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Carlo C Gomez Jun 2023
Technological giants

We learned early

How to command our angels

To ascend higher than our sins

They offered us immortality

In exchange for our planet's wealth

And naturally

We signed on the dotted line

Like spies selling

Secrets to the enemy

But here we are now

With the well run dry...
Shady Teddy May 2023
They talk of christmas spirit
Of myrrh intertwined with magic
2019 was a special one
In my unending travel
I boarded a public service van
Sat next to a stranger
This was no regular stranger
She told me not to throw the plastics
An environmental conservative
Stranger after my own heart
She offered A gift
In absolute veracity this was my santa
And we talked about life
And of the passing of events
She has just alighted
And now am left here
Stuck with a new stranger
Who smells of alcohol
And dental halitosis
Now i cant talk
So i sit in wait
Waiting to reach my destination
All the while.....
Thinking about the perfect stranger.
Stranger, kalivu,
Bella Isaacs Apr 2023
Someone burns their vision of the world
In Western leaves some factory somewhere curled
And leaves the stump to burn upon the green
Where ducks and frogs make their domain,
And drops the package, too, still cellophaned,
Venom for the worms, a note to the society who brained
You - I see your disaffection's ribbon in the grass
And know I feel it, too, and yet, alas,
By all the powers that be, I know,
That I must be the change I want to show.
Whilst I was out walking through the marsh yesterday.
Zywa Mar 2023
Spring, time to go out!

Although winter is nicer:

not all those people!
"Het Bureau - Afgang" ("The Office - Failure", 2000, Han Voskuil)

Collection "Not too bad [1974-1989]"
Zywa Mar 2023
The silverfish slips

away after exploring --

the floor, which is cleaned.
Collection "Ifless"
Safana Mar 2023
It is pleasant and tasty.
It is bright and cheerful,
The children are blameless.
for the reason that they drink it.
Because their world is virtuous,
Ever since it was green and polite,
It is bright and blue.
So, the morning is flawless.
For sure, today's weather is good.
because the children are drinking "Koko."
And they eat so copiously of Kosai,
Their mouths feel the sweetest,
Their ears stood up straight.
Their bodies are boogying,
They dance well, twirling.
Because of the tasty taste of Koko,
And this was boiled so freshly,
In Safana's Poetry Kitchen,
For children, drink it hot.
It is really good.
It is really tasty.
Children, remember spring,
The millet is harvested.
Children, remember summer,
The corn is harvested.
Go to the farm and cut the crop.
It is a good thing in the morning,
for grannies to mix a porridge
A corn and millet porridge
and is an aroma in a pleasant atmosphere.
Children, let's dance and dance,
Because Koko is delicious,
And Kosai is also delicious.
Koko(also eko in Yoruba) is spicy millet porridge. It is a popular Nigerian and Ghanaian street food and commonly consumed as a breakfast meal. It can also be taken in the morning or late afternoon as snack. It is made from millet with a few local spices added to give it a particular taste and color. It is called Hausa koko because of the notion it was created in the Northern areas of Nigeria and Ghana. It is also common in the various communities in both countries.
It is usually accompanied by a fried bean bun called Kosai, Pinkaso, a spicy fried flour dumpling, or the Nigerian bean cake called Akara, which the former is created from.

Hausa koko is mostly found in West African countries and is credited to the Northern people, it is believed to have been first made by the Hausa among whom millet is a dietary staple. It is a very popular Ghanaian street food. On most mornings it is sold on street corners. Sugar, milk and groundnuts are sometimes added to give it a very delicious taste.

Hausa Koko is made from millet which contains Magnesium, Manganese, Tryptophan, Calcium, Fibre and Vitamin B.
Unpolished Ink Mar 2023
If you follow in my path
tread light in my shade
excuse the faltering steps that I made
if I left my heavy footprints showing
the damage I assure you was unknowing
erase my dust
walk with care
make it look
like I was never there
LeV3e Feb 2023
I've been pacing from room to room

Waiting for the world to stimulate

Something other than haunting gloom

Scroll unrolling a new series of emotions

Trends are mountaintops so better follow

The path is winding and this high peaked

Enjoy the view of this digital landscape

As the rest of the world crumbles at your

While we are more connected than ever in history, we've never been more divided. Strung along by hits of dopamine that keep us addicted to our screens, but who could blame us when the view out the window is so depressing.
Zywa Feb 2023
Until the Spring Ball

the farms in the bog form an --

Emmen (in the raised bog), early 20th century

"Het Bureau - Het A.P. Beerta-Instituut" ("The Office - The A.P. Beerta-Institute", 1998, Han Voskuil), page 590-591

Collection "Not too bad [1974-1989]"
Zywa Dec 2022
Left and right, voters

all are unfortunately --

against welfare cuts.
"The Limits to Growth: a global challenge – A Report for the Club of Rome's Project on the Predicament of Mankind" (1972)

"Het Bureau - Plankton" ("The Office - Plankton", 1997, Han Voskuil)

Collection "Not too bad [1974-1989]"
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