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breeze Nov 2019
As I’m standing at the balcony
While the city is asleep,
I’m the part of cosmos’ alchemy,
Facing meaning of the deep.

I’m not lonely in such atmosphere,
No need longing for the speech
As I feel all struggles disappear
While my mind is getting rich.
Oh the nighttime
Oh the light moon
Can’t forget you
Felt the wind blew
Made that vibe due

I don’t really know how to name and type it as it meant to be the song and now I am thinking of it as a ballad or rhyming poem.
To boldly go where no mind has gone before.

We are soul-sailors,
Navigators of the spirit.

In altered states of awareness
we will explore consciousness
to the limits of our understanding
and beyond.
We know not
What we might find.

Were existence a sandbox
and the psyche, our playground.

We charter the ever-renewing realms of mind
in our perpetual journey
to define this phenomenal life. The true psychonaut
can weather Absurdus, accept it
and venture on.

Life is chemical;
Welcome to The Entheon:

In transcendention we become
champions of the empyrean.
Our purpose is entheos,
For in our very being
the greatest of discoveries will be made.

We would travel to the hallowed temples of beyond,
A metaphysical pilgrimage (some with use of the compounds).
Our places of worship have no words, we name them:
The Empathion,
The Psychedelion
We pray to them, with them, in them.
They are processes, places within which we can comprehend,
A modulation of mental activity, configurations of mind.

Please remember these two things: choice and ceremony.
Dedicated to Shura & Alice Borodin.
annh Sep 2019
They spoke to me of evenfall and dayspring, the solstice and the equinox. They sang of eras, epochs, and eons. On indigo nights, they whispered in the owl light of alchemy and enchantment, wreathing my cot with an iridescence which illuminated my dreams and begentled my slumber.

At Hallowtide, they scribed lyrical pathways in the air and sculpted rainbow arcs. They celebrated the vernal majesty of April and October's autumnal reprise with moonglade pageantry and sunset flourishes. They conjured blackberry winters and gypsy summers, and laughed at my amazement, as if to say: ‘Told you so!’

As the years departed my second decade and encroached alarmingly upon my third, I began to question why they had chosen me; why we walked together apart and apart together. I wondered where the magic ended and I began, and I realised with the bone-breaking chill of the unwelcome inevitable, just how lost I would be without it.

‘Magic exists. Who can doubt it, when there are rainbows and wildflowers, the music of the wind and the silence of the stars?’
- Nora Roberts
Chip Wheatly Aug 2019
The Alchemist made potions
he had a workshop, mysterious
it was ever in motion
the atmosphere, serious

the walls were covered in books
tomes of questionable origin
apparatus to cook
and a rusty old storage bin

spoked wheels spun
pistons reciprocated
condensers did hum
solids liquidated

viscous and translucent
solutions illuminated
slightly florescent
masses accumulated

he will put it on heat
and add a caustic injection
hit a switch at his feet
and pause for reflection

all the ingredients
for his ultimate goal
he could finally achieve it
turn iron to gold!
jayebird Jun 2019
After all i've earned them
the subtle pull
and swift replacement,
    the golden gain gifted
     from a soul dentist
I accept the strange medicine and sense
Suddenly my core forever
chasing the great
sulfur in circles as I fall adrift
    The wanting sleep which
     closes all eyes after end of sky
Behind mine observes a screen of
Out-knocked teeth and offput blood
Pft out in a porcelian sink
The glass just above
displays swollen
  tears and my
Soul transforming from
Learned lead and
cold iron into
August and
Nothing bleak like my
Now unique two front
It takes awhile but
I have a new smile at me
Twist the
Brass doorknob upside down
on it's axis and
Walk away from the abuse cycle owning
The tired metal middle
of earth cracking
Outer mold revealing a
Levitating ball of God who
Now unbound
Seeks six-thirty post midnight
High plains and
Holy painted solace
With bruises yellowing
I scream drive
into tunnels where the
warm streetlights racing in
my periphery
know I am the glowing go of life
And will never grow old despite
Losing a couple given ones
This is a vague story about someone who had their two front teeth knocked out by a punch from someone close to them, and now has two golden teeth. It is a poem about accepting their self as beautiful and worthy after an abusive relationship. It is about renewal and resplendant transformation. The subjects perspective has also expanded past their story and looks to the sky and universe for their source of love. I hope this inspires anyone who has been through physical abuse and knows the struggle of finding their peace again.
Mystic Ink Plus May 2019
For once
Inspire me
While crossing my mind

And guess what?
You will
Turn out
To be an unapologetic

Remember that
Genre: Romantic Inspirational
Theme: Nothing beside Vibes
Mystic Ink Plus Apr 2019
Give it a hunch of happiness
See how gracefully
It blooms

Give it vibes of pain
See how carefully
It hides
Genre: Observational
Theme: Examined Life
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