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JG Fletcher Mar 2017
Why is it
That creatives like us
Gain popularity
A following, so to speak,
By churning out love poems
Lines of our past, often failed
Relationships and semi hookups

I know I am guilty of this
You caught me red-handed
But I'm inquiring because
Sometimes, the best food for thought
Is found in poems, not about love
But about failure, success, pity
Growth, maturity, lack there of

Maybe, indulge me
Maybe the best pieces of work
Are outside the realm of human intimacy
Written at a Starbucks while sitting outside, after crafting some weird abstract poem to paper.
Chloe M Teng Dec 2016
A plane,
Soaring through and above the
Open space;
Hearing the grunt and the
Groan of its flight
As I sit in my room with blinds closed tight.

Closing my eyes, touching the
Faint trails of its last whine
Before it fades into painful silence
Like the end days of
A broken heart.

Its metallic wings,
Groaning with the essence of mankind:

How should I put it?
The plane,
Like a free bird
But not quite.
Alēa Nov 2016
Have you ever stopped to wonder

How the moon feels?

We put so much faith into her
We spill our darkest secrets to her
We give our very souls to her


What if she doubts herself

What if she...
Doesn't feel good enough for you
Doesn't feel worthy
Doesn't feel beautiful
Doesn't think she is worth anyone's time

What if she is hurting too
Brandon Crandell Oct 2016
What is it about life that's so unique
Life started from things like creeks
Mostley for our human beings
The first civilization
First signs of humans gathering in cooperation
Not fully but close enough
Primitives and cavemen had it tough
But we evolved
Developning a massive frontal lobe what's the cost
Greed, sympathy, and other emotions
Things like Rationilization gets put into motion
Humans rule the earth above the dirt
Our world even in deserts
What we create puts other things lives at stake
This can be set by just a handshake
Deforestation for human creation for city's and things like weather stations
Each individual is what's inside or their skull
Our body's and flesh are like a bowl
Holding us in place keeping us safe
But each one of us has Our fate
Have faith people say till they're red in the face but death happens to all that's no mistake
Maybe one day electricity can keep us alive
Electrical waves shot through out brains keeping everything working alive when we should have died
Would it decompose slow over time or would the electricity keep it in line
I gues we will have to wait some time
The answers are somewhere
Am I the only one who thinks it's amazing
Life's a miracle the way we are it's gotta be
We can walk talk preform labotomys
What other animals can do half of what we can do it's crazy nobody understands
Its crazy even down to our hands
Neurological pathways nerve endings
We don't even understand what we are
Medical experiments have come far
From Icepick labotomys to controlled autopsys and mri's
There's a whole world out there past Our eyes
Life's a journey so buckle up for the ride
Marcus Belcher Oct 2016
Most girls don't want you
To be
They just want you
To try
With every fiber of
Your being
Marcus Belcher Sep 2016
I practice martial arts
The goal is
Never to use it
Rianna Quarequio Aug 2016
Late nights
Shattered glass,
Car brights,
A family with brown grass.
Spike Harper Jul 2016
A routine has been formed.
One that crippled what smile is left.
Leaving a bad taste.
On a worse mood.
It is said.
Exceeds the minds threshold.
But it can only keep those standing.
For so long after the tank read empty.
Rims bare..
Tires nonexistent.
Was this once a vehicle?
The bells and whistle have long since fallen away.
Negligence can ****.
Even the most relient.
Patience into anger.
Understanding to woe.
There are just to many excuses..
To why.
Justification is required
In the end.
Breaking down.
Seems to be the only solution left.
For little else matters.
As apathy sets in.
Slowly the light from the eyes fade.
May soon follow suit
Spike Harper Jul 2016
There is absolutely.
That can be put down.
Without having some sort of predecessor...
Like embarking on a grand adventure.
Will sooth the distress within.
Channeling more against an already rampant current.
Only leads to the depths that one has become so well acquainted.
Yet persistent is the ignorant.
Craving an end no longer attainable.
Anything can stir the wanting.
When all that is left is the road ahead
Spike Harper Jul 2016
How does one measure quality.
Through merits.
Deeds done well.
Maybe even smiles extracted from sour hearts.
Should there be requirements.
Beyond those most impose anyway.
Whatever may be the case.
Specific or not.
There wasn't a catagory that was left unexplored.
No wound to small.
Had no home here.
So many gestures..
Went unnoticed.
But never chastised for.
The world began and ended at our doorstep.
To be shown what form a true blessing takes.
Is a present.
Gifted in both terms.
I would be hard pressed to compare.
The night sky has lost a light this day.
Society goes on.
But a single family mourns.
Dominoes cascade..
Rippling actions and consequence into one...
Validation is key.
While others hinder all else.
And Distractions only work so well..
Even sulking seems so frivolous.
On this day.
Beauty is redefined.
As is bravery.
One can only hope to leave..
With half the grace demonstrated today.
June 30. Ten days after my birthday.
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