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Nina Campos Feb 2015
When you’re an artist you’re taught to critique masterpieces.
“What could you change about this piece?”
“Can you identify the medium?”
“What is the artist’s message?”
I’ve gutted dozens of artworks.
I ran through the lists identifying the
flaws and pin pointing the meanings.
But then I was struck with a piece
so beautiful that not even God
himself could view it for too long.
I searched for any flaw, I looked for the medium and was unlucky in my persuit. Though my peers could easily critique the piece, I could not.
The more time I spent with this art
It became even harder. So I started
searching for a meaning.
What was evident in my search was to stop looking. I figured I needed this piece in my home, but the price was far too high for my income.
I saved every penny I had, but with he competing bidders the price just rose and I fell short. Plagued by grief I finally realized that when you crave something so wonderful and unforgettable, you must keep trying to hold it dear.
From that day on I have not critiqued another piece, I’ve found my job unsatisfying.
I’ve been given a choice to let the piece go, but how could I let something so angelic fall into the crevices of hell?
more of a story
Cade Jan 2015
My wings, they tell me,
Open up, protect,
save them,

as gunfire riddles them, they scream,
save them, save them,
and i listen,
because they are me,

as feathers fall, on a setting sun,
they scream, they scream,
She screams, she screams,
No!, a single shout,
too late, too late,

i am screaming, as i die,
save them, save them,
save them from themselves,

i hit the ground,
the screams stop,
i have saved them, I have saved them,
Emotional  ramblings. Looks like I'm getting back into poetry, so expect more. Completely unedited and written in like 5 minutes, enjoy.
Seán Mac Falls Nov 2014
In a bed of snow  .  .  .
She and I as children flailed,
  .  .  .  Left imprints of wings.
Flesh scaling mossy rock,
trepidatious toes clamber on.
Seraphic sunlight beating down on naked back.
Approaching the edge of all fears.

Standing on the pinnacle.
Surrounded by the best friends in  the world.
all there is to do is let go forever.
brace the fall, elongate with majesty.

Rhythmic heart, beating on all cylinders.
Di Dum: Fear
Di Dum: Anxiety
Di Dum: Stress

End of celestial descent.
Arrival in ecstasy.
Piercing icy blue water,
rinsing away all woes.

Circles of smiles,
and unprecedented unity.
In nothingness,
therein lies the foundation of all things.

Euphonious drum of waterfall.
harmonious chimes of birdsong.
Velvet blanket of heart warmth.
Soul soothing of clear water.

Utopian infinities crystallizing.
Dream't like folklore and now realized.  
Naked as born with no things and everything.
Tight clothed and old with many things and nothing.
This is based on a dream i had, that was really the greatest dream that i can recall.

I don't think that i can quite articulate the beauty that i felt, so i may need to try again.

I've tied that in with a lot of themes about simply being human and how it's in the true human aspects of love one can find most happiness.

What with all the constant superficial media and consuming technology, it becomes very easy to forget; people are meant to be loved and things are meant to be used. Yet things are being loved and the people being used.

I think this adheres to a lot of the stress and anxieties that we face in our current times, and this is why i really wanted to reinforce that taking that leap and letting go, can release some of that. When you are truly in the moment, your fears are gone.

Daniel Allinson
KA Apr 2014
THE calm rolls over me as I stand frozen in front of her.
the light plays in the air,
angelic in form.

KT April 29, 2014

— The End —