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Isla Jan 2019
to hate is all we know
it is safety  
but what fool mistakes strangulation for affection.

although you have surrendered your icy grip on my heart
in the early hours
cold fingers still pry my eyes open
so you can seep into the edge of my vision

when i dream, you sleep beside me
when I breathe, you are in my lungs
a whisper
a steady rhythm
a constant reminder
to be burdened is all we know
it is safety
but despite that
i exhale
and i let you go
guess who's still surviving ****
blackbiird Jan 2019
Color me with
Your beautiful lies
So I can watch the
Distance between
Us grow.
Color your lips
On mine with
Your red lipstick
And I’ll watch
The sparks fly
From within
My heart.
Color me you
And I’ll
Earn back the
Trust I lost.
Pep Apr 2019
It's okay really it is,
Or maybe it isn't.
As you point out all my flaws especially in my **** face.
You pull at my cheeks and my chubby chin,
I really just hate it.
I don't care if you say that my chubby cheeks are cute,
Because it's not,
They're ugly.
And what gives you the right to point out my **** acne to me every single day.
Should I point out your bad skin?
And how it looks freakish in certain areas.
Don't even think about judging me on the way I eat.
Take a good look at your own self,
Cause I sure as hell know all my insecurities.
Do you even know yours?
Or do you want me to point them out for you every single day like you do mines?
Be careful about what you say on regards to my own body,
Because remember I've seen yours too.
You can purchase my book CONTROVERSY @ Books2Read
silvervi Jan 2019
To lose yourself
Is scary

As not to know
The way

You see a million directions
And you're afraid to choose

You're overanalyzing
Lose touch to any feeling

You're transparent like a ghost
There's no sense in your existence

You see no sense at all.

Like a trombone
The sound of pain in mind
Your brain gets hurt
You're stuck

Can barely breath
Why breath at all?
If you're a ghost

You're scaring, hurting others.
What a shame.

Who will be ever able to love you?
It mustnt be true, it must be a game.
It's a process though. In darkness you can see the light even better, even if it's a tiny spot somewhere far away. Keep holding on to it.
Sarah Crisp Jan 2019
Don't exert too much pressure;
It's only a heart
It'll break if you test it
If you cut, it'll scar
You should handle it gently
With compassion and care
A heart that's unbroken
Is precious... and rare.
Baylee Kaye Jan 2019
all I ever do is run
because I seem to do more harm than good
would you even notice if I fell away?
kept on running with no plans to stay.
I’m no extraordinary universe,
no one can really see me.
I’m nothing more than an empty room,
filled with broken pieces that no one wants to see.
That crater in thin air
That are bigger than the sun
Like almonds that turn to crescents when I smile
A smile
That is dorky and nerdy
Something to be ashamed of
Too thin like pizza dough that has a hole ripped through it
Can't reach the top shelf where my parents keep the sugar  
There are so many girls
Who are prettier
With thighs that don't smother you when I get on top of you
Or cheeks that don't totally eclipse their eyes
Smiles that are straight and white
Too busy being beautiful to even think about being dorky
I don't know why I feel this way  
But suddenly
Since you, I don’t
its strange
Marissa Jan 2019
i want to be perfect
not as in the most beautiful woman
or having the ideal body shape
but as in being the best person
the one people can confide in
and take for long drives  
the person people want to live their lives with
i want to be funny
not just by making jokes
but by spreading laughter and causing smiles
the type of person you could talk about for miles
someone who is the reason for your happiness
i want to be caring
not just asking about your day or your family
but someone who just knows what to say and instantly brightens your day
a person who knows how to make you laugh so hard you cry
but also knows how to make you smile when tears have been falling from your eyes
the person who will always understand
and will never leave your side
no matter what
will be your ride or die
i want to be enough
i want to be there when things get tough
the type of person who you could never picture your life without
the type of person who without a doubt
is your person
i want to be everything you need
everything your expectations exceed
i want to be anything but me
Melvin Jan 2019
I loved you beyond the moon and sun
    Till I burned in unknown stars

And every lie ~ that I stopped,
   Burned in colours of black and white

     Stars do die but love is for

  So when skin and bone burned
     Love in its purest form remained

                           ­          Massless
           ­                           A
Love is beautiful, but much of it is often one sided.  I wish everyone  the best in their love life.
Shona Dec 2018
If I let myself slip, I’ll never make it back out of that state.
I’ll never wake up and perhaps that’s what my subconscious mind desires, but my forefront thoughts don’t want my time to die,
At least, not just yet.
I am self destructive and lonesome and prone to sadness,
Yet I bring this all to myself.
I gamble and win but instead of engulfing the money in my arms, I wrap my hands around burning sobriety chips and self destruction
Comes knocking back on my door and I let him in like he always had a right to come back.
Like he hadn’t crept up on me in my most vulnerable state,
Like he cared about me.
My mind unwise and my life unfair and my thoughts tangled into spaghetti string before I cut it up
Before I make it easier for me to swallow
What is wrong in my life.
What is wrong with me?
I tend to whisper to myself before my eyes close and the tears fall out the edges onto my pillow, leaving a residue in the morning to remind me that I am not as mentally stable as I want to be.
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