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The time has come forth to ponder and think,
about the spiritual planes that are reluctantly unforeseen.
Of the dimensions that are surreal to those who use emotion and feel.
The mind creates an undeniable creation that disguises itself to be real.

Enduring and speculating on the thought of consciousness and love;
one will realize the reality of our minds perception defying the dogmatic breeding brawl.
Although our minds potential is finite and cleverly obscured;
we will begin to witness the marching of shooting stars so pure.

Imminently clear, we begin to reach a higher plane of degree.
Meditating to the point where we become one with the universe without plea.
Encompassing the ethereal and uncovering half-truths,
perceiving the ultimate correspondence intelligently and shrewd.

Where will one travel amidst the taunt of death and fear?
To a place that is all well too known, a herd of aimless tears.
Lacrimation will enlighten those when they have fallen in the solstices peak.
To experience a world that was previously known as a philosophical creation by the streams.

Metaphysical questions will mark its toll to the soul who learns to decipher no more.
Otherwise, contentions will cause despair and half truths will then have to bear.
Inducing a different consciousness to a degree not explored before;
one will embark on a alchemic journey of the mental transmutation to the inner soul.

Mental creation spurs the ****** of the universal degree of spirit and mind.
An illusion so concurrent to the law depicted within our eyes alter-mind.
Deception will avail to those who blindly believe they have prevailed;
when attempting to solve the riddle behind the creator of the tale.

By: Michael M. De La Fuente
Siddharth Ray Jun 2014
if I could rise up
as a Homer's character
and call for ruler
to ebb the inevitable
if I could call you
before its too late
and move my pawns upon you
casting alchemy
if I were to ever know
to define needs and desires
to be hysterically deviant
before it mattered
if I could have seen
what it would been
walking pavements with you
and having an alfresco meal
if I could have keyed
my grandfather’s watch
to exist again in the moment
and dwell on the thought
if I were to ever understand
the sound of clock and
fading pulse of our hearts
to be nigh analogues
if I could have
seen the world’s ends
and ranged my life
between the extremes
if I could have
borrowed your wings
for a span dolled over time
till the lapse of angst
could this be gnarling fate?
or just our folly?
leaving bated breaths and sighs
for there is no time
for there is no tomorrow
to accord with or may be confute
all the static beliefs and floating IFs
Weariness May 2014
Transmute from lead to gold this crooked soul.
Memories of times old create the whole.
I am unashamed to stand before God.
My spirit naked, covered with dirt and sod.

You did this to me yet I rolled the dice.
Forgot to check the trap - my fatal vice.
Dabbled with the darkened void in your heart.
Should have known it was rotten from the start.

Betrayal makes for a more grounded man.
Locking his emotions into a sealed can.
So I raise my head in bold defiance.
And slay that "God" with cynical science.

© Copyright Mr. James P Machen 26/08/2014 for viewing only. May not be replicated.
© Copyright Mr. James P Machen 26/08/2014 for viewing only. May not be replicated.
Deshawn L Downs May 2014
he watched as the sun set
on his daytime nightmare
the air was saturated wet
the frost clung to his hair
he looked at him for conformation
for the journey they were about to take
in this dire situation
a crucial decision he had to make
to travel to the holy land
in search of the philosophers stone
just to hold her in his hands
his sins, he will atone
he journeyed far and wide
for the secret to the power
and came back from the divide
upon the midnight hour
he knew what he had to do
to obtain just what he seeked
he slashed the villages throat
and drew mystic circles with their blood
the stone he did obtain that day
was wrote in stone and mud
he defied the laws of god and nature
in a single rash attempt
but the laws of god are tall in stature
his friend was gone, him full of contempt
before him was a mound of flesh
devoid of human soul
he lay there in his filth and blood
contemplating the just of god
plain English story (so this poem makes ):

a man lost his wife to a deadly and uncurable disease, leaving him a broken and depressed man. He hears grand tales of a man long ago who was able to create a philosophers stone by using alchemy, and bring back the dead. So with nothing left to lose he and his faithful dog set out to find or create his own philosophers stone in hopes t bring back his wife. After a few years of searching he comes back to the village a very changed man who looks like he has seen the worst humanity has to offer. He sacrifices everyone in his village in order to create the philosophers stone. But when he tries to bring back his dead wife, he succeeds to an extent but with a deep price. He lost his dog, his limbs, and everyone he ever loved, and only succeed in bringing back a mound of flesh without the soul of his wife. He then realizes that only god is able to interfere with life or death, and dies in a pool of his own blood.
Red Bergan Apr 2014
A gleam of white,
A flash of power.
A spice of Royalty.

Ingredients of that potion.
THAT potion of power.
OF Beauty.

The Potion of Truth,
Of Lies.

Tis the Potion of Life.
Malachi Filius Apr 2014
The warm, heavy breath that surrounds every inch of my body
Soaking my skin in a tight, hard shell
I can hardly keep my head above the waters
Taking my last breath
I sink
A cocoon
Wrapped within my heavy leaden thoughts and feelings
I'm consumed by no-thing
Slowly rising to my chest
Consuming as it ascends
Devouring what I considered me
Soon I can't remember what I even means
Slowly slowly slowly
Down down down
I go
Is there a bottom?
Is there a light?
All I can see and feel
Is a grey
That has no boundaries
No limit
As I sink perpetually
In the leaden waters
Taking me down
To god knows where
K Balachandran Apr 2014
None would imagine,
a benign imp,
blithe, light footed
triggers a surge
of aesthetic spasms
******* of the brain,
moves incognito
on this high podium
beside your chair
when you
read your poem
just like when you're
in a creative reverie

Every time it's a mystery
how she sets music
within every word
how then a rhythm
in progression
is unleashed
flowing in to your
poetic musings
to create an image concrete,
correlating to the wave
beating in your brain

Heart, soul and spirit
merge in to one
poetic words to mark
what your being gathered
from spring flower fields
and scorched earth alike

all the poet  gathered
at the receiving end
of the slings and arrows
of outrageous fortune,
is set in tune,
all of you gathered here
for the poetry session
walking through the labyrinths
inebriated by poetic wine,
munch yourself bit by bit
in the cadence of poetic beats,
as past, present and dreams
in many small instalments
pour in from the beginning.

What the poet offers
takes, each one listener
to a world different,
one begets many
images proliferate.
They will relish all this
and be born again
within themselves
later on, leisurely with light
peeping out of their eyes,
an alchemy none can explain
A poem,  creates an effect different in every reader
each image creates a correlative different in each person
which is the imp that creates the kaleidoscopic effect
within each reader?How each one gets impacted differently?
You'll be initiated,
when you are ready.

Life knows,
and the initiation rites
are waiting.

Where you are holding,
you will be broken.

Where you've lost heart,
you will be shaken.

Where you are careless,
you'll meet your neglect.

What you are averse to,
will be total and stark.

What you are attached to,
will be pried from your grips.

Ignorance will be
wrought with vision,
a burning,
to make you see.

You are loved so much
that you will be engulfed in
the flames
of loves fire,
in order to
ignite your own
hearts flames,
and fulfill loves destiny.
Alchemical change will ensue,
destroying you,
to make way for
new love.

Licked by some Hellish ordeal,
Ambivalence gives way to Engagement,
Rage engenders Clarity,
Anxiety becomes Inspiration,
Apathy roars into Feeling,
Melancholy imbues it's Depth,
Licked by some Heavenly delight.

Phoenixed, you'll fly,
the hero of your own journey,
wielding revelatory fire,
with great Wisdom
and Compassion,
a Gestalt,

The circle closes,
it is a spiral,
to the beginning,
of another

— The End —