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Syafie R Mar 16
A lone quanta,
adrift in the vacuum,
drawn by an invisible force,
yet bound by no field.

It oscillates,
fragmented into uncertainty,
its wavefunction collapsing
before it can be known.
Dom Mar 13
In knots I’m bound
Like a loyal hound
To the boon of her weeping.

Across the obscuration of her glow
And the wounds she opens -
Only for our healing.

Caught in hypnosis,
Staring up into the empyrean night sky,
I see her in an incarnadine phantasmagoric glow
Singing nocturnes into a solvent for my soul.

And with my wolfsbane boon
I sing back to her in tune
An operatic symphony for two,
Basking in the resplendence
Of her crimson luminosity,
Freeing me of all animosities.

Admonish my nature,
So I may be absolved
To once again dance under your pale Aurelian sway
And brace myself upon the break of a new day.
Anyone else excited to see the eclipse? My tripod broke and I haven't replaced it just yet so hopefully I can keep my hands steady enough with my heavy **** telephoto lens and get a couple good shots!
Mishika Feb 16
The Moon was a quiet soul,
With not much to smile for.
But oh, the Sunny shade was no bore,
Of course, she was loved by the universe.

The love they shared capsuled
Them in their own galaxy;
The galaxy the little Star
Was oblivious to.

Oh, the Star
Quiet and awkward.
All she meant
Was trouble and boredom.

How she longed to touch the Moon,
To smile and be smiled at,
To love and be loved.
But of course she was too naive.

She was just a young Star,
Too absorbed in her reveries.
She was just a tiny Star,
Invisible compared to the mighty Sun.

When the Moon told the Star
Of his love, she flushed,
Thinking all his poetry was a
Reference to the tiny Star.
But alas, she wasn’t the only star.

Then the eclipse arrived
And the Moon and the Sun
Shared their beautiful kiss.
The Star, however, could not share
Her confusion, so she cheered along.

Of course the Sun was brighter than her,
The Sun was warmer, wiser.
The Sun was everything the moon needed;
The Sun was everything the silly star could not be.
Demonatachick Jan 13
It is not unusual for stars
to love, cosmic attraction
pulling one to another.

In the beginning when the
earth exploded into being
the sun and moon were
born to govern it.

As natural opposites they
avoided one another
sparing no thought whilst
following their own
cosmic paths, solivagant.

Occasionally the moon would
watch the earth and saw how the sun
nourished and brought
joy to its people.

And in turn the sun noted
the moons protective
shade and pitch night
wherein many lovers
stole forbidden kisses.

As the stars courted they
saw each other wholly
for the sun while
nourishing can also be
scorching and deadly, and the moon though many took comfort in its
glow others took it as an
advantage for carrying
out cruel misgivings.

Finally they decided to
meet, a day was chosen
and for a moment they
were as one.

This did not last.

The people below
panicked at this sight
fearing for their lives their
fervent prayers reached
the heavens and so once
more they parted and took
their immortal stations, everlonging.
Happy new year everyone!
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
Traveling to the center of this land that I know.
To a magical place in the middle, where sun and moon will show.

I hadn’t thought much about that little, care bear on the dash.
Just feeling like it’s in the way, and going to make us crash.

But deep inside I knew that I was right where I should be.
Experiencing this colossal event, with my friends numbering three.

viewing this crossing of never before, was therefore something new.
guided by strangers moments before in a parking lot out of the blue.

We followed them and they showed us a spot, to watch the moon make its pass. Oddly enough an identical bear was just laying right there in the grass.

A braided ribbon way up high, twisting black and twisting white.
Circling around this vast darkness in the sky, making it feel so bright.

Spirals of shapes around the sun, moving inwards and moving out.
Creates the reality in which we live, to this I have no doubt.

Egypt gave us many things but was not the first kingdom to grow.
This civilization popped up quick, built atop all we should know.

Understanding There is a price of admission, for all that I now see.
It’s the knowing that whatever happens, the “I am”, is really just me.
Debra Lea Ryan Jun 2024
When the Moon loves the Sun

The Eclipse of Hearts start

When the Sun loves the Moon

Love is always in Bloom

One Love!

DLR & ?
☀ ◯
Isaace May 2024
Blotted starlight from sunken Heaven
Aligns separate suns with black-hole-being
Under simmering fires of flickering, flickering,
Fading into condensation breath.
A celestial event, a message, a warning,
A solar eclipse, God showing us to believe,
Care, love, each other every day. The moon,
Between the sun and earth, actually happens,
Every twenty nine days, to see darkness, during,
The day light hours, the moon has to be at a perfect,
Angle, to block the suns rays. God the almighty power,
Reminding us he could darken our life, any time, any day.
The power involved, hundreds of thousands people,
From around the world, not thinking of the cost,
For travel, lodging, waiting in traffic for  hours, that day,
For a three minute, view, the unseen power, pulling them,
To the area on that April day.  At the totality, a special feeling,
In the air, and your body, blessed, peace, no word of disturbances,
At any viewing sites, a perfect day, to reflect, and be reminded,
Why we are here, in this life today.

                                          The original: Tom Maxwell © 4/11/2024 A D
2 eclipse crossing the same spot in Illinois 7 years apart ?  the number 7 is related too in many religious writings.....
Danica Apr 2024
As bitter brew meets parted lips, do tears accompany my sips?
In shadows cast by memories, do cries echo through the eclipse?

With every whispered plea for closure, does anguish tighten its grip?
Why did you choose her over us, leaving love's vessel to slowly rip?

In this café of shattered dreams, do my heart's cries reach your ears?
Or are they lost in the cacophony of our unspoken fears?

As bitter brew meets parted lips, do you taste the salt of my tears?
Or have you moved on, leaving me to drown in love's endless spheres?
yet they still carry the echoes of their love, forever intertwined with the bittersweet memories of what once was
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