Despite the suns efforts to shine,
The cold from within has a claim over my skin,
It sips through my pores and hovers over me like a protective layer,
It doesn’t protect me.
I'm but a vessel, a cup, an urn, beautifully moulded,
But never will I amount to that which I hold.
The ghost of me wants to escape the future and be one with me.
To silence me
The sun shows signs of cracking as if it were a wall painting
I begin to realise I am trapped in a frame,
Someone’s depiction of gloom…
I can have no emotion,
I only stir it up for you
You who sees me…
You know wants to know me…
You who's been cold under the blazing sun
If you were an image in an art piece, how would you feel, or would the things in life feel unreal to you