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Kanishk Baghel Dec 2024
In pedagogy's realm, where lessons unfold,
I met her strict gaze, her demeanor austere,
A teacher whose presence both warm and cold,
Her voice a blend of command and cheer.

In Semester Two, my steps hesitant, slow,
Her firm stance loomed like an iron wall,
Yet the seeds of respect began to grow,
When Semester Three softened her call.

Room 49 FOE became my portal to awe,
Her smile disarmed yet discipline reigned,
“Kanishk, come in,” her words without flaw,
Though her sternness at times left me restrained.

Her walk commands the road she strides,
Confidence fused with urgency's flare,
At times in specs, a doctor she hides,
With wisdom glowing beyond compare.

Her knowledge vast, like a boundless sea,
Economics and tech she wove with art,
A motherly guide who cared endlessly,
With wisdom and strength in equal part.

Her life a balance of work and kin,
Two little children and duties immense,
Her strides spoke of purpose deep within,
A journey of hiatus, grace, and sense.

For every doubt, she’s always there,
Even at midnight, her patience intact,
Her soft-spoken words, her thoughtful care,
A bond of guidance and trust compact.

Though scolded once for childish play,
Her affection remains, steady and strong,
I’ll ask about Pahal Horizon without delay,
And hope our bond endures lifelong.
                                                                By: - KANISHK
Ejiro Dec 2024
It’s been so long y’know
since I saw your face up close
to be honest I think I’m starting to forget what you look like day after day
but I’m still going to keep the good part of you inside me
In the beginning of our bond
you knew that you were a bad person and I only ended up realizing that little by little overtime
I tried my hardest to help you become a better person
and now you’re gone
not from this world
but from my world
you left me in a trance filled with questions of why I was never enough for you to change
My mind has become so numb now
my heart is still aching for answers
to a person who wants nothing to do with me anymore
so with a heavy heart
and a numb mind
I came to a conclusion that you don’t miss me
but I do miss you
Nostalgia Nov 2024
I trusted you.
A bond that is supposed to last until my adulthood.
And you took it from me.
I used to think it was normal.
But now I hate you.
I hate your presence, your touch, your speech.
I don’t understand if you are lying to me again.
Blackmailing me.
So I won’t let you bring me back down again.
I will fight. Until this life is no longer mine to keep.
Magda Nov 2024
I am my father’s daughter.
His blood flows in mine.
I feel the cursed liquid run through my body,
with every beat of my heart.

It’s like gasoline,
slowly poisoning me –
as it did to him.
My clock reminds me,
with every tick –
“Not much time left!”

There is no escape.
The enemy is inside me,
hunting me down –
just another fallen soul in his way.

I watch myself in the mirror,
my father’s face looks back at me.
I hate what I see, just as much
as I hate him.

But he was just a child once too.
Feeling the same poison run,
through his fragile body.
I pity him.
But I do not forgive.
Some feelings on generational trauma.
Kara Nyx Oct 2024
She’s the one bright spot in my cloudy days,
Not always around, but she finds her ways.
When I reach out with the weight I bear,
Her words may not fix it, but I know she cares.

Her answers aren’t perfect, but they don’t have to be,
Just her presence is enough to comfort me.
She’s joy wrapped in quirks, strange yet kind,
And somehow, she always brings peace to my mind.

I wonder how long before this, too, fades,
Before the shadows of my life make their trade.
Will the silence grow, will she drift from my side,
Will she see the truth I’ve been trying to hide?

That I’m not enough, that the fun wears thin,
That the cracks in my armor let the darkness in.
But for now, I hold on, each moment a gift,
Afraid of the day when the tides will shift.

I don’t want to lose her, don’t want it to end,
This fleeting comfort, this cherished friend.
Yet the thought lingers, with each laugh and each glance—
How long can I keep her, before life takes its chance?
Zywa Oct 2024
I want to see you,

that's it, you really don't have --

to be sociable.
Diary novel " Ik kus uw handen duizendmaal - Faxen aan Ger #6" ("I kiss your hands a thousand times - Faxing to Ger #6", 2024, Nicolien Mizee), November 6th, 2000

Collection "Out of place"
Zywa Oct 2024
You flow in my blood,

alive in me are your spores --

Wild Wonder flower.
For Maria Godschalk

Collection "Bruises"
emelie Sep 2024
like stars that twinkle in the velvet sky, your love illuminates my soul, i'll never die.
a bond so deep, a love so true,
a treasure found, a dream come true.
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