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Zack Ripley May 2019
You be my Bonnie, I'll be your Clyde.
Together, we'll take this life for one hell of a ride.
You be my Thelma, I'll be your Louise.
We'll get in the car and do whatever we **** well please.
Life on the run with the one you love may sound fun.
But no matter how far or how fast you go,
eventually you will always fly too close to the sun.
It may seem natural to flee
but it doesn't matter if you run from pain or fear.
Your mind is like an elephant.
It never forgets so your problems will always reappear.
What you choose to do is up to you.
But take it from me.
Talking about your pain will set you free
Silverflame Aug 2019
Quick with a gun
bullets; one two three
I love you, shoot your mercy into me
They took you away, I've lost everything
I'm too scarred, tonight my pistol sings


I just wanted to come with you
show me your hometown
I just wanted to be like you
far away from where they gun us down

I won't let them take you away
I'll stand my ground
I will make it all okay
Pinky promise, I'll never let you down

Violence and blood hail around me
I'll take my cover
I might drown in my own red sea
But anything for you, my darling lover

My lynx sat the world on fire
The madmen fell to the ground
With you, my love won't expire
As long as you're safe and sound

I was too late to catch your flight
But your soul is safe with me
We didn't get to say goodbye
The eternal sleep has its claws in me


Shoot me a line and I'll go there
If you're not breathing, I just don't care
Like Bonnie and Clyde against all odds
We bleed freedom; we can't be stopped
Alexa Sep 2018
We took this way to far.
Like the night skies and the rides in the car.
We did what we swore we wouldn’t.
And we probably knew we shouldn’t.
Croseds so many lines and broke so many rules.
And kept on going like some kind of fools.
You broke the law and I was your accomplice.
We kept it a secret so no one would notice.
Like Bonnie and Clyde it was do or die.
I still don’t know why you are so shy.
We hurt each other, we make each other mad.
And all you ever did was make me sad.
You were the only one I adored.
But I can’t stand it anymore.
SabreLi Dec 2016
I’ve longed for so long to be
A part of something apart from me
But the seconds and minutes draw near
Turn into days, into weeks, a year
Just what will it take to be,
Just to be, to be free

Will you be the Adam to my Eve?
Without you I’m incomplete
Just half of what I could be
Jack and Sally or Sid and Nancy
Nobody else can compete
Together we will run free

Let’s write our own twisted love story
Who cares what anyone else may say
We’ll be both the judge and jury
And in our own little world we’ll stay

I want to be closer now
Closer than skin and bone will allow
I want to peel away the edges
To remove all the excess
Be closer than we know how
Just be free, you and me

The Romeo to my Juliet
Without you I’m incomplete
Just half of what I could be
I’ll be Scarlett O and you’ll be Rhett
Nobody else can compete
Together we will run free

Let’s write our own twisted love story
Who cares what anyone else may say
We’ll be both judge and jury
And in our own little world we’ll stay

Will you be the Jekyll to my Hyde?
Without you I’m incomplete
Just half of what I could be
And I’ll be the Bonnie to your Clyde,
Nobody else can compete
Together we will run free

Copyright © 2016-2017 KF
An attempt at a subject I know very little of. My own twisted interpretation of a love story.
SabreLi Dec 2016
I knew a man, a woman too, good hard working souls
You’ve heard the stories, read the myths of how they dug their holes
I promised them I’d tell the world and make them see the truth
That once they were - like you and me - only in their youth

They made a stand and brought their cause
Died upright not on all fours

Jack and Jill were murderers
I’m sure you’ve heard them say
Of how they pillaged and broke the law
But it was the law that did betray

In days gone by Jack worked so hard, just trying to appease
But life was tough and nothing helped and so the law did squeeze
Every penny that he earned was given to the courts
Til one day he realised they do nothing but extort

Jill was a loving lass of this they all agreed
A talented young writer girl and so she was envied
She met him in a bar one night and as the music played
They fell hard and fast and so began their own crusade

Jack and Jill were murderers
I’m sure you’ve heard them say
Of how they pillaged and broke the law
But it was the law that did betray

They sentenced him for petty theft and threw him into cells
Whilst locked away inside if him vengeance came to swell
He said to Jill on his release, “Babe it’s you and me,
But know that lest we make a change we never will be free”.

A robbery in Austin, a death in Shelby Bay
Pin it all on Jack and Jill you hear the lawmen say
Yet all they did was fight against a world on self destruct
And to this day I never met a couple less corrupt

Jack and Jill were murderers
I’m sure you’ve heard them say
Of how they pillaged and broke the law
But it was the law that did betray

And in their hearts they knew from when first blood did spill
That this was it, the trail's end, the death of Jack and Jill

Copyright © 2009-2017 KF and CF
Written by my brother and I when we were in a particularly rebellious mood. Based on a parallel and misunderstood version of Bonnie and Clyde.
ICN May 2016
This wasn't the plan.
We were Bonnie and Clyde
It was us against the world.
But back then I was blind,
To all of the complications and obstacles
Did I give you up too easily?
I just wanted what was best for you
You deserve someone better than me
That's why I had to leave
//I am so inexpressibly sorry\\
heather leather Jun 2015
he loves the way i drink my shots of whisky,
i love the way he stares at me in bed
the scent of cigarette love in the air and baby
this is just the beginning of the end
they say he's too cool to know me
i say i'm too young to care
because the way he drives all through
the night makes me stop and stare
he doesn't give a **** and his excuse is
he's young and so am i,
we're too reckless to live by the rules
and too hopeless to care about getting caught
he calls me bonnie i call him clyde
we love money and getting high
and if i die tonight
then give my money to my mother
and my regards to my father,
tell him i slit his throat in this dream i had
imagine our children,
how ****** would they be?
mommy's a ******,
daddy lives in a dream
there's nothing wrong with dreaming
though, it's the waking up that kills people
it's the waking up
that killed me

"they say i'm too young to love you"- brooklyn baby
"if you see my dad, tell him i slit his throat in this dream i had"- My Name Is
imagine our children,/how ****** would they be?/mommy's a ******,/daddy lives in a dream- the neighborhood
this entire poem is made up of song references sorry
Your reality is altered

My imaginations wild

Together, a pair so faltered

But the efforts worth our while

A blink and then a nose rub

I shift my eyes, oh no

We both know who's lucky

And who's about to go

We smile then we grin now

As the roar of pain grows loud

The kissing over shouting

Is muffling the sounds

Washing all the blood off

They're beating on our door

You help me out the window

Just like we did before

Running, Gasping, Panting

But our grins are ear to ear

How could we get away again?

We're professionals with no fear

This game is far too easy

Were loosing interest now

Should we both confess sins

Exploit, I don't know how

Bars become our wallpaper

He's doing push-ups all in drag

She marked my arm with her name

But a better life, we've never had
Can you say Bonnie and Clyde?

— The End —