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B 5d
Can’t I be free? Can’t I speak to my “president” and tell him to please, please, free me? Mr. President, what do you wish for me to do? Mr. President, what do you want to tell me? Mr. President, I never did anything to you, right? Mr. President, you are not my president. You are not my ******* president, got it? You won't be. Ever. Try as you might to take over my country, and try as you might to take over my body, you will never have power over my mind. I'm banned from sports but I'll still watch. From the sidelines I'll be watching yearning to play. Hope you know I wish for your demise every night. I wish for everything you stand for to crumble. So you’ll be right on my level, and I can say to you, “You are not my president, Mr. President, sir.” Even though I still can’t vote, I know whose side I’m on. So sign that order, Mr. President, ‘cause soon I’ll be there to spit on it. What have you got other than a pen? Money can burn.
He’s a peculiar star
he comes from TV
ambition is his sphere
and his every line is a trick

all know him a notorious liar
whose business is schadenfreude
but many curry his sweet favour
for he has the cowards fury
and an actors need to be flatter'd

He has no quality worthy of entertainment
but we must see him every hour
for he is an hourly promise-breaker
for rashness, superfluous folly and thievery
the world has noted, he has no historical equal

In moral retreat, he outruns any jockey
the treasures of his idolatrous worshipers
he straightway began to strip away, by tariff
too late their despair they will proclaim
but the misery will be well earned
Fool by bôa
TROUBLE (feat. Nikki Williams) by Parov Stelar
Who Let the **** out of the Bag by Tape Five
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge 03/04/25:
Schadenfreude = enjoyment at the troubles of others.

There’s a homeless man who lives in a tree in back of a bar here in New Haven, CT. I think he drinks Brut aftershave (there are empty bottles). I gave him my sunglasses and a dollar and he asked for a photo.
I feel like society stupider with each year that passes by
In an ocean of tears "cancel culture" has bred to cry
Going deeper and deeper into debt
A diving submarine
Deeper than bottom of world's largest explored ravine
No oxygen to saturate lungs because we keep cutting down forests
Is it just me or does it seem like to Earth the human race is nothing but tourists?
Just the smoke of warfare lingering once the end is reached
Solution that will save our planet is one we choose not to teach
I feel it is too late to make this sinking ship float
No light at end of tunnel
No safety net
No lifeboat
I don't believe in God above so there is nothing to rescue me now
Just shallows which are strewn with sharp rocks anyhow
Where the price of living increases quality of life plummets fast
Predators prowl
Disguised politicians controlling crowds amassed
Nights filled with sounds of crying infants and gunfire
Cats and dogs euthanized in shelters
Number growing ever higher
The majority of generation too busy clubbing to care
How come only a couple of us are aware?
Treating less fortunate like carpets on the floor
Unless happening to them issues are easier to ignore
Miniscule portion of millennials are willing to ***** their expensive boots
Rather dance to mindless beats
(That is until someone short-circuits and shoots)
That's what it necessitates for them to focus on what matters
Oblivious up to the instant their sensory defenses shatter
Then victims share their harrowing account
False sense of security revealed
They tally up the body count
Experiences that in past would change character for the greater
Now shrugged off with a wave
(As long as there's a compensator)
And the judicial system mostly for show
Judges and prosecutors more corrupt than population could know
I'm searching for tangible proof this is truly the "land-of-the-free"
If I establish this message until echoed will I have weapons pointed at me?
Our government abandoned us
Requests are seldom heard
Self-protecting entities whose morals are all blurred
The people stumble through mud looking for a light
Darkness used to divide us pretending there's only black-and-white
It's one extreme or other
Exists no in-between
Stuck inside the matrix distracted by a slow-motion routine
Cycle repeated historically at such length it's difficult to recognize
This facade is choreographed right in front of our very eyes
Meandering as if we are born lost sheep
Badly deficient of guidance
***** we're climbing too steep
We require a little push in the right direction
Declaring difference between patrol and protection
Each of us is so immersed in the pursuit of our own bliss
Don't realize in the process of grabbing we also fall into the abyss
And pull others with us so at least there's company there
When you're alone failure is much harder to bear
Reality is a ticking bomb nobody wants to face
If we don't figure out an answer eventually mankind will be erased
For things to become better we ALL must take a stand
Stop acting selfishly instead lend those suffering a hand
Some musings about the state of this country I am stuck in
Archer Feb 19
O Say, can you see
By the bonfire’s cries
What so fearful we strayed
As our kingdom was vain?

