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Stuck like a fly, I'm paralyzed by choices
Everything needs to get done
But like Ouroboros, eating his own tail
The tasks are a circle with every place to start requiring a different task to be done
It's a sisyphean struggle to get started on most things
Yet words are my escape
I share my dreams with others
As their stories flow into me
My consciousness recedes
Rarely enough to have  complete silence
But even whispers are a relief
From the thunderous yells
"You're just lazy!" and "You'll never amount to anything."
Those words and more echo through my mind
Every second of every minute of every day.
Wistful "if only"'s of impossible scenarios
Are my constant refrain
All efforts I make turn to ash and dust
Just taking the next step, the next breath is a fight
It's feels like it's me against the world
And that weight is heavier than I can hold
Sometimes, the darkest days give the most inspiration, while others choke the will to survive. And little by little its grip tightens, it won't get me today.
A constant craving
The laundry just sits and sits
The itch that won’t scratch
I'm a rectified nut. An idea ****.
I'm fine, as long as I hide the signs.
It's whispering lines in my sleep
that makes my secrets
hard to keep.
I'll try. but really just don't care
I don't care if
you stand and stare
I'll wear a tutu
get your own
and it goes quiet
and I'm alone.
The fizzy clouds and fluffy pop
this lucid world
confuse me not
for I am paper, you are rock
and I'm the key
and I'm the lock.
Pick up the pace and race on forth
I'm bored, this world just won't move forward.
"Mundane, find I
the sounds of day."
Good lord, don't judge by what I say.
It's true, we met when we were young,
But since then we've not got along,
You choose I and I choose We,
I think your mind is alien to me.
About: My struggle to cooperate with my own mind and habits.
I took some time
You knew at sight
I knew we’d fight
You crossed the line

I’ve tried my best
You’ve had a few
I’ve paid the dues
You’ve got the rest

I’ll bear the weight
You’ll bare the cost
I’ll still be lost
You’ll still be late

I’m in our bed
You’re overseas
I’m in the weeds
You’re on my head

I grab the wheels
You’re home at four
I’m out the door
You’re on my heels
for J. P.
the ones that teach you,
who lift you up over
their heads in
good faith;
these are their stories.
Pixie Mar 6
There was no magic manual that was given when you gave birth to me
But if there was you would have failed miserably
Even if the answers were written in dark red ink
They wouldn't have given anyone time to think
That maybe the magic mannual that came for me is wrong
Because nothing is fixing me it's taking too long.

But if that magic mannual was real
It would tell them I didn't need fixed
If there was a guide book on how to help
It would tell them to breathe with me
If there were check lists on what to do
Would they have even gone through
With helping me or was I just the enemy

It shouldn't have taken a doctor
It shouldn't have taken a stay
It shouldn't taken anything
Besides them just spending one day
Talking to me helping me working with me side by side
I was too young to bare the weight of wanting to die

And that's why even if the magical manual did exist
My parents wouldn't care. They would be ******
That the efforts they were already exhausting wasn't enough
They didn't have the energy for me
They just wanted to use tough love.
But I was a fragile gentle child
Who needed a hug.

I know there's not a magical manual
And especially not for me
But why did my parents give up so tirelessly
When I was struggling endlessly
Complex and matter of factly.

My magic manual mediates the troubles in face.
If it were real maybe I would have gotten some grace.
My magical manual says it there in the fine print
This little girl came with a few dents.
Pixie Feb 11
Beyond the hills, they understood me,
In the quiet of my mind, I am seen.
Then my eyes are ripped open, the world hits me like a wave, the anger thick and metallic in my mouth. My pulse races, my skin aches — everything feels too loud, too bright, too much. I can’t escape, and the weight of it all is crushing me, like a  drop of water dripping constantly.

I was not a problem child,
I was a child with a problem That caused me to process the world in patterns and pieces instead of as a whole. I wasn't a puzzle I just needed stability in the home.

Around the river and down the path they supported me
But I'm laying in bed instead
Paralyzed in my own skin, stuck in the chaos of my mind.
Hearing their words on repeat and rewind
Lazy lazy lazy
Try harder try harder try harder
You're a liar liar liar
But I'm trying my hardest I'm doing my best  and the weight of their disbelief presses heavily on my chest. It's thick and suffocating they can't see the mental war inside of me, just the absence of my results. I regret to inform you that It wasn't laziness but invisibility that was a plague to me.

