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K Balachandran Jun 2016
Nurture those lovely creatures love breeds..

Two moving liquid eyes,
kept admiring you both
contented, happiness-drunk
-a delicate filigree dragonfly,
when you both were lost,
in the warmth of love,new found,
melting and flowing, together
in the entwined  patterns of hearts.

Like a  rainbow hued butterfly,a guest
that suddenly appears announcing,
days of warmth, mirth and laughter,
something was flitting like a flash,
around you fluttering it's silver wings,
making you go crazy with desire,
already enamored with each other
beyond even your comprehension!

In the pitch black screen of night sky
fireflies dancing in formations never seen,
reflected in your wondering eyes,
drawing  sketches, that look like like  electric maps
love create, with accelerated heart beats.

Do you realize what alchemy of hearts makes it
possible for love to transform in such a manner?

Love in it's moments ethereal, clearly reflect,
the true mind of nature, do you care to take note?
Don't ever **** those delicate creatures, that appear,
love in it's deepest yearnings, breeds and keeps.
The season of love, by some magic, brings to focus, many things lovely
in nature never one did pay attention to...
..these are only few of them..and in many cases, they vanish for ever..
Denel Kessler Apr 2016
We attempt rescue, unable to bear
the stardust-coated dragonfly
beat, beat, beating
frantic on the glass.

We entice him to perch
on our extended lifeline-broom
nurse him in a box, where he flutters
quivers, lies quietly blue.

My son cries bitterly
as we place a minute cross
upon the dragonfly grave
while intoning our final goodbyes:

We honor those who have fallen victim
to this fatal architectural trap, lured
by skylights of enticing white-light death
and the paned illusion of freedom.

In admiration of winged determination
and perseverance in the face of futility
we carefully tend the fragile, curved bodies
lay them here to rest under the mock orange.

years of gauze-weighted detritus
swept beneath these ponderous shrubs
a reminder - what seems like freedom
                                                         ­           often isn’t.
We lived in a house that had outdoor skylights.  Insects would be lured by the light and die trying to fly through the glass that imprisoned them.
I hated those skylights...

Hey lovely poets!  Thank you so much for being a supportive, amazing group of people.  I'm truly honored that you take the time to read my poems.  The Daily is just icing on an already sweet cake.
: )
K Balachandran Feb 2016
Against the thick black curtain on horizon
of  still, gigantic cumulus cloud formation
three flitting army helicopters deftly display
a shadow play on jolly life of dragonflies,
I am compelled to think, as I drive past this
along the road skirting  Bangalore garrison
The blackbird’s footprints seemed to trace
A footpath to the resting place;
Through the bright new layer of snow
They led the way, showed where to go.

They laid your baby in the ground
A tiny heart that made no sound;
I scattered earth and shed a tear
Scared and lonely, wracked with fear.

For two weeks before we’d tied your hair
With a band from mine as you lay aware;
Things would never be the same
A tiny being would have no name.

I never saw you cry that day
So I hid my sadness as I walked away;
I saw the blackbird that day too
Wise eyes watching, I think he knew.

The year is new, joy may it bring
As Winter changes into Spring;
And when dragonflies dart in the sun
I’ll  think about your little one.
LaurieAnn Kearns Sep 2015
In a still, bright dawn,
a dragonfly arriving,
on the buddleia alighting,
in the shinning sun dazzling,
blue-green colours reflecting.
Liam C Calhoun Aug 2015
I’d kissed neon once before;
It scolded when it shouldn’t
And took half of what I

I’d kissed neon again;
Come a night with, “Dylan,”
And ***** when the beer
Went dry.

And I’d kiss neon forever;
Come a’grayed hair’s gossip,
Words ‘bout our first night,
And, “we,”

We’d cackle on our backs, jubilant.
A P Taylor Jul 2015
..                                                       For as flying.        
                                                 ­              Spying
                                            ­             Places repose.  
                                                       ­Dream, suppose.      

   Dreams loll without respite       Shady oak.      Bright swirl spring breeze
      Of green crisp apple bite.    Shelter bespoke.   Insects morn, vast seas
        As gold burns warmer.    Sleep, still abuzz.    Clouds as beat wings
            Sun shadows corner        Seconds love.      Million insects sing

          Dreaming more light      Eyes shut, island.    Time goes, seconds fit
            Colours mix despite.     Twig woodland.     Seen today, exquisite
                Great light bested.      Instant, rested.      The rays pestered
                      Shadows nested      Dreams vivid.    Up, now rested
                                                          ­   Colours
                                                      ­          Mull
SøułSurvivør Jun 2015

o denizen of yonder pond
you are so brave
of me so fond

your wings are crystal
beauty's grace
you're here
then gone without a trace

your body shimmers
oil's hues
mauve and purple
green and blue

tho I love you as you are
I'd rather view you
from afar

tho your love you'd like to share

please don't fly
into my hair!

I actually did have that
happen once!

Scared the sh*t out of me!!!

Peeka Apr 2015
I cry at night for a part of me that aches
A dragonfly friend I once had
A spirit none can break,
Is surely gone by now.

It was not a mistake
When all alone we bend rules
Though I still cry at night,
That creature was a mystical sight.

That dragonfly and me were alright.

I used to believe in a bearded man
A bunny bringing gifts at night
I believed in something far away,
Beyond my truth, a fake charade.

And now I see
The dragonfly wings beat on
Alive in my memory,
Hope for eternity.*

Your truth will set you free.
fasi Feb 2015
As dawn broke,
came a dragonfly
to sit on my window sill
Change is come,
or more rain to fall, still?
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