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G Rog Rogers Aug 2017
She came to me
within a dream
Somewhere there
betwixt and between
Where all you see
cannot always be believed

And all is more
beautiful than
can ever be
known or seen

My eyes were amazed
by the wondrous sight
She standing before me
as though devine

Crying Her tears
of golden light

Her words were sure
Her grief then true
I could not begin
to comprehend
what I saw
and what I knew

In this moment
She was
perfect and pure

She wept as She spoke
of a great disgrace
The destruction of
an Holy Place
where We once
there were wed

A sacred chapel
where solemn vows
were said

Gone it's gone
it has been destroyed
Her cries of anguish
tore at my heart

I could not believe
such tragedy occurred
My words were
They couldn't
They never would

This is just a rumor
that you have heard

The chapel is protected
by law and truth
and by the powers
from all above

She was there
but just a little while
My eyes then opened
and I recognized
She had been with me
She had appeared

This was the moment
I knew it all was
so very real

I then heard
the blast of horns
from the great ship's
on the LA Bay

And knew I must find out
I must go back
and see someday

I traveled far
I journeyed high
But still I wondered
if the chapel stood
Knowing I must
go back there

To know what must
and should be seen
to be understood

Time then went on
as several years
they came and then went
I remembered and decided
I must go back to see
if this Holy place
might still exist

As though on
a mission sent

My travels went beyond
and then I returned
to that city where
my life there once was

I went there to see
If the chapel remained
But when I arrived
the chapel was gone

Real and a fact
The evidence seen
A vision of an Angel
who seemingly Devine
therein descended within
a lucid dream

The purest
of knowledge
The absolute Truth.

Mystery or Mysticism
It is all just what it seems.




G Rog Rogers Aug 2017
I thought of you in Paris
and remembered
you in Zurich

I was reminded of
you in Moscow
and I could not forget
you in Cancun

My memories were of you when I went back
to New Orleans
and Tampa Bay

I continue thinking of you
in Dallas and LA.


G Rog Rogers Aug 2017
Waiting is not my vocation
Patience then not my forte
I could say I've been
standing in the rain forever
But the Sun always shines
in LA

I hear there's an LA Woman
Maybe here is where
She again will appear
The clouds blew through
for just a few seconds
But here in LA
all the skies are
bright blue
sunny and clear

They say She lives
by the ocean
She walks barefoot
in the sand by the sea
Behind Her ear
there's a flower
All then take notice
of She

Her whispers
barely but silent
resound throughout all
conscious thought
Her aura is of love and passion
hoping and never to be lost

There is an LA Woman
The wind makes a carriage
for Her grace
She smiles as if
by Her magic
the moments of
Her movements
are blessed

I will wait
a little bit longer
An hour or maybe
much more
Where minutes
cascade into later
Until again Her beauty
is once more revealed

Waiting is not my vocation
Patience then not my forte
I could say I've been waiting
in the rain forever

But everyone knows
the Sun always shines
in LA.



mikev May 2017
family shouldn't
shame - because
shame lumbers in the belly like a bad ham -
it burns into intestines and spills
hot green stomach acid up your throat while
you're asleep peacefully at the television -
no, family shouldn't
point fingers like a winter's frost, scowling
like a midnight alley cat between trashcans -
no - family
reflects in the
social mirror, and breaks
itself down first
Aaron LaLux Apr 2017
Wanna Feel

In The Berkeley Hills,
with some different girls,
different Hills different girls,
and different guys as well,

oh well,
different girls,
different guys,

I go out now,
and recognize that I’m recognized,
the written word’s done wonders for me,
thankful without question I don’t need to know why,

have no questions for you,
other than are you ready to ride,

up in the Hills,
of Berkeley reaffirming,
anything that’s real,

wanna feel,
anything that’s real,

don’t tell me that’s cliche,
because I know you feel the same way,
and I told you before I’m trying to stop rhyming,
but then I go and just keep rhyming anyways,

where were we,
we were,
are rather are,

in The Berkeley Hills,
with some different girls,
different Hills different girls,
and different guys as well,

oh well,
different girls,
different guys,

∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆

Brandon Burtis Jun 2017
I saw a car burning on the side of the road;
Two passengers and police standing around it,
like a campfire;
I'm not sure if someone was still inside

…But I saw a gap in traffic
and turned away,
knowing I could drive faster down the 405 --
if only for a couple seconds --
and look in my rearview mirror
having forgotten where the smoke
was coming from.
"One day God picked up the world, turned it on it's side, and shook it.  Everything loose fell in Los Angeles."              ~ Frank Lloyd Wright
Gerry Aldridge Apr 2017
True Self.
What do you do,
When you do not want to be you?

