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T L Addis Dec 2014
all these things led you here
the oversized headlines
of your father’s newspaper
and his father's before him
the pakistani shopkeeper
who accused you of stealing
whose bark roasted your pimpled face
the boy at college you flirted with
the tall boy with the sleek curtained hair
whose family had fled iraq
who made you laugh
and nudged your knees
who went to study medicine
and never texted you back
your dad’s boss
the fat Jamaican
who sacked him at easter
just a handful of years before his retirement
the girl at work
beautiful girl
in the headscarf
who married a man she’d never seen
and when you asked her
if he was a good man
she replied joyously ‘yes!
the best man!’
the many taxi drivers
who ferry you home
and overcharge you
watching you in the dark mirror
beetle eyes glistening
caressing the face you prepared so neatly
now blotchy and wet
ketchup clown
bloated in the window
the face of second generation ivory
all these things led you here
s Sep 2014
isn't it funny
how i kept writing a poetry about you
even all you did was hurted me

isn't it funny
how i always love you
even all you did was left me

isn't it funny
how i still put my high hopes
to you;
to someone who don't even have a heart but still living
May Sep 2014
I put words in to rhymes
and I call it poetry
my mind on paper
to help keep my sanity.
You may not like my poems
think they're basic and lacking
but my words are my art
from my heart that is cracking.
If you read through my soul
and find that you can relate
that's all I can ask for
from poets so great.
So give me critiques
cut my words down to size
make them bleed out
the feelings inside.
Help me, don't hurt me
just give me your wisdom
show me how to grow
and I'll feed off your criticism.
gsx Aug 2014
to live for tomorrow is to
live within your small rectangular box
and to cry about the smaller things
even when the box
shows you glimpses of bad things
and the rotators and coolers
grow tired and beg for death

and breathing for another day
is the action you treat dearly
with tomorrows oxygen in your body
and the worries of belt straps
and bad shoes
and overturned glasses
running through your blood like
the rage of a toddler
whose toy has been stolen

and you will move through the day
and see the little things
but without wonder
and the big with agitated disgust
and the prices and movement and sounds
will unnerve you like
the sitting box does when it
throws dead skin at you
under the cover of warmth
and the comfort of silence

and if that box is a home
and the world is alive
then you will be alone
and earth and wind will not bend to you
nor will the songs of those
who cry outside of the structure
who wail for a cause greater than
the man who ate the last donut
or the dictionary being the only book
in the hotel

and now love
now life
now the joy and tears that yield to nothing
and the chemicals that move us to places
we can never describe
they can wait for you
because your light bulbs haven't come yet
and if they had they wouldn't be turned on anyway
spoken word to a song i recorded, etc
The cold is all I've ever known.
My lonely heart is made of frost.
Never has it beaten yet,
not once has it been lost.

The heavy clouds that fills the sky
delivers ice and snow,
and every day I fiercely pray
for winds of spring to blow.

My brittle bones are aching,
longing for her touch.
A smile warmer than the sun
and eyes that shine as such.

She'll set my heart ablaze with love.
She'll kiss me on the lips
and through my body heat will spread
from toes to fingertips.

We stare into each others' eyes,
naked to the bone.
Still fully dressed, though, we know now
we'll never be alone.

Forever will I love her,
my summer buttercup,
and all she has to do
is simply showing up.
Please keep in mind when reading this that this is the very first poem that I have ever written. Also English is not my first language. This is a very simple poem with little depth to it, however I feel like it captures loneliness as an emotion pretty well.

— The End —