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your girl b Mar 19
Sun is setting but this time of year it stays hot through the night
So skip your bed and come with me
Let's explore let's ignore responsibility
Whole worlds counting on us simultaneously not giving a ****
Sun is ******* coming up making us spend that buck
I can't tell you what the future holds but I know
We'll be solid floating through life as we know it
The chosen ones we can no longer ignore it
Miss Masque Feb 3
The gentle gesture
of a kangaroo eating
out of the palms of your hands
cupped just so,
hands beneath just holding
your hands there
trusting you to offer
a favorite treat.

I look over at you.
The look of adoration
stuns me.

It's not that I'm surprised,
It's more that you look at me
like I'm a wonder, an enigma,
Some precious strange thing
to be protected
and loved
and cherished.

A moment captured in time
You lean up behind me and
the picture is done and we
move on.

You are my gentle love,
the honey in my gaze,
the caramel apple of my eye
the happy ending of my days.

Your sweetest company
a mystery unfolded,
an adventure enfolded
into laced fingers
and bodies
skin against skin.
I wrote this for my husband. He has to leave the country and be away from me for awhile. and I will miss him terribly. I'm going through my own process of dealing with the separation after having a long distance relationship for 5 years and finally getting married and being physically together since June 7, 2024. (We visited for shorter periods of time throughout, but this is the longest we've been able to physically be together the entire time).

It will be hard, but we have done this before. We'll be alright. I'll be watching the same moon at night and wishing for the stars to grant me some time with him in my dreams.
Kaiden Nov 2024
As the darkness surrounds my room
I type unspeakable words
To the only one that cares,
Yet he can't be here

The pain of being attached to something
You can't see
Or hear
The craving of his touch
That's way too far to reach you

You see the words on the screen
Yet you feel so alone
He cares, and you know that
But does he really?

I drop my phone
As i lay down, staring at the pretty white ceiling
Counting each second closer to our goal
I might be young but one thing i know for sure

Love is complicated
Long distance relationships are beautiful, yet hard
rhenee rose Oct 2024
People say that absence makes the heart grow fonder;
But I do propose a more fitting word to use!

Isn’t that absence makes the heart go angry?
Conflicts and clashes, arguments at its best.

Isn't that absence makes the heart go weary?
Your warmth is what I need in this tangled mess.

Isn't that absence makes the heart go crazy?
Only with you, my mind can easily rest.

And yet, our love is still a pretty wonder;
I am yours, and you will always be my muse.
A poem about that infamous quote.
N' Sep 2024
If distance never exists,
Let's slow dancing beneath the moon,
As I sing our favourite love song,
With stars and moon as our audience.

If distance never exists,
Let's play water at the beach,
The salt water on our faces,
With the beautiful sunset in the background.

If distance never exists,
Let's lay under the clouds,
Let the wind carry us,
I'll hold you with my arms.

If distance never exists,
Let's talk for hours,
I'll hug you tight,
play your hairs,
Gently whisper you the love poems,
I wrote about you.
long distance relationship desires
GRIS Aug 2024
In the heart of the world, a light does shine,  
It's Abhi, the one who makes my heart sing.  
An Indian soul, so gentle and kind,  
With him, I’ve found my everything.  

He brings me joy in ways unknown,  
A warmth that fills my days and nights.  
With every smile, my love has grown,  
He turns my darkness into light.  

I treasure the moments, each whisper, each sigh,  
The laughter we share, the dreams we weave.  
In his embrace, I reach for the sky,  
In his presence, it’s easy to believe.  

The world is vast, its changes so near,  
But my love for him will never fade.  
I promise to cherish, to hold him dear,  
Through every storm, unafraid.  

For Abhi is lovely, a treasure to keep,  
A heart so pure, a soul so true.  
As I work on myself, my dreams still steep,  
I hope he stays, sees it through.  

May the world be kind to his gentle heart,  
As time moves on, as seasons change.  
In every journey, though we’re apart,  
My love for him will never estrange.  

Abhi, my love, my hope, my friend,  
In your eyes, I find my place.  
With you, my joy will never end,  
In your love, I find my grace.
Haley Harrison Aug 2024
Against all common sense,
you still give me butterflies;
I want to tell you without pretense
how my heart for you sighs.
My fingers hover over the phone,
indecisive, nervous, cringing;
Since you left I'm so alone,
a kingdom without a king.
Words, my usual weapons of choice,
fail me when it comes to you.
I fear you'll forget my voice,
our nights; move on to someone new.
It's hard. It's frustrating,
this near-constant low;
Missing you, contemplating,
screaming into a pillow.
And memories, little ones,
just flashes of that high,
Bittersweet firefly-suns
of the days you were nigh.
These crumbs of text,
an occasional voice note,
Starving till the next,
Hungering for what you wrote.
I need you, I love you so
embarrassingly much,
Your smile, your eyes of doe,
the fire of your touch.
And yet it gets caught in my throat,
the selfish begging for your return;
so I just pray, in silence,
as I continue to burn.
(for G.)
nadine shane Jun 2024
every night, i lie awake in my bed
it always seems like
its too BIG,          too wide      ,        and too empty for me

but it

under the weight of the words
etched in my throat

once more,
the moon glimmers a tad too bright
as it beckons me
to come closer to the edge
to hear its soft lulls and gentle breeze

like a guilty devotee,
i say my woes to the careworn moon.

goodnight, i say, goodnight.

will you carry these wretched pleas
over to the sun?
your goodmornings are my goodnights.
Haley Harrison Mar 2024
You find me.
In the church bells of a Hozier song,
the sheets that without you feel wrong,
you bind me.
You remind me,
of our sunny morning walks,
of our silly grinning talks,
when you find me.
You touch every thought,
my eternal leitmotif;
no such battle fought
as with you, my heart-thief.
And I want to write words,
tell you how strongly I yearn,
but my mind sees absurds:
so each letter I burn.
And I'm terrified, paralyzed with fear;
I dread your heart will cool,
that you won't love me, my dear -
that I've been but a fool.
Chasing dreams, all in vain,
as I wonder who warms your bed;
So far away, across the pain,
racing terrors in my head.
An ocean between us, worlds apart,
I crave desperately for your embrace.
Yet still I'm silent, intrepid heart -
a grave of sorrow, sans your grace.
(for G.)
White Shadow Dec 2023
In the quiet hush of evening's embrace,
I sense your absence, a lingering space.
Moonlight mirrors the glow in your eyes,
Yet, without you, it's just starlit skies.

Your laughter, a distant, haunting song,
Echoes in the silence, where you belong.
In the symphony of memories we share,
I find you in every whispered prayer.

As time dances on, a relentless tide,
Longing for you, my heart can't hide.
Each sunset a reminder of your touch,
I yearn for you, missing you so much.

In the canvas of dreams, you're a vivid hue,
A portrait of love that continues to grow.
The miles may stretch, but love persists,
Aching for the day we reunite with bliss.

May every breeze carry my love to you,
In the longing, may your heart stay true.
Until the moment when distance will cease,
Know you're missed, wrapped in love's increase.
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