Even when I mixed up my letters and struggled to sit still. I could never be quite and my mind spun like a windmil, running 3 miles a minute,  my mind has never known silence and peace. Though somehow to them  it was always a calculated plan. I would manipulate them with ease.

Fear claws at me, a constant gnawing,
My head starts spinning, and the weight of failure bears down.
I avoid, I freeze, my mind a storm, afraid of failure and afraid to try creating a tornado of paralysis in my mind
I try to speak, but my words are tangled in knots.
no matter the effort and energy I use
It always seems to be reduced, in their minds,
It's all a tactical plan, a game I play to illict attention, even if I lack having an attention span.

When my brain can't comprehend the world in a typical way, I'm told I just need to grow up and deal with the pain.

Lacking the ability to thrive as a child, no one to support the way my brain had been wired, falling deeper and deeper into the role of a liar.

I'm too smart to struggle
I don't apply myself and I lack the ability to juggle multiple tasks
They swear I'm lazy
And I know I'm not good enough for the world they made for me
I can hardly talk to the cashier ladies
I need to improve my work ethic
I need to apply myself.
But what good is trying when you already know you're piling information on top of itsself, crashing and malfunctioning, the system creating coding errors, measured in dysfunction and despair.

Sitting on top of the tree, the branches hug me as I lean into them. I can't be lazy if I climbed all the way up here. I can't be dumb if I know how to get down. I know that what I feel is normalized as unproblematic in my parents town. I can see beyond my struggles and I know I have the ability to succeed. I excell in subject that are beyond me, even if I lack basic literacy and feel lonely.

Everything is normal nothing is symptomatic I'm just being dramatic I'm only a child and children like me can't have that.

Feeling the breeze hit me, and taking in all the shame, I struggle to understand myself and I lack the ability to make it a game. My struggles slip through the cracks and I'm always met with attacks. The fact remains the same that imposter will always be attached to my name

My feelings slip through my finger tips, like sand in the wind. I reach for them on the wheel, but the words dissolve before I grasp them, not even having names. only shapes, fleeting like shadows. Hiding behind the walls. There is not one word to describe this pain at all.

Failing to help regulate my constantly  unregulated body and speculating my motives. Constantly on the edge of our seats fighting for my mind to just be right. Hoping for us to all feel peace

Down by meadow surrounded by flowers, I hear the wind and I know the truth at last. I needed support and a helping hand. A routine and someone to try and understand. Someone to help me find peace within myself and not find chaos in their judgement . I wasn't the problem, I needed to be seen, not as a puzzle but as a whole piece. It was the world at hand not being built for a brain that  processes information like I can
Anyone else need to use the wheel of emotions to figure out what they're feelings
muizz Dec 2024
I can shape my plans with clarity,
But fate’s still drawn in mystery -
What’s hidden lies beyond my sight,
And only God knows what’s truly right.

I seek to be the mirror that reflects minds, uncovering shadows and light within, or -
I could be the sun that lights their way,
Guiding seeds to bloom in the day -
Turning boys to men, girls to queens,
fulfilling their lofty dreams.

I am a wanderer in the ocean of thoughts,
I ponder deeply,
In the realms of reason, I tread,
Countless journeys of inquiry I embark,
For I am a wanderer in the ocean of thoughts.
I am an overthinker poet.
Bonnabelle Reed Dec 2024
and do something
that will be
impactful during
a time filled with glee
an unmade bed
a basket of laundry
messages unread
missing assignments
college applications
half finished projects
acrylic stained station
leave me alone
ctrl + a
if i could start
a tabula rasa
maybe i could
have my own wikipedia
but instead i'm now
unable to move
go with the flow
get in the groove
rid me of
the chemical imbalance
behind my eyes
and above my throat
it consistently lies
did you know that
it's freezing without a coat?
thoughts on executive dysfunction.
Pierce Samuel Nov 2024
How much abuse faced
By the divergent kids
Not even traced
Back to the inhuman grids

The thought of difference, frightening
Coursing by the lust for control
Deforming them by touching
The most vulnerable parts of the soul

The title vulnerable graffitied over valuable
Innovation of this generation unbound
Not differently-abled, but disabled
Abuse goes on, the kids are not found
Hey!! This is about being neurodivergent lol
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