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Saša Milivojev Jun 2022
A bloodthirsty old woman you see,
a cockroach from Satan’s
“Crisis Committee”,
For long she pillaged,
children she snatched and slayed
their blood she drank and ate,
to rejuvenate.
She flayed their skin,
affixed in place on her own face,
Corona was her name,
The old hag was insane.

When her evil deeds were told,
the airplanes soared,
in aim to **** us all.
On Earth they made the poisons fall.

They had us all locked down,
with muzzles restrained,
padlocks and chains,
ankle bracelets for home detention,
false tests on prescription,
deceived and plundered,
blamed for infection,
medications proscribed,
fresh air they denied,
On our freedom they put boundaries,
halfwits, scoundrels.

And when they “eased up” on their “measures”,
the camps were full over the rim,
large - scale butchering,
looted livers and kidneys,
burning the living victims,
“to prevent the spread of infection”
evidence concealed for our own protection.

She had working hours,
sleeping before noon,
was contagious only in the afternoon.

Half the world she vaccinated,
with poisons injected,
what is going on,
you are going to see,
billions of dead bodies are yet to be!

Forget we must not,
Lest not forgive,
Let’s arrest and sentence them to death,
they should not be left to live!

Saša Milivojev

Translated by Ljubica Yentl Tinska
Copyright © by Saša Milivojev, 2020 - 2022 - All Rights Reserved
Ritz Writes Jun 2022
Forgive me Father for we were too blind to lead our hearts, misled by our fragile thoughts and irreconcilable differences.
Forgive me Father for the misinterpretation created in in my head by dilemma and submerged in trauma;
I was blind to trust and numb to disregard  our own fresh wounds rubbed in salts in guise of words.
W o r d s
Cuts like a knife, straight to the heart and insidious
Like an uninvited guest, it stays till you're completely exhausted.
Drowned myself in vulnerability to trust the stranger
Unsure of the grave repercussion and danger.
Forgive us Father for losing ourselves in pain and game
For we were too naive to comprehend
Until we embarked on suffering till the end.
Zywa Feb 2022
The nights are silent,

the ferries out of service --

everyone in bed.
Collection "WoofWoof"
Jodie-Elaine Jan 2022
Our          mistakes
mask   themselves
like                     me
outside of

Lockdown poetry from my very, very soon impending collection: 'Haven't the Foggiest'.

... actually more of a Lidl gal these days
TheUnseenPoet Nov 2021
Haven't seen you for a while.
You know how it is.
We are all struggling aren't we.
Terrible how it has been.
I wish you would

No not much. You?
That's a shame.
Yes they grow up so quickly.
I know. Time goes so fast yes.
ask me how I really am

Anyway it is freezing.
Better get home.
Yes yes you too.
Take care.
because I haven't spoken to anyone in weeks.
Lucy Schofield Nov 2021
Fingers tapping, one, two, three,
A slow rhythm drums in my chest.
The words on my screen blur and fade before me.
The world slows as we are put to the test.

The streets, barren and eerily silent,
Darkened windows, chairs on tables.
Places once filled with noise now absent.
Are we now living in one of God's fables?

Perhaps, then, we must stop and listen,
Listen to the lessons He is teaching us all.
These drastic measures, so brazen,
Yet we are close to the edge, were we to fall?

See kindness and beauty,
See all that is good,
As Mother Nature breathes freely,
Tired from all She withstood.

Laughter and bored games,
Brought together by distance,
Whilst the air, the water, She reclaims,
No more waiting, no more patience.

Yes, waters clear as emissions drop;
A truly beautiful consequence.
But we must not forget - take the time to stop,
Extend our minds to at whose expense.

Unemployment creeps ever higher,
Many lives are lost.
For those a dark and terrible chapter,
Enduring such a saddening cost.

The good that lies within,
The beauty of humankind,
Rainbows, clapping, togetherness underpin,
Our world, our people, our priorities realigned.

So listen we must,
To our animals, our rivers, our Earth.
Look to your nearest and dearest,
Use this time to recognise their full worth.
Caelynn Regester Sep 2021
In a box
In a cage
In a prison cell

The lonely spirit rots
Treasures given away
Puzzles night and day
The spirit cannot stand it
There must be a way out

Alas, the spirit cannot find it
And thus she withers, with her puzzles
In a box
In a cage
In a prison cell

The spirit's own vessel a prison in itself
She longs for an escape
The greed of the selfish
The hunger of the spoiled
It swallows the world,
and strengthens the lock
The spirit must stay
In a box
In a cage
In a prison cell

The cradle offers no comfort anymore
Instead only harsh reality

The only window of freedom the spirit has
Is her fellows, locked away as well
Separate cells, separate prisons
But captive all the same

Most her friends are happy with something
If nothing else, they take comfort in their own vessel
But this cannot be for the lonely spirit
Flesh is binding
She can never be free

The room's light flickers
desperate to hold onto what little she has left,
the lonely spirit sets to work

In a box
In a cage
In her own
Salvador Kent Sep 2021
Wind. Walk outside.
You went again today.
Wood. Familiar landscape.

Blue. You're infatuated by the colour
For some reason or other.
Sad really. Sometimes blue takes over

Your mind so much you can't sleep.
Not that you sleep anyway.
Hilarious really. Two in the morning.

Why are you this way nowadays?
Did something happen? Must have
Because that would explain it all.

Funny thing. How time slipped away
Feels like March slipped to May
Slipped to now. You're staring at a pen and

There's nothing else to do.
Why are you crying now?
Did something happen?

You've been so blue recently.
You're always so blue.
Why are you always blue?
April 2020
My Dear Poet Aug 2021
I’m gonna jingle a single in my singlet
Juggle Bintang bubbles in my jocks
Run wild and free in the city
No trickery tickity tock
Just flippity flip in my flip flops
See me rickety rock off your socks
Dangle the bangle and I haggle
Cha-ching cha-ching on the rocks
One dolla two dolla or three
Join us for a beer at a party in Bali
By the bay with a babe by the sea
With Marley and Ali and me
It’s long overdue and lockdowns driving me crazy
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