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Amitav Radiance Jul 2014
Another day has gone, night’s descended
Lingering thoughts have ebbed
Waves have left the shores of worries
Deluging the castles of sand
Washing away the pensive remnants
Along with it dreams of vainness
Carrying me along with the saline waters
Filling my lungs to the brim
Choking on the brine and spilling out anguish
Clawing on every grain of sand for support
Freely flowing out of my hands
Nothing seems to stay, which I want to hold to
Not finding my sinking feet to gain a hold
The night sky offers ray of hope
Fallen and defeated, fate washed away
Night sky showers me with the stars
Blinking far away, yet blanketing me
Another day’s gone and night descended
Under the canopy of night sky
I find my abode, away from glaring daylight
Amitav Radiance Jul 2014
We are greeted by a bright new day
Love, dreams and happiness are here to stay
With this pledge in our heart and determination
Let’s start the new day and erase all aberration
it won't be easy
to follow the footsteps
of our forefather's  dreams

  their faith,
  their dreams
  and hopes.

Yet, the pains taking hours
it make the time well spend
So as the falcon's soar above
their winsome ways inspired.
I am so sorry for the previous post .... it might be detestable to some... so i change it into another level..... thanks....
Kyler Williams Jul 2014
they tell me wishes don't come true.
and from what i've seen in my life i feel like that might be true
and though most things i've experienced have been unfair
how i seemed to miss so many opportunities here and there
but i feel like a wish came true when i asked for someone to live for
you seemed to come along and i felt as if the world wasn't so dark
and i wasn't so alone in everything i did
suddenly i wished to live my life again and not spend every moment escaping reality and making me want to see every beautiful thing there is to this world that i forgot to notice from the beginning.
so wishes may not come true
but dreams certainly do.
the proof i have of that is you
I'd like to believe I have a reason to wake up every morning but that belief is fading just as fast as my hopes and dreams.
Samantha Jun 2014
I can't move on because of you.
Nothing will ever change between us.
No matter how many times we try,
we can never remain as friends.

But maybe it's because one of us
gives up,
and usually,
it's you.

As soon as you have my hopes up,
you drop me.
As soon as things get better between us, you leave.
And I never knew why.

You're constantly going back and forth,
in and out of my life.
It drives me completely insane.
Not because you're constantly in and out of my life,
but because I let you.
No matter how big the damage is,
I always let you back in to fix it.
Even when I know you create bigger messes every time.
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