Some people wait until there are no more phone calls
or texts buzzing in through the day and night
until there are no ears to listen and arms to embrace
until there are no more whispers and lips to kiss
to appreciate a presence of love in their life
some folks wait until there's no more breakfast on bed
or the golden smile like the orange orb
of the dawn in their wake to light up their day...
to appreciate the effort invested even in just wearing a smile...
Some people wait until they walk along
the beach then look back and see only two footprints
where there once flourished two pairs,
to know that all animals need four legs
even **** sapiens, and that’s why they were trusted with two more
Some folks wait until the rains come with a ravenous miasma to reminisce
that they once had more than a coat to keep away the biting chills
some people wait until their soul is midst winter
to acknowledge the warmth that darlings do bring
Some fellows wait until there's a thwarting loud silence
where the rhythm of another heartbeat
and nagging little arguments once occupied,
until music is just a miserable reminder of the beautiful yesterday
to realize that they didn't dance enough when they
had the opportunity to do so... Some people wait until
the antagonist has skipped to another story to
know that every hero needs their antagonist
and sometimes the antagonists are so simply because they are misunderstood...
Some people wait until fresh air rather than an aroma
of a carefully prepared recipe welcomes them home to
see that a House isn't Home, love is the home
as home is laughter at the dinner table
and there isn't a better meal than a big loaf of humor
shared between two cautiously weaved intricate souls made for each other,
folks wait until they are driving emptiness
a neglected anthropoid once tried to fill with
the air of romantic praise and or criticism of the skills on wheels
to realize that the escapade isn't the drive, but voyaging with our world
for most of the journeys we make are more about self-discovery
than they are about cosmic exploration…
Do not wait until it’s too late to appreciate the value
Your loved ones add to your life… Always appreciate love
When it’s given and in the same way, give love when it’s needed…