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Em Sep 2018
The soft glow of my skin
The warmness of my smile
Beaming for all of you.

The sarcastic smirk upon my face
and the bite of my ruby lips
Shows for no one but you alone.

For them, I will give
my excitable nature.
My witty responses
and my songs of joy.

For me
I will give
A true nature
A genuine look.

Do not take pity for me
as these personas hold deeper meaning

They are not facades.

They are all part of my chameleon soul.
i succ i know leave me alone
A A Mar 2018
I would apologize but it would be futile,
Since an apology is meant to serve as a promise that one will never let something of the contextual nature happen again.
But I can’t promise you anything
Because I know this'll just happen again.
Of all the facets I have
You just had to find me wearing this one.
Sapiotextual May 2016
the wind
sculpted the dunes,
in daylight—
allowing the sun
to paint, thru its light
the lucent spirit— of the dunes'
motley peaks and fevered breadth

the wind
carved the dunes,
at night—
allowing the moon
to sketch, thru its glow
the mystic soul— of the dunes'
muted slopes and cold blanket roll
I am only me
No more no less
I love
I dance
I cry
I live
I proud
I laugh
I am a girl
I am a daughter
I am a sister
I am romantic
I am utopian
I am passionate
I am an honest friend
I am sweet
I am shy
I am cheeky
I am not perfect
I am not as forgiving
I am not funny
I do faults
My logic is always my own
I have many slants,
like diamond facets
It is my life
I am only me
Not you
I am what i am.. Believe that...  I am tired...I can't change... Believe me.. Believe me...
Amitav Radiance Jan 2015
The trembling hands
When you look at the blank pages
Minds wandering for inspiration
Wary of touching the pristine
Ink raging, bubbling with passion
When the pen shall write
The first words, and then another
Minds afresh, it’s a new day
Pen, held between the twirling fingers
Wondering, what a circus
Reeling under as many ideas
Poet’s mind is on a roller coaster ride
So many facets of life
Reflections of each and every event
On the agile mind, wreaks havoc
Ideas, ideas, and ideas
Hoping the ink shall flow as fluently
Not leaving a blotch
But, series of beautiful interpretations
Of life, there are many
As many we choose to portray
Finally, the pen shall kiss the paper
Continuing the love story
It’s a trilogy, of the poet, pen and paper
Aaron Mullin Sep 2014
A diamond of perfect clarity and flawed .... Less
Is more
Uncut or not
Refracting light imperfectly
Through my I am
But less is more
You halfwit
Half my self
Seeking my other
An uncut gem
Or maybe a carnonaceous chondrite
Being formed .... Crystallized

Through unintentional pressure

This is love
And Phaedrus always in behind
Gently pushing from sometimes gently tugging from the lead
Trying to stay in the eye

Of the storm
Amitav Radiance Jul 2014
The eccentricities of nature
Leaving us at its mercy
Sun and rain are taking turns
To play with us, caught unaware
Mood swings of nature
Blatantly leaving us perplexed
Sometimes raging with fury
Or its calming nature acts as a balm
Another moment tornadoes
Ripping across the hearts of habitats
Leaving us bare and unsheltered
Earthquakes depriving the ground beneath
Leaving us with open chasms of darkness
Erupting volcanoes, burning away
Glowing rivers of lava, taking its own course
Not showing any mercy, drowning dreams
Icy cold glaciers melting away the past
To drown away the future of our existence
And the vast seas encroaching shorelines
So many vignettes of nature
We can only be mere spectators
To the eccentricities of nature

— The End —