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Zywa Jan 13
You must leave the nest,

even if you can't fly yet --

then you'll have to hop.
Novel "Gitte" (2010, Kristien Hemmerechts), chapter 1

Collection "On the fly"
Nemusa Nov 2024
Stay warm and safe, the frost bites deep,
Clinically clean, your wounds won't weep.
Bare white thoughts, they echo purity,
But you're one of his, dying gently.

Generations bleed for a precious cause,
Love’s a little touch in a world with flaws.
Dreams drift like ash in the breath of life,
I've seen too much, yet remain the child.

Troubled lifetimes, reincarnations twist,
Honest goodbyes slip through the mist.
Chasing the truth with a golden dragon,
Nothing’s impossible—dive in, abandon.

From darkness I scream, reaching for the rock,
He stands firm as my reality shocks.
Unexpected surprise, you bear my pain,
I am nothing without you, insane refrain.

Bulletproof faith, I let it all out,
Dictator bloodline, my grandad's route.
Strong characters play chicken on the road,
Russian roulette, where raw honesty explodes.

Stay warm and safe, for the frost bites deep,
Bare your wounds, but no need to weep.
In chaos, in love, in blood-soaked rhyme,
We rise and fall, defying time.
Life is like a grab bag full of mystery...
The hand goes in and feels around
The tingling on the fingertips says pick
The mind says, stir it around some
The fingers grasp an item and feel it
What is it?  Is it nice? Is it pretty?
Is it in one piece or is it broken?
Is it what I've been looking for?
Will it disappoint me instead?
My heart beats fast with anticipation
Also with a stream of fear, should I?
Do I take it out to look or drop it back in?
I choose to drop the item back in
Should I stir it up again and choose?
Oh my Lord, what do I do?
What if it will break my heart?
I take out my hand and sit back
I stare at that mystery bag and think
What if I choose not to take anything?
Will I be safe and sound then?
Nothing to cause my fear or dread?
No broken heart
Who wants a mystery in life anyway?
I do...
Life is always seeking what's around the next corner, who will I meet, where will I be, will I be happy. Keep life a mystery to keep it interesting and exciting.
Jellyfish May 2024
I let fear fog up my mind
My thoughts yell at me "I'm trying!"
While my actions show me
I want to let the light in

but I fall into darkness
all too often I hide away
and avoid the open blue sky
because the rainclouds distract my mind

the sky-blue sheet above me
only inspires every thought
I try to avoid to blow through
and bring rain from within
Evie G Jul 2022
I will never have a utility
Never sit pretty on a shelf
Never have a use
For somebody else

I will never be advertised
On a bright flashy sign
Saying hey here, look dear
Don’t she look divine

I will never be sold
I will never be bought
And as long as I live I’ll never be caught

For there’s no hunter for a catch like me
And there are plenty a pretty fish in the sea
How dared I be happy
And not awake to a miserable state of mind,
Just like yours?
Why fight for the best of the best
When you can have all toe, sorrow on the fanciest plate served...
Why wish for better days
When we know that suffering can make us so great...!
And wonderful...
Wonderfully hateful, resentful, pitiful... Rad!
How dared I try reach happiness?
To your face: a great scam!
How dared I reach to that perfect state of mind called happiness?
I must Have been out of me mind?
Being all close to knowing the best days in life?
Oh, the horror!
Why, if I can have all your sorrow... and more added to the core?
Burning magical core
You wanted to dance with me
With bare feet
On broken glass
With no music
When I was a paraplegic

You wanted to do the impossible
Just to laugh probability in the face
You wanted to dance with me
In the middle of the pouring rain
But I don't like your chances
I don't believe in fate
he wanted to dance with fate
i dream of a world where **** no longer exists.

i dream of a world of respect.
where I no longer have to defend myself...
or look over my shoulder late at night when I'm getting in my car

i dream of a world where I can truly be taken seriously,

when I state the truth that I am in deed a feminist...
and no in deed I do not hate men.

i dream of the time when **** no longer exists.

when I can forget what you did.
just erase your entire memory with a gigantic bottle of mental white-out

blot out your entire existence so you are unable to hurt anyone ever again.

i dream of a world where **** no longer exists.

i brace for this brand new day and I dare to dream...
a bunch of words that came out unexpectedly....
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