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A look at the sky
a shower of shooting stars—
a dream come true
My best friend died
My boyfriend said he hates me
And I've been thinking lately
That it's not all in my head
I broke my mirror last week
I can't stand my own reflection
It was just some raw emotion
I can't wait for my damnation
Because girls like me
We don't get salvation
I sleep with my rosary
But God still isn't listening
I could tell my mom I’m sorry
But I doubt she would forgive me
And really I can't blame her
Because sinners come from sinners
I can't wait to die
Or maybe I'm just twenty-five.
I wrote this 2 years ago when I was certain the world was going to implode around me. It didn't.
ZACK GRAM Nov 2024
20 Mill A Minute
20 40 60 80 100
125 5 mins in
Tax relief celebrate
At rates higher then your whole life
25 bill an hour
Sneak dissappear always frunt n
Soft face
Maserati sold 1 ton
Chain to big
Bills 2 tall
End to end
Wrap this earth 10
20 mill a min
20 40 60 80 100
25 billion 1 hour
20 mill
Ginelle Apr 2024
The very first time I remember you, we're playing tag in the schoolyard,
and you're chasing me through the fields, and I love you.
The next time I remember you, I’ve fallen in the fields
I search for you through teary eyes, but only see that you don’t love me back.
I've stopped trying to find a universe where you help me up from my fall,
because the end result always stays the same. In every version, my heart still calls your name.
Our love is always tumultuous, and you always ask for forgiveness. You attribute it to my kindness, but I reserve my sentiments as wistfulness.
I flick through our multiverse of madness like a child’s storybook,
trying to find where it went wrong and if there is a universe where it could be repaired.
In alternate realities, I watch as you’ve declared your love for someone else. Each time I rewind is like a dagger through my chest.
Ah, but I don’t blame you; I’ll never burn as brilliantly as you. I’d chase you across ten, twenty-five, a hundred lifetimes until I find the one where you’ll return to me.
original poem:
Amelia Sep 2020
Whenever I got hurt it goes deeply linked with my past wounds.
Though I wasn’t scared to feel all of those at the same time,
I’m always scared I’ll hurt you every time.
I’m sorry I didn’t know how to accept and give love,
I’m sorry for all I know is how to be miserable.
Nat Lipstadt Jun 2016


nearby distant,
the soft thrash of warm waves
lapping interlocking,
happily wet tongue kissing,
sun-oven precision-crisping
the Long Island striped bass
and porgies, at a surreal cooling
77 degrees

Pandora synced to his eyes,
shuffling freely,
by saying
we too see!!
playing for him,
Stairway to Heaven (Led Zeppelin)

poor, poor poet,
strains to brain drain one more time,
conducting an ogling googling word search
for those combinatory storied ones that
sailboat glide
all the while
wildly bursting with Pellegrino effervescence

compromising sounds sights,
to present
properly the balance,
to preserve
properly this moment,
peaceful alive for all times,
as poet has tried,
and failed so many times before...

the caw caw caw of the crow mocks the illiterate human,
for the bird calls it, in single sound perfect and
the human a laughingstock,
for not in his possess,
to capture this perfect moment
of human sabbath.

a Roman Saturn day of rest,
on this day that itself,
is perfection,
perfect for celebrating our common creation,
on a day that our
almost-all-agreed-upon calendar
is marked for us to
forte rest,
from an existence of just laborious

the chubby checkered cheeked squirrels
laughingly pauses,
watching, enjoying a poet's struggle,
mind boggle,
the poet's chubby cheeks
stuffed with discarded words,
all insufficient to capture
the absolution of
absolute beauty

bathing in the noisiest of nature's sounds,
all that contravene the silence of living things,
breathing prayerful thoughts that all
summary end,
with a common gesture of
forefinger upon the lips

a human acknowledgment of
utter obeisance to the forces
calling out by example

listen, see!

silently presenting,

a day that demanded perfection
Karijinbba May 2020
A lifetime suffered a lost love be found wearing no mask
but lovers wore many
each time we crossed roads again.
Now a mandatory sinester splinter
requiring mask as chip to buy food,
is implemented overnight.

I was hunted down trashed for years
and wished I wore masks for safety. prayed long my enemies be isolated from staining my treasures with distrust.

dreamt to be loved regardless of race creed nationality or social status;
we all seem faceless prompting
equality but, are we just one race?
Are we really faceless underneath macabre fear stained masks?

Now everyone good and evil tastes a bit of their own enforced medicine
on locked down mode eat sleep
isolating themselves just like they did me
this offeres no justice no relief
This pandemic universal malady
seeing no class no status
our abodes or manssions are prisons prisons for our mind!
clipping our last freedom wings
we are so tired of wars after wars.
Louis Amstrong song
"What a Wonderful World"
just keeps popping in mind at
6:49 AM George Noory radio show
Have we surrendered our freedoms
for safety to live life free-less?
Do we then deserve any?

Isolated years endured has saved me from untimely death where enemies
ploted profiting from my demise.

I remain aware awake enough to understand there's a cat inside this
Pandora's box lid closed up quickly.
Governments hording many a secret
unreleased but what is the mystery?

The value of liberating truth
is the price placed on a lie
sold to us all for mare peanuts
to keep us asleep sheeply
masked obeying or else
face illness untimely death,
distrusting all even ourselves,
is the new way of life the big change.

Can the world ever trust anything
anyone entity government
friend family stranger?
We aren't cowards nor lack courage
we are exausted enough to give up
surely temporarily though
for the human spirit relentless is
resilient outwordly born free
like you, like me, like us.

ditch the masks accept no chips
Let's grab this weird dictatirial change
by it's ugly covert horns.
30 million unemployed Americans out of 360 million throughout North America Usa..
letters to basil May 2020
dear quinn,

you have
every right
to push  
people away.

but that doesn't mean
you have to.

it doesn't make it better.

i would know,
get some fresh air. and keep those you love close to you. as close as you can get them. because you cannot know when you will lose them, lovely.

thank you for reading my words <3

Geoffrey Adams Mar 2020
Poison is all that's on my mind.
I could go out in edgy flair
By the point of a dagger
Or, I could disappear by poison.
Free myself from this cage with cyanide
A sleepy, seamless death.
No marks
No pain
Just true freedom.
No more drugs pumping through my body to stall while death is lurking
Maybe then
I could finally be released of the pain I hold in my chest
The pain of a thousand wishes and hopes orphaned
I'll never be worthwhile.
I know that.
May this last vision
To some so vile
Be carried out for once in my life.
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