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روبرت Dec 2018
You are my citronella
When my thoughts hover like mosquitoes salivating for a bite
You say, “not today ladies”
You are my natural remedy for a challenging foe...
Keep smelling sweet with a hint of citrus
My mind depends on it
CooLen Nov 2018
The bell rings and its time for lunch.
As I approach the doors I need opened, my steps are halted by a list.
ATTN: For a seat at the table bring your own plate, utensils, and food.
For how long will I starve before I can sit among those near, those those opinions I hold so dear.
When you call me a peer I see its because you think I'm looking at your plate.. At what you have.
Correction, my envy is of my future self not those who's legs and elbows are easily displaced.
But don't worry, its fine, I will return soon enough.
I'll have my degree in hand ready to wipe the crust of unpolished thoughts from my lips
Food in my bag ****** from a ****.
Plate and fork in the next carved from the bones of the opposition.
Don't worry, I will be ready!
Raise your standards and I will meet them.
this is the last time I will be denied access because nothing you do will take away what I've earned.
Stop letting people confine you and be the best you in every way possible.
Lyn-Purcell Sep 2018

Here I am
am I here

Short poem! ^-^
I'm so psyched to see Winter's Queen trending, thank you so much!
I'll be back later with another free-verse!
Much love,
Lyn ***
Juverine Wan Mar 2018
of better things
of lovely things
of saddening things

of Him who I wondered
ever really loved me
or did it mean no more

of the life that was not mine
the life I left behind
the life I could not find

of something I do not deserve
yet yearn for
with no reserve

of things so harsh and deep
the ocean swallows me whole
and into quicksand I seep

of the life I thought I desired
of the life I was inspired
but never became reality

of better things
that became worser things
That became dangerous things

Of things I don't understand
Yet yearn for
What nonsense, I am.
Marcus Belcher Jan 2018
Just like
Is self sustaining
Remember that
Just saying...
Amariah Clift Oct 2017
How do I feel? How do I feel? How do I feel?
I feel like someone who thinks too much and cares too much.
I feel terrible for feeling terrible. I want to feel good.
I feel selfish for standing up for me.
I feel narcissistic writing this because it’s about me.
I feel scared because I don’t know what tomorrow holds. But I do. Tomorrow will be like yesterday and today: Full of worry, apathy and a headache.
Just some thoughts....
nina May 2017
what good is there in worrying?
it won't change the future
or take any pain away
if something bad happens.
it won't make you feel better
to be able to say
"i knew this would happen"
what good is there in worrying?
it doesn't do anything.
except take away the happiness
that you could be enjoying
*right now.
{a short blurb related to my last poem.}
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