You have thought about inventing
something else...pretending a lot did not happen.
But, in the end,
the only thing you will say as you die,
Was I free?

So, I guess
Albeit reluctantly at times,
I chose me.
Because when I die
There will be no blame.

And of course,
Nothing more to see.
But, I will absolutely not
Regret thee.
Aaron LaLux Mar 2017
We’re Gonna Need Some Sunglasses For This Mushroom Cloud

Gonna need some sunglasses for this one,
it’s 6AM I’m in LA it’s been a long night for sure,
just gotta get into that cafe get that cappuccino,
then get safely unnoticed and back to the idling car,

of Flies,
sorry I’m not sorry,
that’s a bad reference to 1995,

bad because Jar of Flies was a different year,
different year different name,
’95 was self-titled,
‘Alice In Chains’,

remind me again,
what the heck we’re talking about,
this poem has no parameters,
it’s off course but still going along,

gonna need some sunglasses for this one,
like my glasses like I like my roast,
with my Valentino’s and dark cappuccino,
and you with your mimosa my dear Yoda let us toast,

“To the Next Episode!” let’s go,

No Dre though it’s more of a Good Day,
not to be rude to Ice Cube but I got ice cubes in my flute,
in perpetual motion from chronic transitions of change,
and when I say Change I’m not talking about Rock The Vote,

because we all see where voting got us,
now we got ‘ Donald Duck Mr. Talk A lot of Nonsense’,
we got that stone cold soviet ****** Kim Jong-un launching stunner missiles like Steve Austin,
dropping finishing moves ’Cold Stunning’ but instead of a drop kick he’s bomb launching,

we can’t even stop him as in Kim Jong-un with bad movies and meetings with Dennis Rodman,

Oh My God Son!

We’re really gonna need some sunglasses for this one,
have you ever seen the magnificence of an Atom Bomb,
a mushroom clouds of the most beautiful hues,
a moment of infinite Light just before the moment we’re all eternally gone…

∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆
Oh Fck...
VD Lee Feb 2017
This city shines with gold
The streets are crowded and old.
Everywhere you turn
A star has once stood.
Livin' near Tinsletown
Are people whose lucks are down
And they spurn
The names on Hollywood.

Envy bites at them deeply
As they live very cheaply
All alone,
Dreaming meekly.
Once awhile they go to a studio
Where they hope to be on a show
And the phone
Will let them know.

But most times
Disappointment rears its ugly head.
And the hopeful people
Hear this sound instead:

You're turned away.
Turn away
Turn away
Turn away
Turn away
Turn away

You're turned away.
Turn away
Turn away
Turn away
Turn away
Turn away

Getting your name out there
Is harder than it appears
When others are
Doing it too.
And for people born with privledge
Fame is easily given.
Others are barred
From "dreams come true".

Crossing fingers give hope,
And praying can help you cope,
But actual success will
Never come that way.
Make sure you look thin and pretty
Or willing to act mean and petty
'Cause sometimes skill
Doesn't count at the end of the day.

Even with those requirements
Someone has them more.
They're better, smarter, prettier
While you're shown out the door.

You're turned away.
Turn away
Turn away
Turn away
Turn away
Turn away

You're turned away.
Turn away
Turn away
Turn away
Turn away
Turn away

Mama, it's your kid
I want to come back home.
LA's days are scorching,
Its nights' cold to the bone.
I'm lost in my direction
And have nowhere to go.
I fit no one's satisfaction
And I've hit lowest low.
So come save me from my depression.
Who knew such hardship would come from an entitled profession?

You're turned away.
Turn away
Turn away
Turn away
Turn away
Turn away

You're turned away.
Turn away
Turn away
Turn away
Turn away
Turn away
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