Whose broad stripes and bright stars
Ran from perilous fights
O’er to isolation
Were so anxiously leaving?

And the rocket’s red glare
Was a sign we don’t care
Still we gave up the fight
With our flag draping there

O Say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O’er the land of the “free” and the home of the “brave”
February 14th 2025,
The yearly anniversary of he who failed to fall,
To the crushing hand of prosecution.
The day, a symbol of love,
Congratulations Mr. Douglass,
That's what we got.
Happy birthday to a spirit of liberty,
And cheers to equal freedoms.
Fredrick Douglass was one of the most important men to ever grace America. His words and actions were essential to the battle for black equality. But not only did he strive to make this world a better place, he wrote too. My favorite poem by him is "Liberty."
Every day the world grows darker.
Every day my strength pales.
Every day I lose a bit more faith.
Every day he drags us further.

There might have been a time I'd be proud to be American-
     but the thought is now no more than shame.

I feel a burning brand upon my forehead,
stars and stripes carved into my arms
as red and blue pound behind the white
of my eyes.

Make America great?
     You've made us the laughing stock of the world
I don't know if I'll survive this
Archer Feb 3
Every bill passed
Every law enforced
And every punished person
And every broken door
Every wall built
Every motion managed
And every battered woman
And every mind damaged
Every code of conduct
Every regulation
And every callous worker
And every police station
Every constitution
Every consequence
And every carried hate crime
And every document
Every proclamation
Every orange dictator
And every child taken
And every righteous debater
All of them have suffered
All of them are dead
And all of them are falling
And all of them have bled
Geof Spavins Jan 28
The Brits, with their 'colour' and 'favour',  
Hold their spellings in high savour.  
But across the pond, Americans say,  
Why use a 'u' when it can be cast away?

'Organize' they cry, and 'realize' too,  
With 'zeds' replaced by 'zees' to make it all new.  
‘Catalogue’ trimmed to ‘catalog,’ for ease and for haste,  
While ‘theatre’ turns to ‘theater’ with no time to waste.

So here's to the quirks of the English tongue,  
Two ways to write, both right and wrong.  
Lazy or not, it’s diversity’s spice,  
Making our language a tad more precise.
In correspondence I "honour" and she "honors" to set me thinking
Robert Ippaso Jan 24
And now it starts,
And yes, I'm back at last,
Four years of trials and tribulations,
Capped off by this raucous jubilation.

I fought and won,
Proved them all wrong,
The denigrators,
The fake media perpetrators.

Now watch them squirm
As I storm into my term,
So much to do,
A solemn promise made to you.

I ask why was I spared,
When into death's eyes I clearly stared,
But when that moment I re-live,
This is what I’m here to now achieve:

Stop the woke,
Don't call a girl, a bloke.
Make us safe,
In this our home, our sacred place.

Make us strong,
So that bad actors do no wrong,
Aim to win,
Proving we are made of steel not puny tin.

Stem the divide,
For racism I simply shan't abide.
Democrats so played this ruse,
Our democracy to harness and abuse.

Let law and order thrive,
Reclaim our streets - our cities to revive,
Where children learn that doing right,
Is what gave our nation majesty and might.

For merit alone to be the glue,
So that we build and not undo,
Step up and take the strain,
Choose sunshine over rain.

Vet the folks that we let in
Ones that work and help us win;
Stop the thugs that sow despair,
See how much they truly dare.

My time may however prove too short,
But no promise made will I abort,
I’ll fight for you with all my might
To make our future prosperous and bright.

So thank-you America and watch this tale,
As the train to Woke I thoroughly derail,
No time to waste, I’m working fast,
Ensuring all that’s bad we quickly blast!
This is a parody of course - however pretty close to what Trump would say I'm sure.
If you stand strongly with and for Liberty
I will fearlessly join you
If you stand firmly for Freedom
I will cheer the noble gestures of your kingdom
If you stand enthusiastically for Equality
I will ecstatically stand with you too
If you stand for good democracy
I will help you spread the seeds of Love
I will happily clap when the doves are hovering above
If you stand solidly for fair and equal justice
I will help you ring the bells of peace
I will fervently pray for you all the time
I will sporadically listen to the tintinnabulation of the chime
Brothers and sisters, I have tears of hope in my eyes today
My pen is able and ready amidst the fray
And it won’t be so wise
Because I love my fellow human beings, our people
Who are black, red, white, yellow and purple.

P.S. This poem is dedicated to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and to our brothers and sisters.
Copyright © January 2025, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved.
Hébert Logerie is the author of several collections of poems.
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