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Amanda Kay Burke Jul 2022
I cannot believe you're really gone
Disappeared in blink of an eye
Many things I would change
If I had another try
You meant the world and more to me
NoI'm stuck asking the universe why
You would take someone I love so much
Before even saying goodbye
My mom passed away and now i feel hopeless. I can barely muster the strength to go on.
Celestial Jul 2022
Ah, the rush is over and the battle is fought.
I come to my home and know it’s not got,
A hold on me or my family, though it thought.
Surely imagining us chained and caught.

But we hold steady, and always ready for fighting.
There may be striking lightning,
Or a dismal sighting.
However, we, are keeping the home loved, clean, and inviting.

I keep them all with me on my steps, because I am free.
The journey I choose each day keeps my glee,
Never would I choose to flee.
Until the day they’ve brought me to my knees.

Such a crushing day won’t come.
My people will not succumb,
Even with their silly, dumb,
Playful escapes. It’s what makes everything fun!

You’ll catch us in the sun, playing in the water.
Knowing our gates can’t falter,
Fortified with love and a magic filter,
And when we leave it piggybacks with us, as a watcher.

I am bound.
To see, the ones yet to be found,
As friend or foe on my ground.
A welcome is said, a miracle sounds.

We're all wound in light.
But mine is so bright,
So I share my might.
No matter the plight.

It's the good I can do,
In the day-to-day that will ensue.
To help guide us to,
The divinity within me and you.

Through the hard times, my kindness
Came from mindfulness.
All of the blindness,
Couldn't shield my colorfulness.

Not those woken from slumber,
They see my wonder.
What could outnumber,
What goodness encumbers?

The burdens of evil I suppose.
It hinders those,
Who cannot see the rose.
Presented for people with a nose.

A nose for finding a truffle,
On the path for solving your puzzle.
The key to all the hustle.
To receiving abundance without trouble.

I found it,
I help people out of the pit.
They find the bottom after a fit,
And sometimes I get bit.

But it comes with the territory,
Caring for their story.
Cutting the predatory,
Then doing something celebratory.

Enjoying the ordinary day,
I bring a way to play.
With the sunshine and its rays,
Some don't know how much it pays!

I'm rich in heart.
Because I play my part,
And study the art.
Given at each new start.

It's immeasurable, the wealth.
When you have your health,
And you grow in stealth.
What comes at the twelfth?

The last of our hours?
I'm unsure, but I want flowers.
To show what power,
I was so blessed and showered.

A soft thank you will travel the breeze.
Hopefully bringing an ease,
For those who weren't pleased.
At my passing and disease.

In anycase,
I know I found my place,
It's been staring me in the face!
What will come from this base?

A mystery for sure,
But nothing is as pure.
Then the futurous blur,
That is my life whir.

Since I've given a tour.
What do you implore?
Was there something more,
I could've given at the door?

It doesn't matter now,
I've given my vow.
There is much to how,
But instead, I take my bow.

As I gesture,
May you find pleasure.
On your journey of measure.
For it's a treasure.
They set their expectation
She said "boy, are you mistaken"
"Just watch me" drive through the picket line

They said she couldn't do it
She'd say ain't nothing to it
"Just watch me" walking straight into the sky

We have been here before
On the hospital floor
I'll be sleeping right there next to you

You know that we're all scared
That you won't know we're there
Because you can't open your eyes like you do

Can you hear me?
Do you know I'm here?
Can you feel me?
When I whisper in your ear?
I'm here
I'm here

They say wait
Oh wait for me
She can't wait
She's got somewhere to be

Can you hear me?
Do you know I'm here?
Can you feel me?
When I whisper in your ear?
She's gone
She's gone
Poor and worse, the widow's daughter
Hold your tongue so it won't be harder
Work for your pay every ******* day
One day you'll move so far

Break the rules, all the things they have done
Don't tell her know she exceeds all expectations
Pots and pans, blankets, shirts, the whole house
Paint it all red to match her hard head

If you were from a different place
Maybe you could occupy a space
only big enough for you
If you were from a different time
Would you take the chance to rewind
Just to take in the view

It doesn't feel right to say that you're gone
It doesn't feel like the end of the song
I keep on waiting for you to prove us all wrong
I'll never hold a grudge again
I eventually let go of my grudge against her, and now I hold a new one on her behalf.
It's a summer day, dad is coming home
How long he's been away, I don't really know
It's me and mom, he won't be long
He'll want to have his space
He walks through the door
We can't ignore the look upon his face

He says "what is this?"
He can't resist a shoe left out of place
He'll fuss and groan
I can't be home
I learn to stay away
It's not all bad, I'll give him that
But I sure can't remember the good
It feels so wrong, I know it won't be long
Until the shoe is on the other foot

It's a summer day, dad is coming home
How long he's been away, since 8:00 this morning
It's me and Will, we can't sit still
We see him through the window pane
He walks through the door
We can't ignore the look upon his face

He says "what is this?"
He can't resist a hundred snowflakes
We stapled them around the room
He said he likes it better this way
It's not all good, I never said it would
But I would choose you any day
Because you find a way to make things okay
Even when you feel out of place

If I am me because of a family tree,
that's alright with me.
But you are you in spite of the things you knew
And that's a testament to you.
For my dad
Van Xuan Jul 2022
"It's so noisy"
I whispered as I watch my friends eat dinner in the table again.
the only family I cherish.
they gave me peace when I'm in pain
they saved me when I feel ******.
but things have changed
I fail to save them
they are the only thing I have
how come it comes down to this?
I whispered as I stare at an empty table.
"It's so noisy"
read it from bottom to top again
Evie G Jul 2022
Broken little baby doll,
Fractured, sharpened ends.
Play with little girls and boys,
Make your mark on them.

Oh it’s not your fault my babe,
Not your fault at all.
Someone dropped you,
Made you
Not your fault at all.

A Broken little baby doll,
Makes a million more.
Shattered heads and eyes and legs,
Writhing on the floor
This feels unfinished but I realised my own feelings on the topic are still on their own journey. As always, let me know your thoughts.
Kelly Mistry Jul 2022
Trust breaking

With a bang of sound
Shards exploding in all directions

Or with slow corrosion
One drip at a time

Until it finally

Trust is the framework
Upon which we build

Everyday things like
Pick up when I call
Do it if I ask

Extraordinary things like
Travel great distances just to be near you
Even when nothing can be done
Be with you as you bear the weight of your pain
To share the load

How do we mend the breach
When trust is broken

I know there are ways
Methods to span the distance
Rebuild the framework
Patch the hole
To start again

But ignoring its existence
Pretending all is as it was before

The boom
Or the drip

Leaves a bad taste in the mouth
Questions in the mind
Shaky ground on which to stand

Will I have to span this distance alone?
Pretend the ground is solid
When there’s nothing but air

That kind of pretense only lasts so long
Before strength gives out
The truth is revealed
And we are both left free falling
                                                                                      through space
Ginn Mosxa Jul 2022
Wanted to fix you
Gave you all the love I had
It left me broken

Still if i could just
Save you, then I would break one
Thousand times, again.
I want my sister back, Crank...
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