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i wish to remind you:

a single drop of beauty
can make the entire
ocean worth swimming.

this is the divine alchemy
that guides our footsteps
in a seemingly dark world.

the courage to speak of
hope while standing at
the edge of improbability.

it is irrational.
it is insanity and madness.

but it is what we are.
so rejoice;

and stand above the chains of

~ z.s
K Balachandran Jul 2015
The soliloquy of the night,
what we think as
falling stars and meteors,
make time and space immaterial
in the transmission of pain across light years.

Sitting here alone, a sentinel
to pain's interplanetary travel,
and witness of it transforming
in  to other forms, eloquent,
I hear them when my eyes,
acquire a sense, primordial
receive the dark waves
of pain in my veins
a volcano palpitating to blow up
in to  fireworks of emotions.

Everywhere eyes could travel, is filled
by night, thick, gooey, agglutinated;
then the meditative darkness,
dreams up a beam of  gentle light,
out of its deep transcending yearning,
to speak to itself,to get  an alchemy work on that pain
then, the pain itself becomes a haunting journey with words
this ,is how  my love, my songs
in the midnight of my lonely soul, are born.
Sukanya Rajan May 2015
I'm everything at once and nothing at all.
I'm the sky, I'm the stars,
I'm the petals in the spring and the crimson leaves in the fall.
I'm the azure waters of a town quaint and afar,
I'm the cacophony of a city street buzzing with cars.

I'm happiness, I'm sorrow,
I'm yesterday, I'm tomorrow.

I'm the dark that envelops the light,
I'm the wrong stemming from rights.

I'm everything, and I'm nothing.
**All at once, or none at all.
XIII Apr 2015
To gain, something of equal value must be lost.
What I learned from Fullmetal Alchemist.
K Balachandran Mar 2015
Rain clouds, swirling emotions, crowd the horizon,
mind is taken over by wistfulness, sitting on her throne
of pain alone,the poet cradles her heart, to a trance she slips,
wings to a world, everything is possible----

melting heart's alchemy, builds a metaphoric edifice
she wills to live in it incognito for ever
none will discover this secret unless rarely an intrepid reader
without even knocking on the door comes in
perhaps, if a sweet suspicion arises, when resonating
with it's ambiguous core, and gets  a mute invitation,

the poem now is a lit house, in the pitch darkness of life
two inhabitants with different visions choose to live,
this house of metamorphosis, with increasing rooms
gets more visitors, who come and stay, at times they wish.

times invariably change, visitors swell or become a trickle,
the house well founded in the strength of a metaphor is alive,
around it's fireplace generations would huddle, find solace,
they hear the beats of thunderclaps and songs of pouring rain.
"Never write a poem on poetry; a meta poem is a bad idea" you certainly must have heard those words repeatedly.Still happens
Aaron Mullin Oct 2014
Is a realm where alchemy is alive and well
It resides in the aether making it difficult to envision
A place of dreams but if you are imaginative
There is also structure

Dreams without structure are just whispers of nothingness
Quickly dissipating
Without structure, dreams quickly fold back into the aether
Waiting for a less superfluous re-imagination

To make it on the physical plane, there must be roots
When dreams are infused with structure, roots can be found
There is potential that those dreams can wake up

When the dreams are provided with structure and
Are re-animated with function
Then we have a breath of life

Structure and function are what allows Us
To step out of dreamtime and into reality
To find the roots of that architecture you must have vision
Not see with your eyes vision, but a different type

This framework hasn’t always existed
Relations have created it
That’s why it’s recognizable
The framework are the laws, both natural and synthetic

It’s the place where duality and non-duality collide
It’s a place of transcendence
A place of truth
Maybe we can learn to see holistically here

Anisotropica has many functions
It’s art and science fused
It’s poetry and song and dance
And mathematics and physics and chemistry
It is an expression of sacred geometry
An amalgamation of binary and analog

The fusion of dreams and laws
Creates a space that can be mined for transcendence
A place where we can extend past many current limitations
It's a springboard to become who you are
Elaenor Aisling Sep 2014
I am of a strange alchemy.
Iron and tarnished silver,
with porcelain hands.
The rest feels like glass.
As though the smallest tremor
could send me falling
to shatter.
Kenshō Sep 2014
3 Paces North
from the old
moss grove
lies a magik
mystery tome!
stories past,
secrets of
never told.
The transcendent
orb you hold,
more real
than any

Trans·for·ma·tion is possible.
Maggie Emmett Jul 2014
The jet- black, coal-smeared dawn
of days afterwards
of starless nights
and moon less nights
of deep dark darkness
thick and sticky
pitch and oil
***** days of charred wood
and ash.                              

That scouring whiteness
that etching acid purity
of white heat metal days
The crisp starched sun-scented
wind sail sheet
smoothed flat peace flag days.
That white marble slab cool  
blanched forensic world
of questions and answers.

The sunset rusty reddening
pain deadening
leeching of the scarlet wash
crimson and vermilion
ruby berries and rose blush
blood tear letting
letting go.

No lead for gold - no alchemy here
No runes or trickery - no book of spells
No steady path of transformation
Just the heavy hollowed wreath
that black, white and red tricolour
of grief.

© M.L.Emmett
where can you find colour in grief? What magic or alchemy is possible? This is a poem about the red,black and white of loss
I am No where
I am No thing
Devoid of the promise
To let my heart sing
But the storm
She gathers so patient within
Cast into the sea
. . .
And so I see
Waves of illusion , a fleet of sin
All that remains of a God I miss
I know the welcoming darkness
At the edge of the abyss
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