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Vii HunniD Mar 2020
Then Vii said,
"She filled that voidness when Vii was empty"...

Vii had a broken purple heart,
After Vii met her,
Vii melted...

She moulded Vii...

Thus my emotions have a lot of different precincts
I thought I would never change
Broken Pieces Apr 2020
Everyday somehow I've fallen more,
I can't even think of my life before.
He's taken over my mind,
I really want our hands to be intertwined.
He has shown me how kind people can be,
I feel as if I can only now finally see.
He is my music, I won't give him away,
But I know it's his choice to stay.
I don't know what this feeling truly is,
But I want to keep saying I'm his.
I know that with him I can be happy,
I never thought I could write words so sappy.
I finally am able to feel okay,
I feel alive in a completely different way.
What is this feeling I feel?
I can't put a word to it, but I know it's real.
April Apr 2020
how come,

you never feel the need to make your hair, ever

but manage to look like someone i'd spend my whole life with.

how come,

i could let myself drown in your

smelly morning breath

(it smells like daisies for me, though)

how come,

i end up thinking

about all the details on your face

from your crinkles to your moles.

it keeps me wide awake.

how come,

i shut my windows

countless times,

yet you are my sunshine.
riwa Mar 2020
i want to find love again.

i want to hear the melodies its voice produces,
and feel the butterflies in my stomach.

i want to blush when it tells me I’m pretty
and feel my heart race when it touches me

i want to call someone mine.
i want to be theirs.

but it feels like i am incapable,
it feels like i am damaged.
like the last time i was in love was really...

the last time.

am i broken?
will i ever be able to feel things for someone again?
to want to talk to them every day?
and miss them every second we’re apart?

i have tried to fill the void with bodies but
the physical does not feel the same if the emotional intimacy is not there.
i want a connection beyond intertwined bodies and crumpled sheets.

just to know i can still have that.
to know that my past has not ruined my future.
to know that i can be fearless and allow my heart to lead me wherever it goes.

because i do want love,
i want that feeling again…

i miss it.

i miss being held and knowing that the world can’t get to me in its arms.
i miss being kissed and never wanting the moment to be over.
i miss caring about someone so deeply it takes over my whole body.

my only hope is that one day my feelings start to make sense to me,
so that i can reach the part of me that has so much love to give;
because i know that it’s there,
just scared in hiding...
i want to let it know its okay to come out.
guess im kinda f*cked
(03. 29. 2020)
Carson Mia Mar 2020
I'm hanging on by a thread
Because of words that you said

You say you didn't mean it
Don't want to see me cry
There's pain inside my voice
Whenever I ask you why

I knew that you loved me
When you saw me at first glance
So why did you do these things to me
When I gave you a second chance
دema flutter Mar 2020
whenever this feeling
of uneasiness visits my skin,
i convince the goosebumps
that im just overthinking,
that im not in danger,
that they only show
because warmth is
a foreigner wandering
the premise of my heart,
but when I consult
my heart,
it tells me that this
warmth brings
back memories
of when it
was stone cold,
a feeling that is
now unbearable
to even imagine.
Zywa Mar 2020
Why do you do what

I ask? Don't listen to me –

I'm in love with you!
“Pervaya ljubov” ("First love", 1860, Ivan Turgenev)

Collection "Love Mind and Death"
Pretty girl Mar 2020
maybe it just wasn’t perfect timing
But who said we had to be perfect to love infinitely?
I’ll tell you I love you infinity if you would just...
Let me.

I wanted to tell him that I’m sorry
Because victims live in a loop of uncertainty and I don’t blame others for emotions that are all my own

I wanted to tel him he’s all I ever wanted
That I can wait an eternity if I have to because to me this was all we ever were
Two souls destined for eachother

I choose you every time
I’ll never stop choosing you

You’ve really got to **** me
Send me into oblivion or
before I let you no longer know me

No matter what happens I love you
With my whole heart

You told me soulmates are a thing of the past
That thing I keep running from
It seems to keep catching you

je te libérerais si je le pouvais
(I’d break you free if I could)
misha Feb 2020
falling in love hurts
falling out of love hurts more

but falling in love alone
and falling out of alone,
hurts the most.
i guess this is it lads, after a heartbreak i am back to post as per usual. it was a toxic relationship and im ready to move past it, right?
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