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JadedSoul Aug 2014
Depression laughs with Joy
His grip is strong and sure
He knows he's won
His victory over me
Is assured and complete.

I cannot fight it
I have no strength
Every day my waking wish
Is to die and shed mortal coil

Sheer disappointment each morn
When my eyes open
To another grey day.

No quiet passing
In the darkness of night
No relief for my increasing
pathetic plight!

Depression has won
I don't care to fight
I cannot fight
I cannot win
lX0st Jul 2014
The kiss of the stoic breeze
Is the most loving thing
I've felt in your presence.
Your tarot cards showed destruction,
But I knew I could face your wrath.
Ball it up and hold it over your head
But I dropped it on myself instead.
You played God, and I played dead.
I still can't figure this out..
But there's something to be said
About a person who feels
Nothing but warmth
When they're lucky enough
To touch something so cold.
Ky Blackstar Jul 2014
I cannot admit that i need help.
I cannot show weakness,
Though its been strength thats kept me here this whole time
Olivia Anderson Jul 2014
I must say a word about fear.
It is life’s only true opponent.
Only fear can defeat life.
It is a treacherous adversary.
With no decency, respect,
no law or convention;
it shows no mercy.
It goes for your weakest spot,
found with unerring ease.
It always begins in your mind.

One moment you are calm,
Then fear, disguised as doubt,
slips into your mind.
Doubt meets disbelief
and disbelief tries to push it out.
But disbelief is poorly armed,
and doubt does away with it with little trouble.
You become anxious.
Reason comes to do battle for you.
You are reassured.
Reason is fully equipped.

To your amazement,
despite tactics and numerous victories,
reason is laid low.
You feel yourself weakening.
Your anxiety becomes dread.
Your body is aware something terribly wrong is going on.
Already your lungs have flown away like a bird!
Your ears go deaf,
Your muscles quiver,
and your knees shake as though they were dancing.
Your heart strains too hard,
and so does the rest of your body.
Every part of you falls apart.

Only your eyes work well.
They pay attention to fear.
Quickly, you make rash decisions.
You dismiss your last allies: hope and trust.
There, you’ve defeated yourself.
Fear, an impression, has triumphed over you.
The matter is difficult to put into words;
Real fear shakes your foundation.
It nestles in your memory.
It seeks to rot everything,
even the words with which to speak of it.

You must fight hard to express it,
to shine the light of words upon it.
If you don’t,
If your fear becomes a wordless darkness you avoid,
perhaps even forget,
You open yourself to further attacks of fear.
You never truly fought the opponent who defeated you.
December 2013, inspired by the book Life of Pi.
Katzenberg Jul 2014
Tearing the sky apart,
surfing on clouds,                                
                   aging doubts and cats,
      itching inside the heart
utterly beneath the ground,                                    
                                                  since I was born,
(since you don't care)
                            Let me vanish,
I let you disappear.
Don't give me the knight in shining armor.
He hasn't fought his fight.
He may be too frail to pick me up,
Too weak to slay my dragon.

Don't give me the boy with a flawless life,
A pretty smile and feminine hands
Show how hard he has never worked,
How many demons he has never strangled.

Give me the knight with beaten armor,
Knocked off his high horse,
But still standing.
Give me the boy with calloused hands,
Hands that show how many times he tried.
Give me the boy with a perfect smile,
Knowledge in his eyes,
Knowing ******* the dragon,
Knowing how to outwit the demons.

Give me the knight who slayed the dragon.
Sthenia: unusual or abnormal strength.
Austin Heath Jul 2014
Saw the apathy that hurt her, the want of nothing;
a lust for sudden death, but staring it in the face
I saw the pain of death.
I was too caught up in dying.
It usually takes years to just ******* see.

I woke up to the sound of my name as a vulgarity.
I left abruptly, defeated, disjointed,
"If I stay here I will die."
I walked thirty minutes with no destination,
until I decided I would go to the beach.
Did not prepare for the beach.
Walked from downtown Cleveland, CSU,
to Edgewater park. Burned.
Gave a man my last couple dollars.
Had no idea how to get where I was going,
crossed a bridge, walked on the highway.
I got there, took off my socks and shoes,
my yellow and black plaid shirt,
and walked backwards into the water in my jeans.
Burned some more on the sand.
Got sand in my pockets still.
Decided I want to live.

I could see the city in it's entirety from the pier,
behind me; somehow conquered by distance.
Visually smaller. Tamed?
I walked some more until I hobbled and came to her.
Held her. Kissed her shoulders. Just melted.
I just melted.
20something Jul 2014
I feel like I just walked away from a battle,
broken and bruised,
every inch of me aches and throbs,
and I've got nothing left to lose

You stole my dignity,
and shattered my trust,
You trampled my ego,
left my hope lying in the dust.

I should have known it was coming,
you've never fought fair.
You've always been sneaky
because you just didn't care

Look at me now;
I can barely face what I've become
because that girl looks like she's defeated
and I refuse to accept that you've won.
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