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Her beauty glows from her character,
Her eyes are good attitude,
And her lips; good words.
Her nostrils are hope,
Her make up is confidence,
Her crown is her integrity.
She isnt flawless and she doesnt try to be
Real as she can be,
She lives in reality.
Emotional independence and stability both are her strengths,
A woman with values and well aware of her worth,
Doesnt abuse her sexuality to take men for granted.
That is the queen of integrity.
Timothy Ward Oct 2016
i now love
the way you loved
when i loved
so stop asking
if i love
in the same way
you love
it's not exactly
the same
He had his chance/s and he blew it. When I wanted him he had eyes for others and when I gave up on him he came scurrying- a day late and a dollar short. I've moved on but he still annoyingly persists. Some people don't understand Integrity or boundaries.
Timothy Ward Oct 2016
shallow people
seemingly unaware
reviled most
by themselves
deceitful reflectors
loathsome lonesome
in their own
devouring affection
utterly incapable
of reciprocity
Every now and then I bump into this type who charm the pants off me - well not quite! - and I have to ask myself to slow the f down Timmy! These are the "shape shifters" who seem to have an uncanny ability to find my tender spots and tap them to their own advantage- if only for the sake of stoking their ego or whatever bizarre agenda they might have. I don't try to figure them out - but time exposes them if they are genuine or not.
Cyrus Gold Sep 2016
My mind has been stained with a past
with effects I pray that don't last (God bless)
I shoo my demons away
ensurin' one good deed a day (God bless)

Elicit an interest, I'm happy to visit
a show - I'm unwillin' to miss it
And if you're a demon, you're not on the list
Held a gesture that may seem explicit

Exhausted and sweaty, my hands in the air
as I'm praisin' the lord as my savior
Demeanor is just, showin' nothin' but care,
second-guessing my tender behavior

Belated display of the human decay
as forgiveness is out of our way
With nothin' to say, my silence speaks volumes
I call you, appalled to this day

The demons appear to be trustworthy
but trust me, do not be deceived
and open your eyes as I beg that you must hurry,
otherwise it's a shock you'll receive

I know in my heart that I'm playin' the part
of a victim who happened to listen
The voices who lust for a shatter of trust
are now quiet and seemingly missin'

My mind has been stained with a past
with effects I pray that won't last (God bless)
I banish my demons away
as I leave with little to say (God bless).
Title inspired by Kendrick Lamar.
Love your SELF,
There's nothing you own so much as your SELF.
Respect your being,
You're important,you're different and with a unique purpose.
Appreciate who you are,
Even if people judge you wrongly,
If you're on the right track,keep moving.
If you don't love yourself,how will you love another?
For what you do not have,you can not give.
Love who you are,your self needs more love,appreciation,care and respect from you.
Self hate dimishes your true being,embrace who you are and love yourself. Not that you'll be hated if you don't love yourself,but because its a need for a life worth living.
Love your SELF! You deserve that and more.
You can't give what you don't have so love you first before loving another.
          what you crave
     has the strength to
  tempt you.
Dreamers know the depth of their dreams,
They know that to dream is to live inside the mind.
Their passions are like loud screams..
Unavoidable, but the worthy kind.
Dreamers recognise the art of hardwork,
Dreams without work are mere fantasies.
Achievement comes by work.
Work your dreams out!
No one else will.
Love is a gift for everyone.
No one isn't meant for love,
Everyone deserves love.
Everyone can love and be loved.
Love is a universal language that all ears can listen to and all minds understand.
Love is the centre of a peaceful universe.
Love is a beauty all eyes can't afford to miss.
Love is part of us,
So let us not let it part from us.
Even if you don't love yourself,
Don't forget that your creator adores you,loves you no matter what.
Alan S Bailey Aug 2016
The love bug bit me
I don't know quite what hit me
It all is within each of us you see?
It's all about how love is free.
Don't be blind, being vain is what's desired,
It's about the ones who get *left behind,

Please remember them, they are "easily fired,"
In a while they will be "found so vile,"
No one wants to be with them, they "have no style,"
It's this sort of person who deserves love most,
It isn't real if being good for
The "in-crowd" is what you boast.
Here goes! My love poem. Probably won't even get noticed. Oh well, who cares about honesty and love anyway?
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