painful.... How can I ever thank you for the lessons that I learnt?
Ignatius Hosiana Feb 2017
Let them say alarmed by my soul's quiescent invisible riot
you heard my despondent deafening silent shout
and rather than cast aspersions upon my scraggy idiosyncrasy
without doubt you lent me wings of optimism to float
for yours were arms that took me in when the world kicked me out
Let them say you walked with me till the end of the road
perspiring, dusty, fatigued yet still endured the load
let them say you tottered with me past my dusk to dawn
they didn't have to ask whether you were truly my own
for you searched piece by piece until you found all my heart
stitched them together to hold my world from drifting apart
that you saw me through to ocean from spring and river
and I moved on from my rough past because you were my lever
Let them say you saw me to Tuxedo from tattered pants
and even when waves of coercing constrains hit you still gave us a chance
that you weaved an intricate basket of forever out of every now
and as such we crossed even the most shaky of bridges we never knew how
Ultimately, let them say you were my best story, one never ceased writing...
Ignatius Hosiana Feb 2017
As soon as you write
about it, you've
started healing...
Ignatius Hosiana Feb 2017
All I wanted was to be the lad who
moves the mountains in your life
into the valleys in your Heart.
the lad who wraps the bandage
of joy about your sores of sorrow

I wanted to be an orb of hope that
lights your way through dark times
the road that guides you home
to love you in all ways that
I could, to find you a forever
in every now, to fight your
wars so that you never bruise...
To be your co-driver on this
unpredictable journey of life

To pick up the pieces all
who came before me left
scattered all over the floor
I wanted to be the courteous
palms that hold your hand
and wipe your tears, and though
not so strong, the shoulder
on which to lean

I just wanted
to be yours.
Ignatius Hosiana Feb 2017
Roses* are Red
Violets* are Blue
Valentines is Dead
ever since I lost **you.
Ignatius Hosiana Feb 2017
Across a million faces
in a thousand different places
I find you in blossoms of flowers
like am a captive of your magical powers
I find you in the depth of my heart
even if we are completely worlds apart
in cold days mocked by soothing patters of rain
pattering right above the echo of my pain
I see you here with my eyes shut
in the emptiness, as my mind is dead alert

I hear your voice in whispers of the wind
maybe you're invisible to me since love's blind
you might be right here as well, trapped to this moment
on the same wave at war in the torrent of torment
bearing painful blisters of regret from burns of desire
enduring stifling emotions that won't retire
reeking of an excellently brewed obsession  that won't expire
and since you were my breath I can hardly respire
even the hardest of scotch and wines couldn't lift me higher
out of the abyssal deep doldrums of this mire

I smell your scent of roses at night beneath my sheets
and as I walk feeling isolated along these crowded streets
at every single thought about you my confused heart beats
while in my palm where your fingers fitted, cold emptiness slits
I see you in the hovering birds of prey as they bask in the sky
flamboyantly spreading their vast wings as they fly
under the sweltering haze of Sun where I burn for you
in recollection of your entrancingly licentious sigh

*everywhere I go, in different places
I see you masked upon a million faces
I feel you in the roseate blossom of flowers
in every second of every minute of my hours
for am still a captive of your enchanting powers
Ignatius Hosiana Feb 2017
Love of truth
                        the Truth of Love
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