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Jason Apr 2014
I am separated from you
by a white wall of wood
whilst you study quietly
on the opposite side.

I am separated from you
by our friendship
and my doubt.

I am separated from you
by our identities;
how I constantly battle my demons,
whilst you continuously escape from yours.

The irony is in the balance
of similarity and difference,
how you look up into the night sky
and wonder about the stars,
whilst I look down upon earth
and ponder about this world.

We have the same demons,
which I went to arms against,
but you met with pills
and the smoke of burning tobacco.

I look at you
with a sense of misplaced loss,
and another night will go by.
Tonight, I'll lay in bed wondering why
I wanted our paths to cross.
Jindomess Apr 2014
I did it
He's not getting up
His blood is on my hands
Did I do it?
I don't even know

This can't be real
How can this be real
It's impossible

The body is on the floor
Looking at me with it's dead eyes
My eyes
Hand is clenched holding onto something
My hand
Face frozen in fear
My face

Am I looking at my own body
Who am I?
Does this crap even makes sense
Ariana Sweeney Apr 2014
Go ahead and look in the mirror.
Stare at the stranger till the image is blurred
Everyone around you, well they’re superior
So you drink past the pain till words become slurred.

Please, pray tell me, what exactly is beauty?
Is it simply an outfit we wear?
The color of our eyes, skin?
A glint of something special,
Something to make them stare, grin?

Beauty is a figment.
Beauty is a fallacy.
Beauty is in our mind.
Beauty will die, and so will we.

It’ll erode with time.
Turn into a slick, thick slime.
After you’ve hit your prime?
You’re done.
You’re garbage.
You’re finished, gone.
It’s a fact of life, now it’s time to move on.

This life we’re in, a selfish game we play
The cards we’re dealt, a hand that can’t fold
We’ll shift through scenery seeing a vast array
Of truths and lies that’ll always be told.

We hold onto beauty.
We treasure it.
We put it on a pedestal.
It is the God we adore,
The saint we praise,
The prayer we recite.
“If I’m this pretty, well…
At least I did something right”

We base self worth on looks.
The pool we bask in is shallow.
So easy to touch the bottom.
Vapid, almost worthless thoughts
Float along;
Skimming the surface
Where they seem to belong.

Scratch past that surface and what do you find?
Maybe a small girl, cowering with fear.
She makes herself perfect so the whole world is blind,
It’s her established façade that she holds so near

Near to her heart,
Near to her soul
She’s lost then she’s found
She’s so good at her role

Her role of the perfect,
Her role of the light,
Her role of the worthless
Her role with no fight.

She’s trapped in her box,
She’s chained to her arm
It’s a weight she can’t bear,
Only one to cause harm.

But go ahead, run away,
Run as FAST as you can.
We won’t catch you because you’re a worthless man.
That’s how you see yourself, so that’s who you are
When you’re sprinting away, you won’t get very far.

You’ll trip on your own,
You’ll fall over your feet.
Stumbling, tumbling
It’s you you’ve just beat.

Learn from this now,
Try to HEAR what I say.
Beauty’s the cruelest
Game that we play.
My attempt at spoken word.
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
jokes, no limits
everybody needs to laugh, to dream
so let's rush and get away
spend the weekend with vampires
extroverts not needed

just need a friend to get by
(or i'd probably go insane)
read, write, listen with me
don't think i don't care about you:
of all the somethings and someones,
nothing compares to this, to you
first letter of each line spells the name.
Fah Apr 2014
Emptiness is full
frothing at the edges
come bowls of sea foamed , rich tone
of wave

undulating shores
of invisible islands , that form in the space around the music.

Materializing are the friendships of harmony -

close knit fantasies
ring out in each layer
a mystical magical movement - vibration

emanating for all to share

dive deep

into the domains  of the  wordless , formless
Yummers in Dreamspace !! A combination piece with singing bowls being played by  a dear friend !

— The End —