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Rett Feb 2018
I am a Cliche
I love art and am very reserved
I am bisexual and love to yell it off rooftops
I love video games
I love to read
I am in Love with

You are Independent
You walk by me in the halls and Smile
You the locker next to mine and
You are the one I spend my weekends with
You have let me into your bed, tho nothing happened
I wish it did
You are into other girls
You do not love

I tried to tell you once, remember?
You thought I was joking
I Hear your name and blush
I think of our conversations... should I have said that?
I sit in your bed and realize that "This" is never going to be a reality
I lay in my bed and cry about

You look at Her
You see Her in class and smile
You hear Her name and Blush
You got her a necklace...
I don't know why, but when I heard that... I felt a ping guilt
You don't look at

I fantasize about you and me
I Feel the hot shame of loving You
I want to stop loving you
I love

In silence I suffer, drowning.
Losing the fight, falling.
On the surface, calm.
To everyone else, happy.
Beneath it all, hurting.
They know I'm lying, breaking.
I want you to see I'm okay, even if I'm not.
That way things'll be better, even if they're not.
Convince myself over and over, even if I don't believe it.
Tell myself everything will work out fine, even if I don't believe it.
I'm fine, no I'm not
I'm happy, no I'm not
I'm grateful, no I'm not
I don't accept this, yes you do
I hate you for this, no you don't
I don't blame myself**, *yes you do
*I do not know anymore, only when I think about how I am okay, do I stop feeling okay. Perhaps I need to just not think about it at all*
Ollie Jan 2018
I don’t want to die because I’m sad
because I wouldn’t say that i’m sad.
I’d say I’m depressed.
Being depressed is so much more than sadness.
Being depressed means not wanting to get out of bed
not wanting to be around people
being scared all the time
worrying when there’s nothing to worry about,
and above all, being tired.
Everything that happens make you tired.
Getting up and getting dressed takes half your energy and making it to work on time?
Forget it.
you've lost yourself
this is part of the book i'm writing
hayley robertson Dec 2017
I’m sorry
I don’t know what was your fault
or what was mine
And I don’t know why at the time I acted the way I did because I was definitely at fault
But all I know is I’m asking for forgiveness
I crave forgiveness
I need forgiveness just as I need to breathe

I’m not sure if you feel the same way
And I don’t know if I’ll ever know
Oh the wonder
So I’m writing this in case you stumble over it one day
Oh the anticipation

I need my friend back
A friendship was broken on that day along with many things
But most importantly a friendship
And I have been searching and seeking for something that will fulfill that position of a best friend and nothing has come along
Nothing is good enough

I just need my friend back
Someone to talk to at the end of the day
But that was ruined and for that I need to say I’m sorry
Once upon a time, you had a knight.
He protected you, day and night.
Strong, kind and as charming as the moonlight.
Your best intentions, never left his sight.
Once upon this time, you have a mistake.
He did all he could, to ensure your heartbreak.
Cold, unnerving and as conceited as a snake.
Your best intentions, left far in his *wake.
Yep, people change.
Sorry I'm not the man I used to be...
Whisper Yes Nov 2017
it's when the sun goes down
and the end of the day approaches
that she wants nothing more
than to be cosy on your couch
tucked up under a blanket
whilst you do your thing
sitting crossed legged on your kitchen counter
chatting breeze whilst you cook onion rings
when you come lay with her on the magic couch
take off happens
she’s transported
exquisite peace and happiness
kitten curled up on the heater with a belly full of cream, utterly safe, utterly content
at peace with the world
no where she'd rather be

sun down, the time now, is when she struggles
her being reaches out into the night for you
despite these feelings rising and falling
she’s digging deep
learning to stay with herself
hold herself
it's not the same
she can't pretend it is

she's aware enough to see the dark gift
she needed to be alone
to learn to not be afraid of the dark
but the truth is
she’s not built for alone
she’s destined to be the kitten who got the cream
curled up beside you on the magic couch
paw to paw
ready for take off
Whisper Yes Nov 2017
It played with her
It would whisper
That there was someone else who could understand her more completely
Talk deeper
Make love slower
This illusion has been shattered
And the painful beautiful truth is finally shining through
Whisper Yes Nov 2017
I choose to wait and allow my love for you its full term
I choose to wait before jumping into the arms of the next great distraction
I choose to be the person I would want to be with
Whisper Yes Nov 2017
It's you my soul feels home with
Behind ego's dysfunctional patterns
It's you my heart rests easy with
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