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   come fai a sapere se il tuo meglio era abbastanza buono se non fosse abbastanza buono ~Venjencie©                      

(translated from Italian into English below);

      How do you know if your best is good enough if it was not enough? ~ Venjencie©

They say if you tried your best then that's good enough. They say, do your best that's all you can do. Well, that's hard for me to swallow, when doing my best, most often times I fall short of being good enough! I go over and over in my head and in my heart about what is so wrong with me that I cannot get it right. I've done everything possible to change that about me. I meditate and pray about it. And after all these years, this late in my life, I can't remember once being good enough, even when doing my very best. At times even becoming obsessed with making sure it was just right. I'm tired. I don't understand. IDK even know if I'm doing the tag's below correctly.
Breon Mar 2018
The bitter sting of winter's singing howl
Drives me to seek some deep and darkling place
Far from the blizzard's scorn, the wind's embrace,
Far from the beasts who bear its brunt to prowl
In search of prey. I'll clutch close to my cowl
And cloak, beneath which hides a younger face
Than most foresee. The forecast yields no trace
Of hope for safety 'pon the road. No foul,
My fellow traveler, don't fear from me.
I'll lay my knife down well before we meet,
Before we each choke down a share of ***
Or what would pass to warm camaraderie;
I know not where I've passed, to where I've come;
I simply beg a place to warm my feet.
Once, I was asked to introduce myself.
Breon Mar 2018
Another dram of "philosophic wine."
For all the tumbler saps my fingers' heat,
Its glass holds little, now. Let me entreat:
I'll recollect the tremble down my spine
And spin my little web with every line
To catch your gaze, to bid you take a seat,
To bide my time until the next we meet,
When next we close, we kiss, we intertwine -
I fear it so. I fear I'll be transfixed,
All stunned and muted, stricken by your touch,
Or worse, the web won't draw a moment's gaze.
It must be offered, though it isn't much -
All love and lusts, desires intermixed -
On this, of all the ****** romantic days.
Penned first as an offering for Valentine's Day, I wonder if perhaps there's too much  blatantly predatory language here.
Martina Feb 2018
parole pronunciate
come un treno
senza stop
senza limiti

rotaie fredde
lacrime calde
parole gelide
anime roventi


a persone diverse…
Martina Feb 2018
nonostante sia

non eliminare tutto
come se fosse un errore

gli sguardi così essenziali
si percepiscono.
si vedono.

si affrontano.
non si negano.

per favore
Raymond Turco Feb 2018
Ragazzo che dorme
testa sul petto
Da mille sogni
ed aspirazioni:
un cervello affollato,
In cui i pensieri
lo perseguitano
come i cani da caccia.
Di notte.
Cné Dec 2017
she dragged me out of the house
knowing i was feeling down
not allowing me to wallow
in my self pity,

she dressed me,
        painted my face
               fashioned my hair,
that’s my girl friend

at Juliana’s,
small family owned Italian restaurant,
a gem of a find, she said,
Lorenzo, greeted her with familiarity
(she leaves a memorable impression)

she introduced me as her bestie
with a twinkle in her eye
young (as all under 30 people are to me)
handsome, dark thick curly haired,
with dancing eyes,
a serving towel over his left arm
nodded with a genuine smile

i smiled back despite my mood

wine was swirled, smelled,
sampled and selected
a captivating performance,
executed expertly

she watched me
watching him
describe the specials  
with a melodic Italian accent
transforming my mood

garlic knots wafting with his stride,
placed on the table
with a small bowl of marinara sauce
still hovering
in his long lean fingers
it slipped,
splattering red stain
on the pristine white cloth

without skipping a beat
his eyes poured into mine
words emerged
forgive me, your beauty made me nervous
True story,
and yes I left a fat tip!
Best line ever
She prides herself an hourglass
yet never long enough, this body of time.
sharing conversations,
you'd otherwise be sharing with the wine.
It made the day's last leg's cross over
in my mind.

Be more than only snapshot dearest friend.
You are a focus in the lens, who lends
her smile.
And though, a distance shears
word salads by the mile,
just know the love you bring
stays with me all the while.
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