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Nik Feb 28
I think I am drowning—
but not in her eyes anymore.

The weight pressing me down
isn’t the pull of her stare,
but my own brother’s words,
dragging me under.

My ears ring.
My heart pounds.

I tell myself to breathe,
but my body is no longer mine to command.

The anchor that held me steady is gone,
and in its place, something festers.
A monster seeps through the cracks they left,
spilling into my thoughts,
warping what little of me remains.

I will spend my life yearning,
serving a queen who will never be mine.
I can’t even look at her.

I am a coward—
the same one she first met.
The same monster she first hated.

And like all beasts in their castles,
I will be alone.
Inspired by the Epilogue of the novel "Reckless" by Lauren Roberts! Somewhat of a found poem!
In a castle where shadows crept and curled,  
Lived a beast, feared by the world.  
But within his roar, a silence dwelled,  
A heart that once in sorrow swelled.  

Beauty saw beyond the beastly mask,  
In kindness, she found her task.  
For love, she knew, is not just sight,  
It blooms in the darkest night.  

She taught that grace is more than skin,  
It’s the love we give, the strength within.  
In patience, she untied the knot,  
That cruelty and fear had tightly wrought.  

The beast’s true face was never shown,  
Until Beauty’s love had grown.  
A lesson here, both old and new,  
True beauty is found in what we do.  

So heed this tale, let love be your guide,  
For every beast has a soul inside.  
It’s in the heart, where true love's feast,  
We find our beauty, we find our beast.

©Priyanka Bhagat
Inspired by the fairytale beauty and the beast .
I never knew what true beauty was
Until I got to know her
Somehow she shines
Brighter than all my luxuries
While her voice
Sounds better than all the songs
I have heard before
They cannot compare to her beauty
Her purity and innocence
Her grace and intelligence
Her heart, full of kindness
How gently she caresses each page
Of a book she holds so dearly
How attentive she is
To all animals and objects
To dream that she would one day
Come to love me
Why am I called a funny girl?
When my humour is as dry
As the pages of a book
Or Gaston's flirtatious lies
Is it because people laugh
Before words even escape my mouth
That reading is ridiculous
How could such a woman be allowed?
To the characters in the stories
They do not laugh or judge me
They share my thirst for adventure
How I wish my life would be more lively
Every morning is a routine
That requires no risk to take
If I settle and rot in this tiny town
It would be my biggest mistake
My books are like tiny windows
In lives I wish to live
I just wanted something new for a change
Something more than this town can give
cleann98 Apr 2018
She loved nothing but her own face. 'Nothing compared!' The people shouted making her smile. But then she saw a woman in the mirror as white and fair as she and she cursed that woman shattering her apart so nothing can compare to her face.

No hair flown more elegantly nor was there any as silky as her's so that was all she cared for. But she feared the bite of her comb would hurt her crown so she cursed that brush ripping apart it's dentures so nothing can ever bite her hair.

Her body was perfect from head to toe. Even softer and smoother than any cloth on the land. No fabric can be whiter or fairer than her skin. So she took her dress and cursed it tearing it apart so nothing can get in the way of her beauty.

The people watched the beauty day and night, how her face wrinkled without a mirror to tell her, how her hair grew frizzy and damaged without a comb to fix it, how her body was raided with scars and rashes and so many more. So they cursed her beauty bringing her into tears so that none may be enchanted by her.

But a prince charming came to her and wiped the drops off her cheeks. And beauty smiled gazing into his handsome face. He promised her he'll be her mirror and her comb and her dress and he'd love her forevermore. And even though her beauty is cursed he stayed beside her keeping making her feel beautiful inside.

And they lived happily ever after...
2017--- Wrote this after watching Disney's Beauty and the Beast
Fallen Angel Apr 2015
Where other couples have songs
we had a movie.
A movie that we were watching;
when you first asked me out,
when you first kissed me.
I used to think our movie was ironic
a horror movie
to represent a happy relationship.
Now I'm wondering
if it was a sign of the destruction you'd cause.
Remind me to pay attention to the things
that represent a relationship.
Those things can show how the relationship will end.
And I'd rather it end like Beauty and the Beast
than Insidious...
Brieana Rose Mar 2015
I watch you, I watch you grow into the beautiful master piece of art you are .
You're magnificent , and rare to find.
It's the middle of the night and the moon shines bright through my window and the cool breeze blows my chimes .
My name is being howled in the mountains by you.
It's like Mozart , music to my ears .
Thus passion I have ought to be a sin , because you're a beast .
But yet so caressing so passionate .
It's a full moon , you run through every mountain .
I wait and you arrive , with therefor I pause.
Panting , motionless
I gently touch your fur and stare into your red Beaty eyes .
I can't help but pour my love , I see this beautiful art work.
Not a beast but a master piece
Nobody wants you in this town , they have such hatred , animosity .
But they are just degrading a beautiful creature .
You're so dangerous and can **** with the sharp claws and teeth but instead we make passionate never ending love and those claws scratch my back and those teeth sink in my neck .
I become alive , just like you .
Beauty and the beast
Their situation a bit thorny
Please, wait! don't go!
I promise this wont be corny!

This fairy tale is quite disturbing
The plot, quickly, you are learning
About a girl oh-so deserving
And a Beast quite unnerving

Bell, which translates to "beauty"
Had quite the unlucky dad
For he promised her a rose
But came back with empty hand

Now, during his return
He stumbles upon a castle
Where hospitality awaited him
So, who was he to hassle?

While unbuckling his belt
And unbuttoning his clothes
He noticed something beautiful
Something called a rose

The most beautiful one he wanted to pluck
But, instead, he should have ducked
Because the Beast, he had much better luck
And Bells father was forced to give her up

Bell willingly lived with the beast
Where every night there was a feast
There was no passion, to say the least
But their friendship would never cease

Bell eventually became homesick
But the beast had his ways
He said she could see her family
But had to return in 7 days

Before sending Bell on her way
The beast gave her 2 things
One an enchanted mirror
The other an enchanted ring

Use this mirror to see me
Whenever you want to be near
But turn this ring three times
And instantly you'll be here

Jealous of her well being
Bells sisters lead her astray
Wanting the Beast to grow angry
They beg of her to stay

After feeling so much guilt
Bell looks into the mirror
Not only to find the Beast half dead
She uses the ring to see it clearer

The Beast is lying on the ground
His breath is weak, he makes no sound
Belle can't believe what she had found
She Screamed "I love you Beast, I love you now!"

The tears struck the beast
And he transformed into a prince!
He tells her about the fairy
Who turned him into this

I've found my true love
The curse was finally broken from me
My dearest Bell, Darling
Your love has awoken me you see

I used to be angry
So my fate was then sealed
But with your love and your faith
Our true beauty was revealed

You see this story has a moral
In order to live Happily ever after
You must look beyond the growl
And begin to cherish the laughter
Inspired by The Disney Classic, Beauty and the Beast
Valerie Csorba Dec 2014
I'll still love you
Even when you're the ugliest person I've ever seen.
Because that's what I do best;
Love the monster before it ever shows its face.

— The End —