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marta effe Sep 2017
On the crusty darkness of the earth
Città notturne  
come Lava incandescente

Bursting bubbles
With life and movement
as still as the flames of a far away fire

Blink with your left eye
And fasten your seatbelt

E non innervosire
Alle ginocchia nella schiena
You'll be there
soon enough.
*dark cities
as white hot lava
**And don't be bothered
by the knees in your back
Juniper Zed Jul 2017
Da te, posso vedere il sole
I segreti dell'amore nascosto
Dormono sotto le palpebre
Perciò raccogliono le folle
Durante la nottata
Mi segue il tuo spirito
Sebbene l'amore non è un diritto
La tua voce sempre è ascoltata
Detto questo non vedo occhi tuoi
Apri gli occhi per chiunque puoi
Perché mi manchi molto
Purtroppo sei sepolto.
Zani Jul 2017
In the garden out the back
Is where I've been cleaning
Out all my daemons
Even though they might relapse
It finds the anecdote
To illustrate the reason

In the garden out the back
Where I grow my wise decisions
Abundance growing to the brim
With all that medicine therein
You'll find the crystal mind

Nel giardino dietro a cà
Dove non c'è niente
Che può preoccuparmi
Io trovai felicità
Facendo cose che sono
Poco educate

Nel giardino dietro a cà
Come sana decisione
Lasciai perdere eredità
Quel che ci lascia sparirà
Qui cresce libertà

In the garden out the back
Is where I've been breathing
All my good intention
If there's something that you lack
You'll find it growing
In the fascets of redemption

In the garden out the back
You will feel no inhibitions
They are not needed anymore
Our remedy grows out the floor
Reveal this truth to find
Abundance growing to the brim
With all the medicine therein
You'll find the crystal mind
Words to accompany an accordion piece written in 2016.
All we need comes from The Earth and working in harmony with her <3
trf Dec 2016
Up high above in the dark nights of fall,
Shines a Star that’s more stark than other flashing lights that lure,
Burning since the birth of time, hazy hindrances still may obscure,
Like bait that patiently awaits the oblivious all.

They say one is born every day, but only you illuminate bliss,
You can escape from this infinite space and when shooting make a wish,
Radiate through the hate, create a new fate, you are unique- Not a spate- and amaze everyone,
Oblique where I gaze you are nigh shiny sun.

She came, she saw, she wondered in awe, “where will I be?”
Are the words that pierced Stella’s skin written as a scrawl? Time will tell and we will see.

Written on two cocktail napkins for a sad stripper who was stage named Star and who's real name was Erika. She was only 20 years old and had "Veni Vedi Vici" tattooed across her shoulder. She may have come and she may have saw, but I wanted her to conquer all and to free her from this despicable place where bachelor parties and creepiness blend in with the smoke and glitter. This Soul Snatcher of 20 year olds. Bouncers getting ******* and still keeping 20 percent. Using that tip money to pay off the cops so they can nearly **** Bachelors in the half empty parking lot for "getting too close and rowdy". **** this sinister industry for existing to allow even the option for people to make decent money. It's costing them too much for too little.
A better choice in dulce vita
where the bucket list glorious of Italiano
still major in Tuscany with Firenze
where espresso and towering inferno of pleasure
which plenty now profane only marginalize Athens
while Constantine would have his chalice a true major in language  
that Rome alight the world in gardens.
AuburnRose Oct 2016
Perfectly imperfect,
I like your quirks.

Hair as smooth as chocolate gelato,
my boy from Montescaglioso.

Skin ain't bright like a tangerine (though you're sweet as one),
but as dark as the moon who married the sun.

Almond shaped eyes,
blaze without doping.

Arctic Monkeys were right,
I could't stop dreaming about you nearly every single night.

And that smile,
that god awful smile that releases like Frank's albums,
without even realizing that you're taking me with the tide.

Sometimes the world forgets to notice but,
Ti ricorderò per sempre
*I will remember you forever
Katie Biesiada Apr 2016
She kissed your cheek and smiled widely,
the corners of her mouth almost touching her
impeccably tattooed eyebrows.
She was not what you had pictured
from the back and forth email conversations
on quotes and designs and sizes.

