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Ysa Pa May 2015
I'd love you every far, every moment, every night
I'd love you even if the sun doesn't shine
If love you even more, every time the moon passes by
I'd love you as much as the stars in the sky
I'd love you when you're up
I'd love you when you're down
If love to wild away that frown
I'd love you when you're far
I'd love you when you're near
I'm not leaving so there's no room for fear
I'd love to hold your hand
I'd love to take your time
I'd love to be the one
I'd love to call you mine

*If only you were mine...
Ysa Pa May 2015
Walking along a straight paved path
Underneath the autumn trees
As the amber leaves began to fall
I recalled when I first felt this breeze

Glancing upon the orange dyed sky
I got reminded of what has been
Memories of you and I
Which are better left forgotten and unseen

I continued strolling...
Not knowing where I might wander off
Then I saw an old tire swing
Where the melody of love first begun to sing

I went to the picnic grove
Where we had our first lunch
Remember how we watched the afternoon turn to nigh?
We were in so much trouble, but it felt so right

Remember our mahogany tree?
The one that's all alone but looks so happy
Do you remember what you told me?
You promised that I'm the girl you'll marry

Yes, we were young, childish and silly
But I kind of took it seriously
We were kids and eventually grew up
I thought what we had was more than enough

Like our love the paved path didn't go on forever
I reached the end where our dreams withered
Strolling, the last stop I made
Was at the garden of lilies where all the promises had fade

I journey back on the path...
The path we used to walk on together
It felt a lot colder
And somewhat warmer

To cut it short, we didn't walk forever
We realized in the end we were on different roads
Now that my flashback is over
I walk the same path again with a new hand to hold
Well what I realized is that... It's alright if you and your significant other are walking on different paths. What matters is that both of you are looking and are heading towards the same direction ^-^
Ysa Pa May 2015
His blackish hair
His deep eyes with that devilish stare
That crazy smile that I can't forget
This empty feeling knowing he would never care

A person I can't seem to ignore
A guy that made me sore
That happy fellow that no one could possibly despise
And the only reason behind my sighs...

I know the little things that make him laugh
I know how he looks when his day was rough
I know when he's just acting all tough
And I know that I'm not the one he'll love

To him I am probably invisible
Someone replaceable and dispensable
But for me...
He's the only one I ever see

I notice every tiny detail that he is
Those little things that make me feel like this
If only he fell for my smile like I did for his
Then everything would be in a state of bliss

He's the reason I wrote this, my inspiration
To think it all started when he smiled at my direction
And ever since that instance
I started *loving him from a distance
On the verge of getting there
I ALMOST made it...
Ysa Pa May 2015
I have no idea what I'm doing
I'm clueless on what's happening
I only know one thing with certainty
It's that you were supposedly  my infinity

From the moment you walked through that door
I knew that there was so much more
As soon as you said hello
I looked forward to our tomorrow

Months passed, we grew close
We knew each other from our head to our toes
The more time spent with you, the more I fell
I guess I was under your spell

I managed to decode your complicated pieces
And one of the things I realized is
You needed a hand to hold through life's disasters
A best friend and not a lover

You needed a wall, you needed a shoulder
Someone to lean on anytime and whenever
You said I gave you strength and power
And that you see me as a sister

That pained me in more  ways than one could imagine
In reply, I gave you a warm grin
I was your friend, a sister and nothing more
But you are the gallant knight I adore

Accepting that we would never be more than friends
And since I don't want our bond to end
Even if it's hard for me to say...
Dear best friend, we are better of  *this way
Even though I was able to write this... I can't seem to bid farewell to my true emotions for him....
Ysa Pa May 2015
A little moment of joy
A feeling of bliss
Being absolutely happy
Nothing can ever replace this

A time of unexplainable emotions
Surpassing all known conditions
This precious feeling
Contentment with the life you're living

Making the hardships seem like nothing
Time gets suspended because of this one thing
It is a dream in reality
A first that can make anyone happy

As exaggerated as this poem is
It contains a hint of truth
This happiness brought to a person, as it seems
Is happiness of a child's first taste of ice cream
I just watched as my baby cousin devoured her first ice cream <3
Ysa Pa May 2015
To fake a smile
To make things seem worth while
To force a laugh
To blend with the riffraff
To act so tough
To bluff
To be carefree
To seem happy
To motivate
To hold on and wait
To fight
To shed some light
To put on a mask
To remove the casque
To keep this act going
To keep on moving
To hold back the tears
To face the fears
To leap
To dive deep
To wander
To let things squander
To get lost
To prevent an emotional exhaust
To put aside the memories that we shared
To add more words
To keep acting like a third



To accept
To forget...

That you and I
USED to be a *we
Ysa Pa May 2015
There is an object lying on my desk
Something so simple yet so picturesque
Whose value tends to be forgotten
With a purpose wasted over and over again

With the help of tools, it's radiance flows
With a bit of aid, it will surely glow
Often, the results are better than we know
But if left untouched, it would be hollow

An empty space, a blank canvas
Utilized properly, it would surely surpass
All the expectations and the doubts
Grab it now  and let your identity sprout

May it be an artwork or literary
A musical score or a piece of origami
A sheet of paper, no matter how small
Can make a difference for us all

Something so thin and so plain
Offers numerous experiences we can attain
Take advantage of the entire blank space
Let us put our imaginations in replace
I randomly wrote this while staring at a blank bond paper on my desk ^-^

I was supposed to make a report for some school subject but I ended up realizing the importance of paper and how it's somewhat related to individuals searching for identities...
V May 2015
Two armies, vast in number
Face each other, ready to ****
On both sides,
Missing home and hearth
Forced to ****
Because of one man's lust for power
The sun gleams brightly on the soldier's weapons
In the sky, vultures fly
**for death
Arcassin B Apr 2015
by Arcassin Burnham

#i'd be there for you,
#love you,
#marry you,
#embrace every aspect of your personality,
#but i won't stand for,
#your inconsiderate attitude,
#about the way i do things,
#we're done.
HASHTAG That **** to your parents haha
V Apr 2015
I don't know what I'm writing
All those untold stories
In my head; biting
Fighting for every inch
I'm held in a pinch
Torn between our histories
Trying to cope with the loss
All those emotions that I didn't release
Now attack me like a disease
All those memories
My soul is broken; crushed
I had rushed
To your aid when you needed me
But when I needed you, you said let it be
Now you shall see
How it felt to me
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