She asked you to take a seat as she went to
smoke a cigarette outside the shop with a coworker;
Anna was her name...with two jack russel terriers -
one of them is like a honey badger apparently.

It's funny how the mind remembers certain things...
the way the smoke on her tongue smelled as she leaned in
adding ink to her needle,
or the song she kept humming while you
bit your tongue and stared at the decorated ceiling.

But the pain of the needle depositing the
into your skin was welcome...
It was nothing compared to the internal turmoil you were
experiencing the past seven days.
It almost felt good...
Not adrenaline good, but like good that you were capable of
something besides sadness and anger.

In the Barcelona airport two days earlier, you made your appointment.
One on your hip, one on your foot
100 pound deposit. No problem.
You needed something to occupy your
from the pain it endured over your "holiday."

So much for a holiday...
Surprise! Your friend is a backstabbing *****
who "secretly" hates you and tried to
ditch you repeatedly.

The needle grazes your hipbone and you wince.
"You okay?" Tota coos in her Italian accent.
You nod, but you know you're not really okay...
You never were...probably never will be OKAY.

Your mind wanders...wishing you were home
and not in London, three thousand miles away from
the only people who seem to care.

"Done!" Tota exclaims.
You examine her work, smiling.
The first time you have smiled in days.
"Get ready...this one is gona hurt!" she says, half excited.
You don't care...nothing can hurt more than your heart...
Too bad that can't be tattooed...
Jack Jenkins Apr 2016
The way a candle weaves its light through darkness.
How a snowflake trickles down from heaven above.
A virtuoso plucking guitar strings masterfully.
Your glamorous eyes, delicate face, memorizing body.

You sing an enchanting song, full of zealous love, and I cannot help but lose the breath from my lungs.
The fireflies dance and twinkle with grace, yet they are put to shame by your marvelous beauty. Each twinkle of the stars is a testament to their jealousy of your resplendent soul.

This must truly be an angelic dream!

Your voice carries across the air smoothly, eloquently, serenading my unworthy ears. Would you reward my boldness if I were to trace your lips with mine?
Take my weak hand and dance with me. Dance with me under the fairytale night. Step by step, hand in hand, unlock the fortune of this tragic heart. Hold this tragic heart. Love this tragic heart.

You are full of grace, a bewitching vivacity in the recesses of your heart, deeply entrenched and guarded. It is why I admire you from afar. Why these words spill from me to this page. Because of you.
Sprezzatura is an Italian word, and one I fell in love with immediately after knowing it basically means gracefully without effort. So, I wrote this poem for someone who has much Sprezzatura. Definition is in parentheses. I hope it's accurate. Haha!
(A certain nonchalance, so as to conceal all art and make whatever one does or says appear to be without effort and almost without any thought about it. An easy facility in accomplishing difficult actions which hides the conscious effort that went into them.)
Edoardo Alaimo Apr 2016
Quando penso a te,
non sei da qualche parte
a ragionare, a patire.
Un occhio, solo, alla luce,
Uno scudo contro mille lance,
In un terreno di battaglia lontano.
Sei qui con me,
E quando ti penso non ** paura
Né angoscia: io ti ** dentro
Quando ti vedo sei sempre come
Mille libri da cui trarre ispirazione.
Dentro di me, rimani il libro più bello
E il solo vederne la copertina
Mi fa stare meglio:
Sei come il sole, splendido dell'orizzonte,
Che diventa mio, al mattino
Sei una brezza di calma e di serenità
Che sfiora il corpo.
Che io sia ovunque,
Ti tengo stretta:
Con te sono piu forte,
Mi sento migliore
Il mondo intero lo sembra
Vi siano tramonti d'autunno,
O temporali e folgore
Sei la mia buona stella,
In questo luogo,
Dove si annega il pensiero,
E le preoccupazioni
Vorrei stare sospeso con te
In questo luogo;
E raccontarti a chiunque
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